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Koneoppimisen mahdollisuudet esineiden internetin kyberturvallisuuden kehittämisessä
Published 2023“…The literature review defines the concept of the Internet of Things, its’ the different layers, the different types of cybersecurity attacks that the Internet of Things faces, and the unique challenges of ensuring the cybersecurity for the Internet of Things. …”
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Älysopimusten ja lohkoketjujen soveltaminen
Published 2023“…Luottamuspohjaisten järjestelmien korvaaminen älysopimusten luottamuksettomuudella, joka taataan kryptografisesti, mahdollisesti vähentäisi liiketoiminnan kitkaa Blockchain technology has garnered significant attention in recent years due to its potential for enabling decentralized and secure operations across various business sectors and in the context of cryptocurrencies. …”
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Kyberuhkatiedustelun hyödyntäminen kybersodankäynnin uhkia vastaan
Published 2023“…The war in Ukraine has shown that cyber-attacks have a real-world impact and nation-states must be prepared to face them. …”
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Päivittäistavarakaupan asiakkaiden käsityksiä biometristen teknologioiden käytöstä kanta-asiakkaiden tunnistamisessa
Published 2023“…As a potential threat, people perceived concerns about possible surveillance and privacy. Further attention should be paid to whether perceived value and trust shape customers' attitudes towards the use of biometric solutions. …”
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Kyberuhkien vaikutukset terveydenhuoltoon kansallisen turvallisuuden näkökulmasta
Published 2024“…Cyber threats can affect healthcare in many ways, such as ransomware attacks, denial of service attacks, and attacks targeting medical devices and hospital infrastructure. …”
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Käyttäjän evästevalinnat ja niiden vaikutus yksityisyydensuojaan
Published 2024“…In addition, the choices are influenced by such attributes as user’s alertness and characteristic traits. …”
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Tietoturvataivas vai -helvetti? : kirjallisuuskatsaus salasananhallintaohjelmissa havaituista tietoturva-aukoista
Published 2024“…People dislike password managers' idea to put all their eggs in one basket: if the security of a password manager fails, an attacker gets access to all the passwords stored in the password manager. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologian laajamittaisen käyttöönoton kriittiset tekijät liiketoimintaympäristössä
Published 2024“…Blockchain technology has attracted attention as a disruptive means for data storage and transfer, notable supporting high-profile cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), and the rise of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). …”
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Kiristysohjelmahyökkäykset ja kriittisen infrastruktuurin järjestelmien riskit
Published 2024“…This thesis aimed to create a wide understanding of why and how these attacks should be addressed by answering the following research questions: “how has current scientific literature recognized the risks of ransomware attacks on different systems used by critical infrastructure?” …”
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Tekoälyn hyödyntäminen hajautettujen palveluestohyökkäysten havaitsemisessa
Published 2024“…Distributed Denial of Service attacks, or DDoS attacks, can cause significant damage by disrupting the functionality of services or devices through network traffic congestion. …”
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Tietojenkalasteluhyökkäysten torjunta yrityksissä : teknologisten ja inhimillisten tekijöiden yhdistäminen kyberturvallisuuteen
Published 2025“…Simultaneously, employee training and increased awareness of cybersecurity can significantly reduce the success rate of phishing attempts. The importance of organizational culture is particularly emphasized in targeted attacks, such as spear phishing, where individual behavioral patterns are exploited. …”
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Tekoälyn ja liiketoiminta-analytiikan rooli hankintapäätöksissä
Published 2025“…The main themes address the integration of AI, business analytics, and multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM). Special attention is given to the applicability and benefits of data driven hybrid models in procurement decision-making. …”
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NFC-maksaminen : mahdollisuudet ja haasteet käyttäjän näkökulmasta
Published 2013“…This also affects negatively to the consumer´s attitudes towards NFC-payment –solution. Also the consumer´s prejudices towards new wireless technology are stressed. …”
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Kuluttajien asenne mobiilimarkkinointia kohtaan
Published 2015“…The thesis also highlights some means that can be used to avoid the negative attitude caused by irritation. …”
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Digitaaliset pelit mainonnan välineenä : peleihin sijoitettu mainonta ja mainospelit
Published 2015“…The effectiveness of digi- tal games as advertising channels have found to be affected by the players’ scepticism towards advertising, the ads compatibility to the game world, the degree of difficulty in the game, whether the game is played alone or together with someone and as well as the players’ attitude towards the game. …”
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Virtuaalihyödykkeiden myynnin huomioon ottaminen pelisuunnittelussa
Published 2016“…Purchase behavior for virtual goods is described through player attitudes towards the selling of virtual goods, purchase motives and the attributes that give value to virtual goods. …”
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Pilvipalveluiden käyttö pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä
Published 2016“…Still, SMB’s have very different possibilities to attract resources like money. Also in this thesis, a study of the usage of cloud services in generally, and also in the perspective of the SMB’s, has been made. …”
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Ajoneuvojen langattomissa verkoissa (VANET:ssa) toimivien turvallisuussovellusten tietoturvallisuus
Published 2017“…Because VANET is a wireless medium, it is also, along with the safety applications that use VANET, vulnerable to various security attacks. Before VANET and safety applications can be widely deployed, their security threats must be solved. …”
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Oppimisen teknologiat osana oppimisen esteitä kohtaavien peruskoululaisten elämää
Published 2017“…On a larger scale changes need to be made in the teacher training process and both in attitudes against technology and structure of education. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologian haavoittuvuudet
Published 2018“…The three vulnerabilities in question are 51 percent attack, doublespending and attack on third-party service. …”
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