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"Mitä me oikeastaan ollaan?" : identifikaation, organisaatioidentiteetin ja brändin kolmiyhteys helsinkiläisen urheiluseuran kontekstissa.
Published 2018“…The core characteristics of the club identity are junior function as a first priority, locality, pride of club’s own facilities and an attribute best described as a ”home-made” atmosphere. …”
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Lärares erfarenheter av Move!
Published 2018“…var nytt tyckte lärarna att hade kommit ganska sent, men annars tyckte de att informationen om Move!…”
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Urheiluyläkoululaisten liikunta-aktiivisuus ja koettu fyysinen toimintakyky
Published 2018“…Additionally, aesthetic sport athletes spent more hours being physically active compared to team sport athletes (p = .011). …”
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"Koska ne tunteethan meijät on ajanu syömisongelmaisiks sillon aiemmin" : elämäntapamuutoksessa koetut tunteet ja niistä puhuminen
Published 2018“…Peer support, group atmosphere and long-term group produce safety and help to make lifestyle change and increase feelings of ability and self-efficacy. …”
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Sairauspoissaolojen hallinta ja henkilöstön terveyden tukeminen metsäteollisuuden toimipisteessä
Published 2018“…Physical inactivity, working on daytime, decreased working ability and poor atmosphere in workplace incresed the risk to suffer from backproblems in the workplace. …”
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Unen merkitys urheilijan pitkittyneen ylikuormitustilan ennaltaehkäisyssä
Published 2018“…According to the main findings of the study, athletes are not sleeping well nor enough. To improve the sleep of the athletes, it was recommended that a sufficient total number of sleep should be ensured and daily rhythms based on athletes chronotype should be sought. …”
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”...Ja kaikilla olis kivaa.” : selvitys yläkouluikäisten tyttöjen motivaatiotekijöistä koululiikunnassa
Published 2020“…Also for example the teacher, sports facilities and the atmosphere in the lesson are more important than experience of autonomy and experience of competence. …”
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Liikuntaluokan merkitys nuorelle urheilijalle
Published 2021“…The sports orientated class enhances the young athletes´ all-encompassing development towards athletic lifestyle. …”
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Aiemman huippu-urheilu-uran yhteys toimintakykyyn iäkkäillä miehillä
Published 2021“…Former elite athletes have many lifestyles that promote functional capacity and fewer debilitating diseases than the rest of the population of the same age. …”
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Neljän yhdistetyn maajoukkueurheilijan harjoittelu ja heidän kokemuksensa psyykkisestä valmennuksesta
Published 2021“…In average the size of national team is six athletes. Material of this study consisted of athletes training diaries, test and competition results and also recordings from interviews made for the athletes. …”
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Liikunnanopettajien antamat merkitykset tietoisuustaidoille
Published 2021“…The crucial skills that seemed to help them were a compassionate attitude towards themselves and their students, emotional skills, metacognitive skills and the skill of using mindfulness as content in their classes. …”
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Between- and within-day repeatability of markerless 2D motion analysis using deep neural networks
Published 2021“…The jumps were filmed from lateral and frontal point of view. Video data from 50 athletes were selected randomly to be used for training the deep learning model with DeepLabCut. …”
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Recovery time-course of biomarkers and physical performance after strenuous military training in male soldiers
Published 2021“…Recovery has been studied extensively in athletes, but not in military populations. Physiological demands and methods of training are vastly different in these populations. …”
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Voimistelijoiden kokemuksia autonomiaa tukevasta valmennuksesta ja psyykkisesti turvallisesta ilmapiiristä
Published 2021“…The aim was to study the relationship between autonomy-supportive coaching and a psychologically safe atmosphere and to compare experiences of psychological safety between the coach and other gymnasts. …”
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Acute effects of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise on spontaneous brain activity in healthy adults : an explorative fMRI study
Published 2022“…Some findings suggest that high BMI attenuates some activation after exercise, but the evidence is inconsistent. …”
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”Kylhän se luo sen perustan kaikelle mitä vaikka fysioterapiassakin tehdään” : fysioterapeuttiopiskelijoiden käsityksiä terapeuttisesta vuorovaikutuksesta fysioterapian asiakas- ja...
Published 2022“…Altogether nine physiotherapy students between the ages of 21-42 years participated in the study. The students attended two different universities of applied sciences. …”
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Biomechanical differences in flywheel squat vs barbell back squat
Published 2022“…The purpose of this study is to compare 1 repetition maximum barbell BS to 1 RM FW squat in terms of muscle activity, force production and kinematics. METHODS. 14 athletic men participated in the study with previous strength training background. …”
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Keski-iän fyysisen työkuormituksen yhteys miesten fyysisen toimintakyvyn kehitykseen myöhemmässä elämässä
Published 2022“…The association between the physical job strain in midlife and the weaker development of physical functioning later in life was not preserved when the model was standardized by the social class. Attention should be paid to the physical job strain of middle-aged men, especially in blue collars, in order to ensure functional life years, and to identify harmful thresholds for physical job strain in terms of physical functioning. …”
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Vahvuuksiin perustuvan valmennuksen yhteys jalkapalloilijoiden minäpystyvyyden ja koetun pätevyyden kokemuksiin
Published 2022“…We were also interested in how athletes experience strength-based coaching style and whether its’ use could be suitable for youth sports. …”
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Suomalaisten naisjalkapalloilijoiden peliuran kestoon, jatkamiseen ja lopettamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2022“…The most prevalent reported reasons for career continuation were enjoyment of playing and training, sense of community in the team, personal athletic development, health and well-being, competing and winning, and achieving goals. …”
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