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Aivojen subkortikaalisten rakenteiden morfometrian yhteys motoriseen suorituskykyyn CP-vammaisilla lapsilla
Published 2022“…Controlling for total brain volume attenuated the between groups effect slightly (p ≤ 0,001–0,040), but overall, the volumes were significantly lower in CP compared to TD. …”
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Aerobisen kapasiteetin vaikutus palautumiseen kamppailulajeissa
Published 2022“…In this study there were 20 subjects that were combat sport hobbyists and/or athletes. In the preliminary tests subjects’ maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max 47,3 ± 7,1 ml/min/kg) and corresponding maximum power (Pmax 312 ± 36 W) were measured. …”
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Työssäoppimisen koetut merkitykset ammatilliselle kasvulle liikunnanohjauksen perustutkinto-opiskelijoilla
Published 2023“…In conclusion, the study suggests that the significance of on-the-job training for professional growth lies in the guidance, support, and sense of community provided by the on-the-job training site, the learning experiences related to sports instructing expertise and job skills, personal motivation and attitude, and future-oriented thinking and career planning. …”
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Är könsindelningen nödvändig i skolgymnastiken?
Published 2023“…Vissa forskningsresultat var motstridiga med varandra som kan tyda på att det är gruppdynamiken som gör att eleverna trivs i gruppen som de indelats till. …”
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Vaaliennusteiden laadinta perustuen Twitter-palvelusta louhittuun dataan
Published 2017“…In addition to this I will attempt to define how the accuracy of forecasts based on Twitter data can be improved and whether it is possible to utilize Twitter users’ messages in election forecast creation in Finland as well. …”
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Naisjalkapalloilijan suhteellinen energiavaje
Published 2022“…Naisjalkapalloilijan energiansaatavuuden, terveyden ja suorituskyvyn kannalta keskeisiä asioita ovat riittävä energiansaanti, sopiva ateriarytmi sekä riittävä hiilihydraattien sekä nesteen saanti. …”
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Inertiamittausyksiköiden ja gps-laitteiden käyttö urheilussa
Published 2018“…Both technologies can provide means for the athlete to enhance performance and prevent injuries in real time. …”
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Mobiilimaksamisen turvallisuusuhat ja niiden torjunta
Published 2018“…The popularity of mobile payment is projected rise significantly in the following years and security is one of the most important aspects regard- ing customer acceptance. Security is key attribute for mobile payment systems due to the sensitive information that they process. …”
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Kiristyshaittaohjelmahyökkäysten kohteiden valikoituminen
Published 2022“…The technical implementation of the malware, the ransomware business model, and the area of attack are constantly changing, challenging the ability of companies and government actors to anticipate attacks. …”
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IT-innovaatioiden vastustuksen muotoja ja myötävaikuttajia
Published 2016“…Adoption of innovations and technology are popular and well researched topics whereas the resistance of these subjects has been left with considerably less attention, although its relevancy in understanding the adoption of technology and innovations is critical. …”
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Ikäteknologia ja sen omaksuttavuus
Published 2021“…It is important to pay attention to the needs of the elderly people and the use of accessibility in a familiar and safe environment when designing age technologies. …”
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Kotikäyttäjän tietoturvakäyttäytymiseen vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2022“…The literature research showed that the most significant factors influencing a user's security behavior are information security awareness, attitude, self-efficacy, subjective and descriptive norms, and the user's previous experiences. …”
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Liikuntateknologia huippusuunnistajan harjoittelun tukena
Published 2024“…It seems like that elite orienteers have found their favourite digital training log platform and athletes know how to use different kinf of tools, like GPS-data combined to recorded video analysis as a part of analyzing their performance. …”
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Sosiaalisen median vaikuttajien tuottaman sisällön ja markkinoinnin vaikutukset nuoriin
Published 2020“…On the other hand, since young people view social media influencers as reliable and trustworthy, there is potential for influencers to affect young people’s attitudes and purchasing decisions positively. …”
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Verkkokauppojen suosittelujärjestelmät ja niiden vaikutukset käyttäjäkokemukseen
Published 2014“…Factors that influence the overall user experience are the quality of recommendations, ease of use and learnability, control over the system and transparency, customization and user profiles, user’s beliefs and attitudes, and the feeling of trust, as well as the feeling of privacy. …”
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Koneoppiminen kyberhyökkäyksissä
Published 2018“…One of the main findings of the literature review was a taxonomy for attacks against machine learning systems. The three axes defined for classifying cyberattacks include the attacker’s ability to affect the model’s training data, quality of information security violation and intended scope of the attack. …”
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Kyberturvallisuuden strateginen johtaminen yrityksissä
Published 2020“…The rapid advancement of digitalization accelerating growth rate pose challenges to cyber security as cyber threats become more common and these threats change with digitalization. Attacks on the cyber space are now likely to cause great damage, so cyber security plays a major in all areas of society. …”
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Informaatiotulvan hallitseminen tekoälyllä
Published 2017“…Artificial selective attention agent equipped with a selective attention filter can be successful personal assistants of humans. …”
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Liikuntateknologian hyödyntäminen huippu-urheilussa
Published 2018“…This thesis tries to answer how the athletes, coaches, organizations and audience can utilize sport technology. …”
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Eettinen hakkerointi osana järjestelmän tietoturvaa
Published 2019“…This raises the amount of attacks against these systems and forces companies and organizations to put more emphasis on their information security. …”
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