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- Health Education 88
Organisaation koon vaikutus toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käyttöönottoon
Published 2018“…In this study effects of organizational size on an ERP system implementation are reviewed using critical success factors distinguished in the literature as guidelines for system implementation success. Special attention is paid on implementation projects of small enterprises since small enterprises are especially interesting when studying a field like Enterprise Resource Planning implementation which is a field traditionally considering mainly large companies. …”
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Tietoturvan huomioiminen älykaupunkisuunnittelussa
Published 2018“…With city planning, these threats should be paid attention to by securing the systems and planning the data management process carefully. …”
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Älypuhelimiin kohdistuvat kyberuhkat ja niiltä suojautuminen
Published 2019“…However, the high number of the smartphone users has attracted a significant amount of cybercrime to the industry. …”
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Koneoppimisen hyödyntäminen kyberhyökkäysten havaitsemisessa ja torjunnassa
Published 2020“…The constant change in cyber-attack methods and the constant development of attacks also pose challenges to the use of machine learning in the fight against cyber-attacks. …”
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Urheiluteknologian rooli huippu-urheiluvalmennuksessa
Published 2021“…The coaches play a vital and broad role in athletes’ lives and should be committed to offer best possible training environment for improvement. …”
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Yksityisyysparadoksi : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus
Published 2021“…The discrepancy between individuals’ privacy concerns or attitudes and privacy behavior is known as the privacy paradox. …”
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Twitterin vaikutus osakemarkkinoihin
Published 2021“…At the same time, the thesis examines the previous studies, also paying attention to the differences and reliability of their implementation. …”
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Sumulaskennan hyödyntäminen esineiden internetissä
Published 2021“…In many contexts, fog computing is used as a synonym for edge computing. Fog computing attempts to settle between the Internet of Things devices and the cloud, taking advantage of the main benefits of both. …”
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Kyberturvallisuuden uhat terveydenhuollossa
Published 2022“…The thesis reviews the basic vocabulary of cybersecurity and the motives of cyber attackers. In the past, healthcare has mostly avoided the dangers of cyber-attacks, but has now become one of the most popular targets of cyber-attacks in recent years. …”
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Harhaanjohtava suunnittelu & käyttäjäkokemus
Published 2022“…The thesis further details the different deceptive design models and attempts to classify them into their own strategic categories. …”
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Progressiiviset verkkosovellukset ja niiden sovellusalueet
Published 2022“…Even though the subject of progressive web-applications is relevant, and it has gained academic attention, most optimal use-cases for them are yet to be researched. …”
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Mobiiliteknologiat ja niiden käyttö pitkäaikaissairauksien itsehoidossa
Published 2023“…The main points worth the attention of the chronically ill were to use source criticism, notice the quality of mobile applications and to prioritize the solutions and use cases that work best for them and their illnesses. …”
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Digitaalisen alustatalouden mahdollisuudet ja haasteet freelancer-työntekijän näkökulmasta
Published 2023“…Additionally, the digital platform economy allows for greater flexibility and autonomy in terms of working hours and location, which can be attractive to many freelancers. The digital platform economy also presents some challenges. …”
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Urheilukellojen hyödyntäminen kehittymisen tukena
Published 2023“…The most important information for athletes were heart rate, distance and speed and it was common that athletes examined the information during the training sessions. …”
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Tekoälyn käyttöönoton haasteet yritysmarkkinoinnissa
Published 2023“…The various adaption challenges affect different aspects of business-to-business marketing, which is why companies have so far taken cautious attitude towards artificial intelligence adaption in business-to-business marketing. …”
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Digitaalisen osaamisen merkitys pienille ja keskisuurille yrityksille
Published 2023“…However, the study found that organizational and management culture plays a role in the development of digital competence. A positive attitude towards digital competence on the part of managers was seen as contributing to digitization and to the development of digital competence among staff in the organization. …”
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Verkkosovellusten kriittisimmät haavoittuvuudet ja miten niitä ehkäistään
Published 2024“…Web applications possess a large attack surface for malicious actors, mainly because of the complexity and number of different technologies implemented in these applications. …”
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Ikä muuttujana graafisten käyttöliittymien suunnittelussa
Published 2024“…The thesis also establishes how literature has attempted to solve these challenges. …”
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Sosiaalinen media virtuaalitiimien sisäisessä viestinnässä
Published 2015“…At the same time, the study attempts to answer it, what the benefits of virtual teams may receive when using social media help of internal commu-nications. …”
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Kiinan suorittaman kybervakoilun aiheuttamat pitkäaikaiset haitat KIBS-yrityksille
Published 2015“…We also learned that the cyber attacks against KIBS-companies are causing western countries economical disadvantages. …”
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