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Suksen pito- ja luisto-ominaisuuksien muutoksen vaikutus voimantuottoon ja lihasaktiivisuuteen maksimaalisessa pitkäkestoisessa hiihtosuorituksessa perinteisellä hiihtotavalla
Published 2013“…Also new technics for measuring glide- and grip features of skies were explored. The study attempted to determine, how decline of glide- and grip features in maximal long distance skiing exercise influence biomechanics features of XC-skiing as well as changes of some physiological features; blood lactate and heart rate. …”
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Biologian aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden asenteet ja valmiudet opettaa genetiikkaa
Published 2013“…The aim of this study was to observe the attitudes and abilities of teacher students of biology to teach genetics. …”
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Formatiivinen arviointitutkimus ympäristöjärjestelmän vaikutuksista - Green Office Viikin kampuksella
Published 2014“…Second, a questionnaire was conducted to explore the environmental knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of Viikki’s personnel as well as their views on Green Office. …”
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Suomun vakaat isotoopit Itämeren lohen (Salmo salar L.) syönnösvaellustutkimuksessa
Published 2014“…Acidifying removes the exogenous ambient water origin carbon attached in calcium carbonate. Therefore remaining carbon represents more of diet origin. …”
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Influence of time-of-day-specific same-session combined endurance and strength training on maximal and submaximal endurance parameters
Published 2015“…Endurance and strength training are often performed concurrently by both elite athletes and recreational individuals. The question of whether the order of exercises or training at certain daytimes yields to different adaptations in endurance and strength parameters, when endurance and strength training are combined into a single training session, has received limited scientific attention. …”
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Seksuaaliopetus yläkoulussa ja lisääntymisbiologian oppituntien vaikutus 9. -luokkalaisten seksuaaliterveystietoihin
Published 2016“…Slight changes were detected also in pupils’ values and attitudes along with biology lessons. Basing on the results of this study it can be concluded that sexual education of biology has an important role in increasing young people’s sexual knowledge. …”
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Two decades of discussion on charitable food aid in Finland : analysing the framing by and through the media
Published 2016“…Utilizing frame package analysis, the thesis attempts to explore the tentative linkages between the evolution of frames utilized within the discussion and the more abstract notions of changes in welfare responsibilities and the Finnish welfare state as a whole. …”
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When local gets a global focus : Ebola outbreak narratives in Toronto Star in 2014 - 2015
Published 2016“…The results of my analysis indicate that Toronto Star represented the following main narratives: (1) Ebola as a global security threat, (2) Deadly local disease events and slow universal response, (3) Culture and context: more attention should have been given on how to include locals into the outbreak response and (4) The 2014 – 2015 Ebola outbreak as an outcome of long-lasting poverty and lacking health care systems in West Africa. …”
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Viherhuoneet ja niiden käyttö 2000-luvulla
Published 2016“…Private conservatories attached to houses were studied in this thesis. So far there are only a few studies that have been made of conservatories in Finland. …”
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Interactions of PP2A inhibitor proteins with PP2A regulatory subunits
Published 2020“…Inhibiittoriproteiinien, kuten fosfoproteiini/-endosulfiini perheen proteiinien ja Cancerous Inhibitor of PP2A (CIP2A) on huomattu estävän PP2A:ta, mutta niiden sitoutumismekanismeista PP2A:n tiedetään vähän. …”
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Nautintoaineiden ympäristövaikutukset ja niiden opiskelun vaikutus opiskelijoiden tietoon ja asenteisiin
Published 2020“…According to results learning didn’t affect attitudes or behavior even though the knowledge changed significantly. …”
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SMD simulation of talin and integrin interaction : role of membrane proximal and distal integrin segments in talin binding
Published 2022“…SMD allows similar and extended ways to study molecular (un)binding and (un)folding processes like atomic force microscopy (AFM) and magnetic tweezers. …”
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Kestävyysosaaminen lukion opetussuunnitelman oppiaine- ja moduulikohtaisissa tavoitteissa
Published 2024“…The European sustainability competence framework (GreenComp) defines the knowledge, skills and attitudes that make up an individual's sustainability competence. …”
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First evidence of Cas9 expression during CRISPR-Cas containing megaphage infection
Published 2024“…It is possible that the purpose of the phage CRIPSR-system is to attack host genome, but it is not a requisite for a successful infection. …”
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Improvement of xylose fermentation of Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Published 2012“…The major obstacles are thought to be the xylose transport, ATP depletion during the fermentation and the redox imbalance due to the different cofactor specifities of xylose reductase (XR) and xylitol dehydrogenase (XDH) enzymes in the xylose utilization pathway. …”
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E-urheilijan henkinen hyvinvointi, kuormittuneisuus ja palautuminen
Published 2022“…Research on this topic is needed with more extensive data and focusing on the load factors typical of e-athletes. For e-sports, it would be important to develop practices similar to traditional sports so that the well-being and performance of e-athletes can be monitored and promoted to better meet the demands of their sport. …”
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Corticospinal adaptations to strength training and its associations to rate of force development
Published 2022“…Neuromuscular determinants underlying rate of force development during rapid muscle contractions may be more relevant compared to maximal strength in many athletic events characterized by power and speed, as well as in clinical relations with older adult and patient populations. …”
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Yhteisöllisyyden vahvistamisen keinot liikunnanopetuksessa
Published 2023“…Implementation of cooperation and activities in a group, as well as the teacher's active attitude, emerged the strongest as means of strengthening relatedness. …”
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Integroinnin mahdollisuus tukee liikuntasuhteen kehittymistä : kolmikantayhteisön kokemuksia ammatillisen koulutuksen työelämässä oppimisesta
Published 2023“…The study also explored the potential of including the objectives of the competences of the Work Capability and Wellbeing component in the work-based learning sequence and whether this could have an impact on students' physical fitness, work ability and physical activity attitudes. There has been little research on this topic from the perspective of working life representatives, teachers and students, which is why this perspective was chosen. …”
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Oppilaan fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja koululiikunnan arvosanan yhteys liikuntatuntien aikaiseen koettuun motivaatioilmastoon
Published 2023“…Social relatedness correlated the most with the task-oriented climate so it is important to pay attention to group dynamics and cooperation skills in physical education to create a task-oriented climate. …”
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