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Ikäsidonnaisen kognitiivisen heikentymisen vaikutus käyttäjäkokemukseen
Published 2016“…There are notable aging-related changes related to the decline of spatial ability, fluid intelligence, working memory and processing speed. Also, the attentional vulnerability, mental model inaccuracy and the inability to create an automated response are undoubtedly related to aging. …”
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SCADA-järjestelmien kyberturvallisuuden erityispiirteet ja parantaminen
Published 2019“…This exposes SCADA-systems to new kinds of cyber threats and attacks. In addition, it was found that there are many practices and methods for improving cybersecurity. …”
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Muutosvastarinnan ennaltaehkäisy kuntien ja kuntien kaltaisten organisaatioiden tietojärjestelmäprojekteissa
Published 2019“…The reasons for the resistance were in particular the lack of management skills, the negative attitude of colleagues towards the change and the fact that the negative aspects of the change were perceived as greater than the positive. …”
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Kuluttajien mobiilimaksamisen käyttöönottoon ja omaksumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2020“…The dissertation explains that the strongest impact on consumers’ acceptance of mobile payments are consumers’ attitude and perceived utility and ease-of-use of the technology. …”
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Videoiden merkitys yritysten sisällöntuotannon välineenä sosiaalisessa mediassa
Published 2020“…Videos help to create positive attitudes about the company and strengthen the custo- mers’ engagement towards the company and the brand. …”
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Käytettävyyden tärkeys uudessa mobiililaitteessa ja järjestelmässä
Published 2020“…These five attributes can be further refined with a long list of things to consider when planning the usability of a device or system. …”
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Virtuaalitodellisuuden hyödyntäminen markkinoinnissa
Published 2020“…The features can be used to influence, among other things, customers' brand awareness, attitudes towards advertising and willingness to buy. …”
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Liikuntateknologian lisäarvo huippu-urheilussa
Published 2021“…The study found that the opportunities offered by sport technology contribute to an athlete’s performance, ability to function and health. …”
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Teknologian mahdollistaman tiedon helpon saatavuuden negatiiviset vaikutukset kognitioon
Published 2022“…Thinking, memory, learning, and attention were selected for a closer look. It was found out in this study that the easy access to information made possible by technology has negative effects on cognition in all of the areas that were examined. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologian sääntely Euroopan unionissa
Published 2022“…Every country wants to be seen as an attractive ground for investments which generates competition inside the union. …”
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Esineiden internetin hyödyt iäkkäiden ja vanhusten kotihoidossa
Published 2022“…In addition to the introduction to the Internet of Things, the attitudes of the elderly towards new technologies and challenges they bring will be reviewed. …”
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Kyberuhkiin valmistautuminen : riskienhallintatyökalujen vertailu
Published 2022“…Etenkin kokonaisvaltaisemmat ATT&CK- ja Cyber Kill Chain-viitekehykset kykenevät täyttämään riskienhallinnalle asetetut vaatimukset lievitysorientoitunutta STRIDE-mallia paremmin. …”
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Nollatietotodistukset käyttäjätietojen todentamisessa
Published 2023“…The traditional password-based authentication method is vulnerable to damaging attacks in addition to other security challenges. …”
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Urheiluteknologioiden hyödyntäminen kestävyysharjoittelussa
Published 2023“…In addition, sports technology motivates the athlete for endurance training and during endurance training. …”
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Tekoäly kyberpuolustuksessa
Published 2023“…Based on the thesis, artificial intelligence is already being used to some extent in defense, but its importance will grow even further in the future as attacks become increasingly advanced with the help of artificial intelligence. …”
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Työntekijöiden tietoturvatietoisuus puolustuskeinona sähköpostikalasteluun pk-yrityksissä
Published 2024“…First, the factors that lead to the success of an email phishing attack will be explored. It then assesses their relevance in the modern cyber security arena. …”
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Tekoälyn vaikutus verkkokaupankäyntiin
Published 2025“…E-commerce platforms should utilize AI comprehensively but still pay special attention to ethical issues like data privacy and transparency. …”
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Avoimen lähdekoodin kaupallinen hyödyntäminen
Published 2015“…IT companies have exploited open source in many ways: some can publish their software product with two licenses, keeping the product with limited functionality open and attract people to buy the propriety licensed product. …”
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Liiketoimintaprosessien analysointi : avainsuorituskykyindikaattorit analytiikan tukena
Published 2015“…In Business Process Analytics it is important to pay attention to Business Process Performance. Performance can be measured with different sets of measures but this thesis focuses on measuring Business Process Performance with Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s). …”
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Meemit ja viraalimarkkinointi : viraaliefektin saavuttaminen sosiaalisessa mediassa
Published 2016“…Reasons for the spreading of successful Internet-memes can be explained by examining the attributes of memes, the motivational factors of Internet-users and the environment in which the meme is spread. …”
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