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Emootiot, ihon sähkönjohtavuus ja sisäinen puhe pariterapian yhteisessä naurun hetkessä
Published 2014“…Therapist 2 paid more attention to the male client and to the interaction between the spouses, whereas therapist 1 concentrated more on the positive sides of the moment and to the female client’s point of view. …”
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Tekoälyn sovelluskohteet kyberturvallisuudessa
Published 2020“…These advances and the use of new techniques with regards to cyber-attacks seem to be leading to the point where old cyber security measures are no longer adequate. …”
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Tietohallinto osana yrityksen liiketoimintaa
Published 2019“…Most significant factors to efficient information governance are involving information governance as a part of business strategy and directors board attention to information governance. …”
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Obsessioista oivalluksiksi, kompulsioista kuviksi : pakko-oireisesta häiriöstä kommunikoiminen taidetyöpajan avulla
Published 2022“…In February 2022 an art workshop called “OCD, Me and My Loved One – Strengthening of Communication Through Words of Art” was held in Jyväskylä, Finland, to which three OCD-patients and three of their loved ones – a friend, a family member or a romantic partner – attended to. This bachelor’s thesis studies the effects of the art workshop on its participants: what type of associations the group had about obsessive-compulsive disorder before and after the workshop, how the patients and loved ones rated their willingness to communicate about the disorder before and after, and whether the day had any effect on the patients’ feeling of shame about their symptoms. …”
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APT – Kohdistettu hyökkäys
Published 2018“…These kind of attacks go by the term “APT“, which stands for advanced persistent threat. …”
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USB-laitteiden hyökkäyksiä isäntälaitetta vastaan
Published 2025“…The purpose of this thesis is to take a look at and categorize attacks made using USB devices. The attacks are mostly limited to ones that are directed towards the host. …”
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Datan ja data-analytiikan hyödyntäminen joukkueurheilussa
Published 2022“…The use of data in sports is a growing trend and the use of data is constantly increasing, especially in top-level sports. Top athletes and teams need every advantage available. …”
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Käyttäjäkeskeisen suunnittelun integrointi ketteriin kehitysmenetelmiin
Published 2020“…However, popular agile development methods do not pay enough attention to improving the usability of systems when developing them. …”
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Le premier constituant de la phrase assertive dans la fiction
Published 2010“…Silti suomen olla- verbi esiintyy attribuutin edellä ilman subjektia, ja ranskassa väitelause voidaan aloittaa konjunktiolla, vaikka suomessa sitä jokseenkin vältellään. …”
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Riski ja luottamus radiotaajuisessa tunnistamisessa
Published 2013“…Based on McKnights and Chervany’s trust typology the aim is to clarify how trust bears significance in consumers’ attitude towards radio frequency tech-nology and how trust can be enhanced therefore improving consumers percep-tions. …”
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Mobiilisovellusten aiheuttamat uhat käyttäjän yksityisyydelle
Published 2018“…In addition, good IT skills were found to predict a more critical attitude towards mobile applications. …”
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Psychological triggers in video games
Published 2016“…In this thesis, different kinds of attributes are found. These attributes are identified as contributing states of flow and immersion, noticeably seen in the GameFlow model. …”
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Strategiset haasteet julkisen sektorin palveluiden digitalisaatiossa Afrikan maissa
Published 2018“…Furthermore the benefits are being spread unequally amongst the citizens thus deepening the digital divide. This thesis attempts to clarify the special characteristics of the operational environment in Africa that make successful implementation of eGovernment-strategy so challenging. …”
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Elm-ohjelmointikieli web-käyttöliittymien ohjelmoinnissa
Published 2019“…Elm is a new functional programming language for web front-end development. Elm takes an attempt on solving the most significant problems of current web-development in its own opinionated way. …”
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Vallankumous vai muutoksen mahdollisuus? Tekoälyn työllisyysvaikutuksiin liitetyt diskurssit Helsingin Sanomien pääkirjoituksissa
Published 2019“…Vallankumousdiskurssin vahvan aseman vuoksi tutkielmassa tehdään myös katsaus moraalisen paniikin teoriaan ja tarkastellaan lopuksi aineistoa moraalisen paniikin attributionaaliseen malliin peilaten. …”
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Bitcoin mallina lohkoketjun toimintaperiaatteisiin
Published 2020“…Blockchain technologies enable the existance of decentralized systems that have attributes such as data persistance, neutrality as well as anonymity. …”
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Yritysblokkaamisen motiivit ja haasteet
Published 2014“…The results of the study were that in the studies regarding corporate blogs there have for example been attempts to figure out what are the attitudes of managers and employees towards blogs are, their motives to start blogs, the challenges in maintaining blogs, the efficecy of blogs in business or inceasing revenue and categorizing blogs for future research. …”
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Lohkoketjujen potentiaali ja tulevaisuus
Published 2018“…On top of that, the code itself is vulnerable to attacks and government regulations take place in many countries. …”
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Palvelunestohyökkäysten toiminta ja torjunta
Published 2024“…Attack and defense methods are presented according to the protocol stack, starting from network/transport layer flooding attacks and defense methods. …”
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Ohjelmistojen lisensointimallit ja jakelukanavat : pienyrityksen tietohallinnon näkökulma
Published 2015“…As a result of this research an overview was formed on what attributes are required from licensing models applicable to small businesses, and what models are feasible for small business software acquisitions. …”
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