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Before appeasement : Stresa Conference and the failure of the common security in Europe as reported by the Manchester Guardian and Neuer Vorwärts in 1935
Published 2021“…Accompanying this are presented the last attempts by the British and the French governments to reform this anti-German pact. …”
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Integrating into Finnish Society Through Professional Football : Issues and Experiences
Published 2023“…Based on the research results, it can be argued that Finnish football clubs have succeeded in adapting to the needs of the global football world, and this may play an important role in terms of future growth in attracting players to Finland. However, the clubs still have a lot of space to invest in their own player acquisitions, so that the investment becomes successful for both parties. …”
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"Hävettää jos kokee olevansa huonompi kuin muut" : freelancemuusikoiden kokemuksia häpeästä ammatissaan
Published 2024“…The objective was to explore the significance that musicians attach to shame and to uncover how various aspects and idiosyncrasies of freelance musicians’ work and profession relate to the experience of shame. …”
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Culture of fear, age of anxiety : case of the Ebola outbreak in 2014
Published 2017“…Culture of fear refers to atmosphere of vulnerability in Western societies, which has increased over the past decades and fear has become an overarching perspective for viewing life. …”
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"Peace is a process" : local narratives of peace and the conflict transformation discourse in South Sudan
Published 2017“…The narratives also highlighted the strong agency of the local youth as well as their attempts to improve their own expertise. If supported, this agency could support future attempts at conflict transformation towards a sustainable and peaceful society, where civil society functions also as a critical actor challenging national public debate and politics. …”
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Viittoman paikka kaventuneessa näkökentässä
Published 2018“…In my research, I have attempted for the first time to systematically study changes in sign structure that are caused by a narrow field of vision. …”
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”Hetki, tulkki tarkistaa sormituksen vielä.” : viittomakielen tulkkien kokemuksia sormituksen ymmärtämisen haasteista tulkkaustilanteessa
Published 2020“…An extensive work experience and positive attitude by the interpreter also affected the smoothness of the interpretation process. …”
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Immigrant eldercare workers in ageing Finland : experiences of workplace interaction
Published 2020“…Overall, when studying immigrant eldercare workers, a homogeneous attitude should be avoided, and more personal nuances enhanced. …”
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Ukraine’s memory war : the order of discourse in Ukrainian memory politics about the WW2
Published 2022“…On the other hand, the analysis also reveals, that despite this, Ukrainian history writing is still attached to the Soviet discourse. …”
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Repatriation process in an organizational context
Published 2018“…The findings of the study are reported in two ways: in a company report attached to the thesis and in the empirical part of the thesis utilizing theory-guided presentation. …”
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Conventional arms control in the post-cold war era and the successful campaign for an arms trade treaty
Published 2019“…Remarkably, the effects of these deadly weapons started to attract global attention only after the end of the Cold War, and before the ATT the trade in these weapons was largely unregulated at the global level. …”
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The development of trust in project preparation phase of multicultural projects – are long-term exchanges a key for successful cooperation?
Published 2019“…To create successful project funding applications, more attention needs to be directed at creating and maintaining fruitful partnerships. …”
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In the development nexus of everyday violence and justice system reform: a comparative study of the United Nations and International Justice Mission approaches to law enforcement a...
Published 2020“…The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the crossroads of everyday violence in developing countries and examine justice reform as a means to address the phenomenons of forced labor, sex trafficking and other forms of everyday violence affecting the vulnerable. …”
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University students' perceptions of campus sustainability in Finland
Published 2023“…This is done through conducting a two-week online survey of all attending university students at a Finnish university during the Spring semester of 2023. …”
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Towards a better Ghana? : understanding barriers and facilitators to youth development from the perspectives of students in higher education
Published 2023“…A thematic analysis of the interview was conducted with Atlas.ti. Findings from the study reveal three topmost meanings of the concept: available opportunities, financial stability and job or employment opportunities. …”
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Extreme metal and the grotesque : utilization of pathological imagery in the early album covers of Carcass (1987-1989)
Published 2018“…This thesis suggests that the primary functions for the use of the grotesque has for the extreme metal subculture are related to the attainment of symbolic power, which is achieved through unconventional and transgressive representations that subvert the norms of conventional culture. …”
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”On aina oltava 200 % parempi” : vammaisten ja kuurojen taiteilijoiden toimintamahdollisuudet ja taiteilijapolut
Published 2019“…For example, the accessibility of art field, ableist attitudes and prejudices, education system and services provided for the disabled and Deaf people altogether influence their possibilities. …”
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Eeppinen vertaus runoelmassa Ilias Latina
Published 2020“…In Homer, these similes are meant to stop the monotonous battles in order to introduce themes of nature and human life, which add to the atmosphere of the fateful events. By studying epic similes we can understand how imitators in the ancient times have been influenced by various sources, combined them and created completely new similes. …”
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Exploring storytelling as a method to build local knowledge : (Re)thinking sexuality education with rural women in Sucre, Bolivia from a feminist decolonial perspective
Published 2022“…As a result, SRH programs commonly fail to reach the most marginalized populations such as the research participants to this study, 14 women who have migrated from remote rural communities to the city of Sucre, Bolivia. In an attempt to question the imposition of allegedly universal SRH programs on women like the research participants, this thesis aims to explore how research on SRH could be conducted from a feminist decolonial perspective. …”
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Fostering Environmental Citizenship Through Faith : Exploring the practices of stewardship within the Green Anglicans Movement of Kenya
Published 2022“…Though religion and specifically Judeo-Christian beliefs have been criticized as being partly the cause of our current ecological crisis, religious institutions, making use of their agency, can offer guidance and leadership in their communities and may have the power to influence attitudes towards the environment and climate change. …”
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