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Use and perception of biosolids through a literature review and a case study in Ndola, Zambia
Published 2021“…Agricultural use of sewage sludge, i.e. biosolids, is a common practise but is not free from risks as sewage sludge can contain a variety of pollutants and face public opposition. The attitudes towards biosolids were studied through a literature review and a case study among farmers in Ndola, Zambia through structured interviews. …”
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Influence of colour, smell and taste on the survival of the wood tiger moth (Arctia plantaginis) adults during predation event
Published 2021“…These results indicate that multimodality improves prey anti-predator defence by providing protection throughout the attack. Published article: Front. Ecol. Evol., 16 August 2021, …”
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Kemian rooli biologian opetuksessa : aineenopettajien näkökulma
Published 2021“…Integrating subjects could provide a broader view. This study attempts to understand how biology and chemistry are being integrated in Finnish comprehensive schools and upper secondary schools, and which obstacles exist for profound integration of these subjects. …”
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Metsän tarina : tunnettuuden vaikutus metsien hakkuisiin ja suojeluun
Published 2023“…The aim of this master’s thesis was to find out whether the film’s romanticizing way to depict forest and the media attention after the film release affected the forest management of the Tale of a Forest filming sites. …”
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The cheerio mechanosensory region fine-tunes Drosophila cellularization
Published 2024“…The results are also in accordance with previous filamin studies suggesting that the mechanosensory region is responsible for the filamins attachment to membrane through transmembrane protein interaction. …”
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Organisational Identity Audit : Aligning Vision, Culture and Image of a Finnish Digi-tal Innovation Hub
Published 2021“…These three areas are seen as the building blocks of organisational identity, what the organisation is, does, and says. This thesis attempts to test this theory following research questions: How to examine the Organisational Identity of a Digital Innovation Hub, and secondly, can potential misalignments between vision, culture, and image be useful to improve Digital Innovation Hubs communication efforts …”
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From needs to competencies : a case study on the integration of a rights based approach into NGO practises
Published 2010“…RBA is not in use by the CSP but rights based thinking and activities are gaining increasing attention. The findings suggest that the two current approaches generate normal and natural conceptions of childhood, which in turn trigger images of a needy child. …”
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Turvapaikanhakijoiden opettajien ammatilliset identiteetit ja kielikäsitykset
Published 2016“…Den här undersökningen bevisar att både nybörjare och erfarna lärare för asylsökande behöver stöd för att bygga sina professionella identiteter. …”
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Unrooting inequality from development : recognition and justification of inequality in global development
Published 2017“…Understanding this process will need a complex methodological scope, which: 1) maps patterns of social exclusion, using a recognition-theoretical view of inequality as a displacement of exclusionary practices, and shifts of relational disorders in society; 2) applies conceptual tools to describe subject-formation and performativity under these disorders, including their political dimension; 3) grounds these theoretical findings in the context of development studies, unveiling unconscious attachments that subjects have to actively prefer and accept these relations; and 4) applies a holistic and highly pragmatic methodology of Justification and Economies of Worth to analyze and identify how this process is justified to an extent in which inequality is ultimately tolerated. …”
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Identity Construction of Vietnamese Immigrants living in Finland in Their Narratives Telling About Their Life Experiences
Published 2020“…This phenomenon is one of the reasons drawing more people’s attention to the question of identity, challenging the pre-existing approach in viewing identity as stable and fixed psychological entity. …”
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Speaking against domestic violence in aboriginal societies : analysis of Senator Nova Peris’ strategies in the Australian parliament
Published 2020“…Peris' political activities are also interpreted using the concepts of parliamentarism. Special attention has been paid to opposition rhetoric because Labor party was in the opposition at the time of Peris’ term as a Senator. …”
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Maakuntakaavoituksen kehittäminen arvokkaiden luontoalueiden ja metsien hiilivarastojen turvaamiseksi Keski-Suomessa
Published 2020“…Incorporating strategic conservation hotspots in the regional land use plan would guide authorities and local land use planners to pay special attention to the ecological networks in these areas. …”
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Characterization of Acinetobacter baumannii bacteriophages and determination of phage resistance costs in bacterial hosts
Published 2021“…Phage isolations were attempted from wastewater without success. Thus, 7 previously isolated phages from the same wastewater source, were characterized via plaque assays, growth tests, genome sequencing and electron microscopy. …”
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Tieteen ja taiteen yhdistäminen opetusmenetelmäksi : aiheena pölyttäjät
Published 2021“…Based on this study it can be concluded that more attention should be paid teaching methods and artful methods should especially be added in school teaching methods. …”
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Ternimaitovalmisteen vaikutuksia veren IGF-1:n ja IgG:n sekä syljen IgA:n pitoisuuksiin kahden viikon harjoittelujaksolla kestävyys- ja teholajien urheilijoilla
Published 2002“…Liikuntafysiologia. Ke~ät 2002. Temimaito on lehmän poikimisen jälkeen erittämää maitoa, josta valmistettua temimaitovalmistetta on käytetty myös urheilijoiden parissa lisäravinteena, koska se sisältää runsaasti kasvutekijöitä (lGF) ja vasta-aineita (Ig) verrattuna normaaliin maitoon. …”
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After essentially contested concepts
Published 2012“…Since the publication of Gallie’s seminal article “Essentially Contested Concepts” (1956), the theory of essentially contested concepts has received a wide attention from the theorists of surprising dissimilar positions. …”
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Jokihelmisimpukkapopulaatioiden (Margaritifera margaritifera L.) isäntäspesifisyys
Published 2013“…Studied mussel populations were from river Iijoki catchment area; River Livojoki which used to inhabit Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) population prior to construction of water powerplants and 5 tributaries in which the host has propably always been brown trout (Salmo trutta L.). …”
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"Olisi enemmän annettavaa, jos asiaan pystyisi kunnolla paneutumaan" : tutkimus lastensuojelutarpeen arvioinnista
Published 2013“…The frame of attitude is the only one that is interpreted to be outside the legal frame, and in which social workers and customers will be able to influence at the personal level. …”
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Immunization of trout (Salmo trutta) against freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) by duck mussel (Anodonta anatina) glochidia
Published 2013“…Besides of these, effect of marking of fish (fin-clipping), fish length and body side (left vs. right) on glochidia number was also studied. The mean number of attached glochidia was significantly lower in immunized fish than in the unimmunized control fish in the first time point, in September, but not in December, May or June. …”
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α2β1-integriinin ja stimuloidun epidermaalisen kasvutekijä-reseptorin reittien yhteydet
Published 2011“…Depending on the environmental conditions these receptors are largely responsible for the survival, growth, differentiation, migration and proliferation of the cell. Integrins attach cells to the matrix and growth factor receptor enables cells to react to the soluble ligans. α2β1-integrins respond to their ligands i.e. matrix molecules, viruses, and artificially also antibodies. …”
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