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Urheilijat esikuvina : Urheilugaalassa Vuoden esikuvaksi valittujen näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia esikuvan roolista
Published 2022“…Acting as a role model is felt to come naturally as part of the athletes’ own activities and role modeling is not something to think about. …”
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Korisliigaseura Helsinki Seagullsin yleisöprofiili, yleisön motiivit ja mielipiteet seuran kotiottelutapahtumasta
Published 2022“…Seagulls’ player roster and the overall atmosphere of the event were the most satisfying elements at the games. …”
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Rakennustyöläisten työn fyysisen kuormittavuuden arviointi suhteutettuna maksimaaliseen fyysiseen suorituskykyyn
Published 2022“…The standardized values were attached to a value 10 METc. The measured physical activity was compared to pre-established values from previous research work of the maximal average workload during a full workday. …”
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Ajattelin sen olevan hyvän urheilijan merkki : kriittinen diskurssianalyysi urheilijan itsen rakentumisen problematiikasta urheilijaelämäkertojen sisältämissä särkymistarinoissa....
Published 2022“…The narratives of athletes’ career and life practices demonstrate an industrial human perception in the elite sport reality and athletes’ positions as objects of power and knowledge. …”
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Lumilautailun harjoitusleirin kuormituksen seuranta
Published 2023“…Slopestyle snowboarding is a competitive sport where athletes perform tricks on a course consisting of jumps and rails. …”
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Simuloidun hypoksiajakson vaikutukset autonomisen hermoston toimintaan ja elimistön suorituskykyyn kestävyysurheilijoilla
Published 2023“…The athletes trained at sea level and in simulated hypoxic conditions. …”
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Jääkiekkovalmentajien vuorovaikutusosaaminen U16-U20 ikävaiheissa ja sen yhteys joukkueen koheesioon
Published 2023“…The importance of coaches’ communication skills in coaching has been increasingly emphasized due to their impact on athletes’ well-being and team dynamics. However, there is a limited amount of research available on this topic, especially concerning ice hockey coaching, as it has only begun to receive increased attention in recent years. …”
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Suomalaisen yleisurheilijan polku maajoukkuetason urheilijaksi ja valmentautuminen kansainvälisen tason saavuttamisen kannalta : tarkastelussa vuosien 2018–2020 maajoukkueurheilija...
Published 2023“…An invite to the survey was sent to 427 athletes by Finnish Athletics Federation in the autumn 2020. …”
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Tunne- ja vuorovaikutustaitojen opettamisesta yläkoulun liikuntatunnilla : liikuntapedagogiikan aikuiskoulutuksen maisteriohjelmasta valmistuvien opiskelijoiden kokemuksia ja näk...
Published 2024“…The conclusion was that teacher's role by view of graduating students is to create a supportive and trusting atmosphere where the well-being of everyone is promoted through positive interaction and the joy of learning. …”
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Kotiympäristön ja perheen sosioekonomisen aseman yhteys 3-6-vuotiaiden lasten liikkumiseen
Published 2024“…The home environment factors examined included adequacy of physical activity spaces, number of physical activity tools, parental attitudes toward physical activity, parental role modelling, and barriers to children's physical activity/increasing physical activity perceived by parents. …”
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Nuorten jääkiekkoilijoiden nuuskan ja nikotiinipussien kokeilu ja käyttö
Published 2024“…The most common self-reported reason for attempting to quit was financial. The most common motivating reason for current users to quit was health. …”
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Ikääntyvien hoitajien työssä jatkamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät – työkyky ja resilienssi
Published 2024“…The average age of healthcare workers is rising and nursing is not attractive to new entrants. As the demands of care work increase, the physical and mental capacities of workers are under severe strain. …”
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Biomechanical comparison between sprint start, sled-pulling and selected squat type exercises
Published 2012“…The purpose of the present study was to compare kinetics, kinematics and muscle activity between sprint start, sled-pulling and selected squat type exercises and also to examine how different exercises and variables correlate with the performance time of the block start (10 m). Nine male athletes (4 sprinters, 3 decathlonists, 1 long jumper and 1 triple jumper; mean ± SD; age = 24.9 ± 3.9 yr; height = 180.4 ± 5.9 cm; weight = 80.3 ± 7.5 kg; 100 m record = 11.35 ± 0.29 s) performed measurements and different force-time, electromyographic (EMG) and kinematic variables were compared to sprint start. …”
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Planning, implementation and evaluation of a positive body image exercise program for women : an acceptability and feasibility study
Published 2019“…The program can be implemented as such or parts of it can be utilized by sport and exercise professionals coaching athletes or the general public. …”
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Economics of climate change : sensitivity analysis of social cost of carbon
Published 2016“…SCC has influence on how beneficial it is to prevent climate change: if the value of SCC increases, investments to low-carbon technology become more attractive and profitable. This paper examines the sensitivity of two important assumptions that affect to SCC: the choice of a discount rate and time horizon. …”
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Sovellustason palvelunestohyökkäysten havainnointiin ja torjumiseen käytettävät menetelmät ja teknologiat
Published 2015“…This research reviews different methods for detecting, mitigating and countering application layer denial-of-service attacks. …”
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Millaisia haasteita opiskelijat kokevat verkkoympäristössä
Published 2019“…Despite the great popularity of e-learning, the rate of attrition is high. What is causing this phenomenon? …”
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Asuminen siirretyssä pohjalaistalossa : talo kertoo asumisesta asukkaiden kertomuksissa
Published 2022“…The relocated Ostrobothnian house is an atmospheric, ecological, historical yet modern home of the 2020s. …”
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Kuka on äänessä? : erityisopiskelijoiden osallistuminen keskusteluun ja musiikilliseen yhteistoimintaan
Published 2017“…The results of the research indicate that the musicality of co-operation clearly increases the participation of students with special needs. Of their attendance time the students were more audible during the musical co-operation sessions than during the discussion sessions. …”
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Suomalainen naisten surupukeutuminen 1890–1930-luvuilla : pukeutuminen kuolemankulttuurin ja sukupuolittuneisuuden ilmentäjänä
Published 2023“…Overall, the study contributes to the multidisciplinary field of death studies by examining the changes in the relationship with death from the 1890s to the 1930s through the lens of women’s mourning attire. …”
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