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Lukion liikunnanopettajien kokemuksia syömishäiriöitä sairastavista opiskelijoista
Published 2023“…In high school, students can choose when to attend physical education, so they can avoid taking it when they are in the acute phase of an eating disorder. …”
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Koetun autonomian tunne joukkueurheilussa
Published 2023“…In the first survey round, 182 teamsport athletes answered the survey. In the second survey round, 117 teamsport athletes answered the survey, and in the third survey round, 131 teamsport athletes answered the survey. …”
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Vanhempien ja ystävien sosiaalinen tuki nuorten urheilulle kaksoisuran urheilulukiovaiheessa
Published 2023“…When comparing individual- and team sports, the results showed that team sport athletes perceived getting more social support from their peers than individual athletes. …”
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Terveyttä, sääntelyä vai arvovalintoja : urheilijoiden puhdasta urheilua koskevien asenteiden muotoutuminen
Published 2023“…Based on the results, the athletes' attitude towards clean sports is positive. …”
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Psykobiososiaaliset tilat ja core-komponentit kamppailu-urheilussa : tapaustutkimus: Brasilialainen Jujutsu
Published 2023“…The impact of feeling states on athletic performance has been acknowledged, but previous research has generally focused on one or a few key emotions. …”
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Kisastudioiden karnevaalitunnelma koetuksella : Ylen ja C Moren Qatarin vuoden 2022 jalkapallon MM-kisojen television studiolähetyksiä vertaileva tutkimus
Published 2024“…In addition, the differences in the ways public service and commercial media function were considered, and the conventions of television sports were appraised with special attention given to the discursive practices in display in the World Cup studio. …”
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Luovuuden merkitys palloilulajien pelitilanteissa : pelitilanneluovuus osana valmennusfilosofiaa
Published 2024“…Social means were interaction, a permissive atmosphere, inclusion and increased player ownership. …”
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Kehittäjäopettajien näkemyksiä ja kokemuksia Lupa Liikkua Lupa Harrastaa -toimintakulttuurista
Published 2024“…The final third sub-theme, sustainable change in culture, was divided into five sub-themes; 1. improving community and shared vision, 2. more focused attention on pupils, 3. clearer recording of activities, 4. ensuring continuity and monitoring and 5. developing activities of LLLH. …”
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Valkoinen kulta lasten liikuttajana : hiihto-opetus suomalaisissa peruskouluissa
Published 2024“…Fitness skiing is living its golden years, whilst the number of competitive skiers is consistently decreasing. By paying attention to the teaching of cross-country skiing in schools we may increase the number of skiers in ski clubs as well. …”
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Reaktiovoimien, tukijalan kinematiikan sekä tulonopeuden yhteys heittosuorituskykyyn mies- ja naiskeihäänheittäjillä
Published 2024“…The purpose of the study was to investigate whether ground reaction forces, front leg kinematics and approach velocity are associated with throwing performance in male and female javelin throwers. 11 male (age 24 ± 3 years, height 184 ± 8 cm, body mass 96 ± 12 kg, personal record 76.76 ± 5.43 m) and 13 female (age 25 ± 6 years, height 171 ± 5 cm, body mass 80 ± 11 kg, personal record 55.79 ± 5.85 m) javelin throwers were instructed to perform six maximal javelin throw attempts indoors. Ground reaction forces were measured with force platforms, and horizontal and vertical peak force, impulse and loading rate were analyzed. 3D motion analysis was performed to determine release parameters, kinematic variables and approach velocity. …”
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Valoa tunnelin päässä, varjoja urheilukulttuurissa : kyselytutkimus nykyisille ja entisille suomalaisille naisurheilutoimittajille urheilujournalismin alalla työskentelystä ja alan...
Published 2024“…The findings are linked to broader societal structures and attitudes that perpetuate gendered differences in the workplace. …”
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Heart rate variability-based recovery in hormonal contraceptive users and naturally menstruating females during an endurance training intervention
Published 2024“…HC has become popular in both the general female population and athletes. However, there has been inconsistency in research findings regarding HC and the possible effects on recovery and training adaptations. …”
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Asuinympäristön yhteys koettuihin liikunnan merkityksiin 5.-, 7.- ja 9.-luokkalaisilla lapsilla ja nuorilla : vuoden 2022 LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia
Published 2024“…We examined differences between residential environments in the number of meanings attributed to physical activity and identified which meanings were considered most important. …”
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Kaatumisten esiintyvyys iäkkäillä entisillä huippu-urheilijoilla ja verrokeilla : kohorttitutkimus
Published 2024“…High physical activity also reduces the risk of falls, in both groups, the former athletes and non-athletes. …”
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Littoral contribution to whole-lake primary production in highly humic Lake Mekkojärvi
Published 2013“…Most studies investigating whole-lake PP have focused on oligotrophic or eutrophic lakes and little attention to dystrophic lakes have been paid. The aim of this thesis was to determine the contribution of littoral PP to whole-lake PP in dystrophic Mekkojärvi in 2012. …”
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Factors related to excessive patellofemoral loading in rearfoot running
Published 2015“…The purpose of this study was to measure contact forces and frontal plane moments to detect the factors that are associated with atypically high patellofemoral joint loading in rearfoot striking (RFS) running pattern, and moreover, which could possibly contribute to development of the patellofemoral pain syndrome. 39 team sport female athletes with rearfoot striking pattern (confirmed with motion analysis by calculating the footstrike angle) were accepted to perform a shod running along a 15-m track at 4.0 m/𝑠 2 . …”
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Those who bridge the gaps : brokers and translators within development practices in Nepal
Published 2015“…This thesis is an effort to bring “development brokers and translators” to the attention of the post-development scholars. Once they are recognized, hopefully their role will be more seriously investigated and theorized during the construction of “alternat ives to development”. …”
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What keeps them kicking the ball? : Young female footballers’ reasons to not to quit
Published 2018“…Key findings include athletes need more support from significant others during adolescence as well as athletes identify a lack of knowledge within themselves and their significant others in relation to issues they experience during adolescence. …”
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Gritty and habitual : research on the theory of planned behavior and autonomous motivation for physical activity in adolescents
Published 2019“…Correlations revealed that grit and habit correlated each in varying degrees to attitude, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control, intention and PA. …”
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Understanding small sports under globalization : a study on women’s American football: the global dynamics of women’s American football involving Finland and the USA
Published 2023“…With more attention given to women’s sports, this study focuses on the research gap in women's American football as a heavily under-researched field. …”
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