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HR-asiantuntijoiden kokemuksia kehosta ja kehollisuudesta hybridityön lähi- ja etävuorovaikutustilanteissa
Published 2024“…The body communicated feelings, presence, mood and atmosphere. In conclusion, work meetings, where embodied communication is crucial, such as conflict resolution, should be conducted in person in a hybrid work setting. …”
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Open source software as a service : provision of open sourcesoftware components to web application developers
Published 2010“…However, very few studies have attempted to investigate the possibility of merging the attributes of open source software and cloud computing in order to achieve operational and business efficiency. …”
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Nuoret ja poliisi sosiaalisessa mediassa
Published 2012“…Also police organization has noticed this and started to use social media as a new communication channel, to attract users to their websites and to create communities. …”
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Mobiilipankkiasioinnin omaksumiseen vaikuttavat tekijät Suomessa
Published 2014“…In addition, based on earlier studies attribute called credibility was also added to the framework. …”
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Järjestelmän loppukäyttäjän rooli sekä kokemusten hyödyntäminen järjestelmien edelleenkehityksessä vakuutusyhtiö Ifissä
Published 2014“…One of the objectives of the present study is, based on the literature review and empirical section, to form a framework which lays a foundation to consider the end user experience and attitude in the implementation phase and their effect on the systemic performance. …”
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Vendor lock-in problem in cloud storage
Published 2015“…Another important detefrrent to the adoption of cloud storage, and one which has not received as much attention, is how hard it is to switch cloud storage provider. …”
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Ihmisen ja teknologian välisessä vuorovaikutuksessa syntyvä käyttäjäkokemus ja sen mittaamisen haasteet
Published 2016“…Nowadays the competition between companies is fierce and it is important for them to try to make products that are attractive and meet the needs of their customers. Measuring user experience is an effective way to determine, what needs to be improved in order to produce more desirable products. …”
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Teknostressi ja sitä lieventävät mekanismit
Published 2016“…The meaning of these constantly evolving hardware and software has been to make our lives easier but this evolution has brought some negative side effects too. Individual’s attempts to deal with these rapidly evolving technologies have caused technostress, which refers negative results due to direct or indirect use of technology. …”
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Ikäperusteinen digitaalinen kahtiajako vanhuksien osalta
Published 2017“…As a result of this research it was discovered that age-based digital divide continues to be an issue, reasons for non-use of technology for older adults can be divided to those of attitudes, use-skills, sosioeconomical reasons and physical state and age-based digital divide creates problems for both information society and older adults themselves. …”
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Digitalisaatio PK-yrityksessä
Published 2018“…SME management's ability to understand digital business were also often brought up in studies. SME management's attitude to digital technology and the digital environment, as well as digital competence, played a significant role in their adoption. …”
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Teknostressin lieventämisen mahdollisuudet ja keinot työpaikalla johdon näkökulmasta
Published 2018“…Research results indicate that technostress is a phenomenon which management should pay significant amount of attention to. The results also show that management has possibilities to reduce technostress by utilizing various organizational and individual measures and strategies. …”
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Kyberrikollisuus modernissa tietoyhteiskunnassa
Published 2017“…They are crimes like denial of service attacks. Cyber criminals can be roughly categorized in three groups professional criminals, hactivists and nation states. …”
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GPS-navigointi ulkonaliikkujan tukena
Published 2020“…In this work, human perception and GPS-navigation, influenced by mobile factors outdoors, are the highlights of an activity. This study attempted to delineate the subject area and find what is examined in published literature. …”
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Käyttöliittymäsuunnittelun mahdollisuudet käyttäjän kokeman teknostressin lieventämisessä
Published 2021“…Technostress affects people's attitudes towards technology, and the use of technology that is perceived as stressful may be stopped, or at least satisfaction with the technology used may decrease. …”
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Asiakkuudenhallintajärjestelmän käyttöönoton kriittiset menestystekijät
Published 2021“…Furthermore, the thesis found that a successful implementation cannot be guaranteed by paying attention to either single success factors or factors that belong to a single dimension since the factors can be interrelated, and they should therefore be considered as a set. …”
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Kyberrikollisuus digitaalisen terveydenhuollon uhkana
Published 2021“…The study found that digital health faces several dif-ferent forms of cybercrime, such as different forms of malware, denial-of-service attacks, hacking and data breaches and possibly a completely new threat in the future, human malware. …”
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Opettajien teknostressin lieventämiskeinot
Published 2021“…Ways to mitigate technostress are informal learning, support from colleagues, changing reactions and attitude towards IT, better reliability and availability of IT, teachers’ involvement in IT deployment, early communication about new IT, further education, tutor teacher activity, arranging more time to teachers and fitting teachers’ capabilities to employers’ demands. …”
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Antropomorfiset piirteet tietojärjestelmätieteissä ja niiden vaikutukset käyttäjään
Published 2021“…The literature shows that the positive effects mainly concern traits that directly influence human behaviour, while the negative effects mainly concern negative attitudes towards technology. …”
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Massadatan hyödyntäminen rikollisuuden ehkäisyssä
Published 2021“…The goal of this thesis is to provide information about the different ways Big Data has been used in attempts to develop new ways to predict and prevent crime. …”
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Lohkoketjuteknologiaan perustuvien valuuttojen muodostamat sisäiset ja ulkoiset uhat
Published 2022“…In this literature review, with the help of prior studies, we search for reasons, why qualities of cryptocurrencies attract organized crime and terrorism. In the literature review, we found out, that the system, which favours anonymity, does not require intermediaries, such as banks and is independent of place and time, has been the key reasons why organized crime has implemented cryptocurrencies as a means of payment in the dark web. …”
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