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MXR-mekanismin toiminta vesikirpulla Daphnia magna
Published 2014“…MXR-mekanismi perustuu solukalvolla sijaitseviin ATP:tä sitoviin ja hydrolysoiviin ABC-proteiineihin. …”
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Uusien alatyyppivalikoivien monoamiinioksidaasi B -inhibiittoreiden suunnittelu
Published 2015“…Hydroksyylisubstituoidut yhdisteet sen sijaan inhiboivat noin 80 ja 40 %:sti. MAO-A:ta vastaan havaittiin vain matalaa inhibiitiota, mikä teki yhdisteistä selektiivisiä MAO-B:tä kohtaan. …”
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Fascicle-tendon interaction in v2 skate cross-country skiing : a case study
Published 2015“…In the following measurements is important to select and attach the US probes more carefully to ensure better quality of US measurements. …”
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Tienpientareiden merkitys vaihtoehtoisina elinympäristöinä perinneympäristöjen luteille
Published 2015“…To increase the value of road verges as alternative habitats in the future, it is recommended to pay more attention especially to the frequency and timing of cutting and the removal of the cut material. …”
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Ympäristöarvot, -asenteet ja arkikäytännöt : kestävän kehityksen edistäminen Salmen koulussa
Published 2015“…The positive attitudes of the teachers should be transferred to their teaching and daily practices at the school. …”
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Säärisuojien suojaavuus ja käytettävyys jalkapallossa
Published 2015“…This study found that the hard outer shell is the most influential part of the attenuation of the impact. The shin guard made from Decell B-material had the best protectiveness of the prototypes produced by Zero Point. …”
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Kompression ja 2 1⁄2-viikon korkeaintensiteettisen intervalli-harjoittelun vaikutukset naisjääkiekkoilijoiden hermo-lihasjärjestelmään
Published 2015“…To investigate effects of HIIT between groups all measurements were made before and after two and a half week training intervention. Neuromuscular attributes that affect rate of force development (RFD) and maximum voluntary contraction (MVC) were investigated with spinal (H-reflex) and central nervous system (V-wave) responses. …”
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Fluorescence labeling of the photosensory unit of Deinococcus radiodurans bacteriophytochrome for Förster resonance energy transfer studies
Published 2016“…A maleimide-based labeling scheme was developed for attaching a FRET donor (D) – acceptor (A) pair (Alexa Fluor 488 – Alexa Fluor 546) to the cysteine insertions. …”
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On kallista olla köyhä : yhteiskunnalliset epäkohdat ja yhteiskuntakritiikki punkrocklyriikoissa
Published 2016“…Comparison between the two punk rock eras shows that punk rock is closely attached to the phenomenons of each era punk rock was produced. …”
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Effect of substrate rigidity on distribution of nuclear actin and lamin A
Published 2016“…Näillä geeleillä kasvatettiin hiiren 3T3 fibroblastisoluja, joihin oli transfektoitu konstrukti, joka ilmentää joko lamiini A:ta tai aktiinia tehostetulla vihreällä fluoresoivalla proteiinilla (EGFP) leimattuna. …”
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Effects of training background to acute psychological stress biomarkers
Published 2016“…Cortisol hormone was on a higher level in the baseline for the athletes compared to sedentary group. Also athletes reacted differently from cortisol point of view; endurance athletes presented an ascendant trend and strength athletes descendent trend although no statistically significant difference was found. …”
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Occurrence of selected pharmaceuticals in groundwater, surface water, wastewater and source-separated urine in a peri-urban area of Lusaka, Zambia
Published 2018“…The results suggest that the high environmental occurrence of pharmaceuticals in Lusaka can be attributed to insufficient sanitation infrastructure and vast usage of medicines consequential to high disease prevalence. …”
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Success of stream channel restoration in the Iijoki catchment area
Published 2018“…Changes in the other examined variables cannot be attributed to the restoration measures as equivalent changes were observed also in the reference streams. …”
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Tunturirautu (Salvelinus alpinus (L.)) muuttuvassa ympäristössä
Published 2021“…The temperature limit 8°C that is lethal for the spawn and the fry was reached on an average 12 days after the breakup of ice. The charr attained a bigger size in the receiving lake than in the catch lake. …”
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Lukiolaisten tiedot, virhekäsitykset ja tunteet : aiheena tautia-aiheuttavat virukset ja rokotteet
Published 2021“…In high schools, more attention should be paid on common misconceptions about viruses and vaccines because those can restrict understanding and absorption of new scientific knowledge about viruses and vaccines in the future. …”
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Nikotiiniamidiadeniinidinukleotidin käytön vaikutus fyysiseen suorituskykyyn ja keskittymiskykyyn miehillä
Published 2006“…Nikotiiniamidiadeniinidinukleotidi (NADH) on niasiinin aktiivinen koentsyymimuoto, ja se osallistuu solujen ATP:n tuottoon. NADH:n käytön vaikutuksia fyysiseen suorituskykyyn on tutkittu vasta muutamassa tutkimuksessa (Birkmayer & Vank 1996; Birkmayer ym. 2001). …”
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Voimaharjoittelun ja proteiinisupplementaation vaikutus myostatiinin ja siihen liittyvien geenien ilmentymiseen nuorilla ja vanhoilla miehillä
Published 2008“…Lihassolukoot sekä lihassolutyypit määritettiin antidystrofiini vasta-aineen avulla sekä histokemiallisella ATPaasi – värjäyksellä. Lihassolujen keskiarvoiset pinta-alat kasvoivat nuorilla (54,4 %; 49,7 %) miehillä enemmän verrattuna vanhoihin (39,5 %; 28,8 %) miehiin PROT-ryhmillä lihassolutyypissä II (p = 0,02) sekä lihassolutyypeissä I ja II yhdistettynä (p < 0,05). …”
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Grooming internetissä ja lapsen seksuaalinen hyväksikäyttö
Published 2011“…Typically the grooming process includes an effective combination of attention, affection, kindness, recognition and gifts. …”
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Combined strength and endurance exercise induced fatigue and recovery
Published 2012“…Studying the acute performance decrements and recovery by simulating the physical demands of combined strength and endurance exercise may provide some valuable insight into the development of training programs for military and sport missions and for optimizing soldiers and athletes’ capacity for physical performance. …”
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'Spirit of Dayton' -käsite Daytonin rauhansopimuksen poliittisena uudelleentulkintana
Published 2012“…However, local political actors found the new interpretation as fake and not valid, and politicized the growth of powers of the OHR by verbally attacking the concept. The rhetorical approach to politics sees the concepts used in argumentation as political tools. …”
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