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Valmistalon evoluutio suomalaisen puutaloteollisuuden mainoskuvastoissa 1980-2000-luvuilla
Published 2013“…The study is conducted with qualitative methods and attempts to achieve a comprehensive understanding of the phenomenon. …”
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Peruskoulutuskauden fyysinen kuormittavuus varusmiespalveluksen aikana
Published 2012“…Training load of basic training period was remarkable and paralled with the training load of elite athletes during the training and competition period. …”
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The effect of nutrition on physiological responses of resistance training in muscle and blood in young men
Published 2014“…Lihassolutyypit määritettiin histokemiallisella ATPaasi värjäyksellä (Brooke & Kaiser 1970). Lihassolujen koot määriteltiin anti-dystrofiini vasta-aineella. …”
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Live as you wish and ruin your life : Haybron on unhappiness and well-being
Published 2014“…In this approach, a person is capable of attaining the good life when she chooses, after critical reflexion, the standards of the different practices in which she participates as a member of a community. …”
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Timing of reproductive effort as an alternative mating strategy in young black grouse (Tetrao tetrix) males
Published 2014“…The behavioural (lek attendance and fighting rate) features of yearling and adult males were compared, and the effect of morphological (body mass and tail length) traits on the behaviour were studied. …”
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Immunological priming in the wood tiger moth (Parasemia plantaginis)
Published 2014“…Since the prior E. coli exposure did not provide protection against ATCC#13880 injection, the priming could be regarded as specific to ATCC#13880. …”
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Deindustrialisaatio ja muutoksen hallinta Kouvolassa
Published 2015“…Creating new replacing jobs and adjusting public finance are some of the attempted measures to cope with the changed situation. …”
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Yläkoulun biologian ympäristökurssin vaikutus oppilaiden ympäristö- ja kulutusasenteisiin
Published 2015“…The course had a slightly positive impact on young people's environmental and consuming attitudes. The environmental and consuming attitudes had also a positive correlation. …”
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When identity becomes political : the Russophone population of Moldova in social media
Published 2015“…Together these themes form a fairly wide image of the political attitudes of this group of people. The theoretical basis of the work consists of concepts of political identity, nationalism, and geopolitics. …”
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Ympäristövastuullisuuden edistäminen seurakunnissa : johdon rooli työntekijöiden sitouttamisessa
Published 2016“…The attitudes were very good in the first term of the diploma in the parishes. …”
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Suoritusanalyysi painonnostossa
Published 2017“…Technology and performance analysis may assist in improving the quality of training and coaching and optimize the progress and ultimately, help the athlete succeed in competitions. …”
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The effect of environmental fluctuations on the invasion success of bacterial invader Serratia marcescens
Published 2017“…Overall, my results indicate that in the future, the traits of the invader, the attributes of its native competitors and the environmental conditions during invasion need to be considered together when predicting the success of the invasive species under fluctuating conditions. …”
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Nuorten tekemät ruokavalinnat ja osallisuus peruskoulun toimintaan
Published 2018“…Vain reilu kolmannes syö koululounaan kaikki aterianosat. Moni nuori ei ole osallistunut koulunsa toiminnan suunnitteluun tai järjestämiseen eikä koe tulleensa kuulluksi koulussaan. …”
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Suomen kielen asema monikielisessä vastaanottokeskuksessa
Published 2017“…Asylsökarnas framtid i Finland är ofta osäker, vilket leder till att attityden samt motivationen för att engagera sig i det finska språket varierar; en del av deltagarna i studien vill hellre lära sig finska, andra svenska. …”
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Tervetuloa mun päivään - ja elämään! : yksityisen ja julkisen rajanteko suomalaisten nais- ja miestubettajien my day -videoilla
Published 2017“…In semi-public spaces, it seems that the YouTubers attempt to protect themselves from the attention of others in those spaces using passive filming style. …”
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Victims or activists? : a critical discourse analysis on the roles of women and women’s activism in the fight against Boko Haram in Nigeria
Published 2019“…Furthermore, the study recommends increased investments in female education in order to change attitudes on women’s roles and enhance gender equality. …”
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Political themes in political memes : understanding the intent and prevalence of political online memes
Published 2019“…Online memes have become an intricate part of political participation in the online world, whether it involves voicing one’s opinions or attempting to influence other users, memes offer a plethora of information in a small compact form. …”
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Vertaisohjaajien osallisuuden rakentuminen kulttuuripajatoiminnassa
Published 2019“…Culture is nowadays often a part of social services and different kind of activities and studies draw attention to the social impacts of culture and creative activities. …”
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Clashing over commemoration : the memory politics of Sandarmokh
Published 2021“…The discourse surrounding the topic is also restricted, as only those historians are given attention who support the state’s interpretation of history, whereas those who present criticism can be excluded from the discourse or labeled otherwise suspicious. …”
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Communicating employer brand for an international audience : a collective case study of three career webpages
Published 2021“…A report by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland states that Finland has not been remarkably attractive so far among the experts looking to migrate (March 15, 2021). …”
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