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  1. 2941

    Oppilaiden temperamentin yhteys opettaja-oppilassuhteen lämpimyyteen ja ristiriitoihin by Fomin, Krista

    Published 2019
    “…The results showed that the temperament traits affiliation (girls mean=4.22, boys mean=3.40) and attention (girls mean=3.61, boys mean=3.49) were found the highest for the students. …”
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    Master's thesis
  2. 2942

    Digiopetusta liikuntaan : opetuskokeilu ammatillisen perusopetuksen liikuntatunneilla Etelä-Pohjanmaan Opistossa by Saari, Katja

    Published 2019
    “…The qualitative replies were analyzed using content analysis, categorizing the results into five different themes. They were atmosphere, physical activity, involvement, fluency and interaction. …”
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    Master's thesis
  3. 2943

    Corticospinal excitability of the soleus muscle during water immersion by Mujunen, Toni

    Published 2019
    “…Water-based exercising is a common form of physical activity used in both rehabilitation and athletic training. However, despite being widely used its’ effects on neuromuscular control is poorly understood. …”
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    Master's thesis
  4. 2944

    Relationship between capacity for motor cortical plasticity and learning a complex perceptual-motor skill by Merikoski, Veera

    Published 2019
    “…Juggling skill was measured as successful catches per attempt (CPA) PRE and POST each session and on retention and transfer skill tests. …”
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    Master's thesis
  5. 2945

    "Että pystyis parhaita käytäntöjä jakaa" : kokeneiden ammattivalmentajien kokemuksia työhyvinvoinnista by Pelkonen, Päivi

    Published 2020
    “…At the top elitesport coaching is particularly challenging because sports coaches have many different roles, they have lot of demands with their athletes, they are working long hours and there are lots of insecurity factors such as athletes health and success which will reflect also to sport coaches. …”
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    Master's thesis
  6. 2946

    Viides- ja kuudesluokkalaisten oppilaiden ja heidän liikunnanopettajiensa kokemuksia koulukiusaamisesta liikuntatunneilla by Paljakka, Janne

    Published 2020
    “…In the prevention of bullying, according to PE teachers, the most important thing was the collaboration between PE teachers, the creation of a safe atmosphere and the teaching of emotional and interactive skills. …”
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    Master's thesis
  7. 2947

    The impact of transient visual deprivation and proprioception in motor skill learning and acute cortical excitability by Nätkynmäki, Anna

    Published 2020
    “…The probable reason behind non-visual processing might arise from the change between cortical level performance or learned focused attention. The results indicate that change in motor skill training performed with transient visual deprivation might be acquired via compensated mechanisms, such as enhanced corticospinal level excitability, decreases in the intracortical inhibition, and proprioceptive feedback processing. …”
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    Master's thesis
  8. 2948

    Kohti liikunnallisempaa elämäntapaa : Polar -sykemittarin hyödynnettävyys ammattiopisto-opiskelijoiden liikuntamotivaation lisäämisessä by Meklin, Elina

    Published 2020
    “…Particularly the sporting aspects were emphasized in the students´ physical activity ratio, as most of them spent money on physical activity and half of the students liked to dress athletically. This study enabled to clarify the connection of a heart rate monitor in motivating students in physical activity. …”
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    Master's thesis
  9. 2949

    Yhdeksäsluokkalaisten koettu vesipätevyys by Valkonen, Miia, Salonen, Laura

    Published 2020
    “…In addition, there are factors that have been brought up concerning attitudes towards school swimming and leisure time exercise. …”
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    Master's thesis
  10. 2950

    Determining the relationship between run-up and take-off characteristics and performance in top level pole vaulters using deep learning based markerless motion capture by Outinen, Pietari

    Published 2021
    “…Based on this, it could be concluded that in the future, a superior athlete might be the one that could perform despite high velocity an effective take-off comparable to slower athletes. …”
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    Master's thesis
  11. 2951

    Kamppailulajien opetus koululiikunnassa by Lepistö, Aslak, Prusti, Tuomas

    Published 2021
    “…According to the teachers, the students’ attitudes towards martial arts was mainly positive or neutral. …”
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    Master's thesis
  12. 2952

    Effects of training in the cold on oxygen uptake kinetics by Säynäjäkangas, Pihla

    Published 2021
    “…VO2 kinetics were faster after training and the improvement in the rate of VO2 kinetics is likely attributable to changes in activation of oxidative metabolism. …”
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    Master's thesis
  13. 2953

    Neuromuscular adaptations to single-session combined strength and endurance training in untrained men : an examination of the order effect by Pulverenti, Timothy

    Published 2013
    “…Understanding the adaptations to single-session combined strength (S) and endurance (E) training has received increased attention in scientific literature through the expand-ing use of combined training programs for practical purposes. …”
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    Master's thesis
  14. 2954

    Monomerisaation vaikutus Deinococcus radioduransin fytokromiin by Linna, Marko

    Published 2014
    “…Together PAS and GAF domains form the chromophore binding domain (CBD) and tetrapyrrole biliverdin is attached to CBD. Photoreceptor region is attached to a histidine kinase signaling region and contains also the phytochrome-related domain (PHY), which is linked to GAF. …”
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    Master's thesis
  15. 2955

    Effects of high-intensity interval training on VO2max and post-exercise fat consumption in recreationally active adults compared to steady-state running by Stenman, Mari

    Published 2016
    “…HIIT has a long history in athletes’ training. In the recent decades numerous studies have been published of its influence in health and fitness also among sedentary and recreationally active individuals. …”
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    Master's thesis
  16. 2956

    Isäntäkalan altistushistorian vaikutus Diplostomum pseudospathaceum -loisen tartuntamenestykseen ja genotyyppien välisiin vuorovaikutussuhteisiin by Alaoutinen, Liisa

    Published 2016
    “…In other words, the simultaneous attack by two parasite genotypes did not lead to an increase in infection success in the previously infected hosts. …”
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    Master's thesis
  17. 2957

    Metsänhoidon mahdollisuudet metsien hiilivarastojen kasvattamiseen ja vaikutukset metsänkasvatuksen kannattavuuteen by Vuorikko, Juha

    Published 2018
    “…The biggest reason to anthropogenic climate change is growing carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. Fast actions are needed if we want to restrain global warming below 2 °C. …”
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    Master's thesis
  18. 2958

    Patterns of parasitism in native and invasive freshwater mussels : testing the Enemy Release Hypothesis by Deng, Binglin

    Published 2018
    “…The aim of this study was to test the Enemy Release Hypothesis – which argues that invaders’ success results from reduced natural enemy attack, for example, parasites, by comparing the parasitism pattern between native and invasive freshwater mussels. …”
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    Master's thesis
  19. 2959

    Effect of freshwater pearl mussel (Margaritifera margaritifera) infection on virulence of flavobacterium columnare in brown trout (Salmo trutta) by Roy, Amitav

    Published 2019
    “…I exposed experimentally FPM-infected (glochidia attached and detached) and uninfected (control) brown trout (Salmo trutta) to a virulent F. columnare strain and measure survival time of fish. …”
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    Master's thesis
  20. 2960

    Puutarhaharrastajien kiinnostus luontohyvitysten toteuttamiseen omassa puutarhassaan by Laine, Ilona

    Published 2020
    “…Attitudes towards different offsetting measures differed considerably. …”
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    Master's thesis
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