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Missing a lot of this world : formal education and political competition in Iraq through a Yezidi lens
Published 2017“…The thread of trauma as a result of the attempted genocide of the Yezidi people by IS from 2014 is observable throughout the work, as it would be through any research on this minority that either focuses on this time period or involves research participants from the community. …”
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Suomalaisten poliisien, sosiaali- ja terveysalan ammattilaisten ja opiskelijoiden asenteet vainoa kohtaan
Published 2018“…In this study Stalking Attitudes Questionnaire (SAQ) was used to measure Finnish police officers' and health care professionals' and health care students' (n=168) attitudes towards stalking. …”
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Ryhmämuotoisen tanssi-liiketerapian vaikutus sosiaaliseen toimintakykyyn, kiintymystyyleihin sekä keholliseen kokemukseen vuorovaikutustilanteissa
Published 2020“…There was no change in attachment styles in DMT groups between different measurement times. …”
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Hybrid but One sided : Women and Hybrid Peace Orders in Dagbon, Northern Ghana
Published 2023“…Thirteen separate interviews and a group interview from fieldwork were analysed manually with Microsoft Word and ATLAS.ti software. Findings revealed women engaged informally in the hybrid order in seven ways, includ-ing reducing tensions, peace education, appearing as witnesses, providing cultural advice, mediating community conflict, secret-channeling vital information to stakeholders, and mobilizing and building women’s capacity. …”
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"Sit ei oo köyhä eikä kipee, ku säveltää" : terapeuttiset kokemukset musiikintekemisessä
Published 2024“…The material was transcribed and coded with the help of ATLAS.ti, a software made for qualitative data analysis. …”
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Käyttäjäkokemus ja käytettävyys : tutkielma vuorovaikutuksesta
Published 2013“…For this reason, the first usability attribute to take into account in design process, is performance. …”
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Kognitiivisen suorituskyvyn tehostaminen teknologian avulla : asenteet ja yleistymisen haasteet
Published 2014“…The main findings of this thesis include the possible benefits of cognitive enhancement as well as the attitude towards enhancing technologies. With implants, for example, human senses can be improved beyond their natural boundaries. …”
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Case study of why information security investment fail?
Published 2015“…The organizational way of working and organizational culture and attitude affect to decision making, as well as the management commitment and support, and political aspects. …”
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Ohjelmistokehityksen ketteryys ja sen mittaaminen
Published 2015“…Ketteryyden muuttujat eivät korreloineet yrityksen liikevaihdon kasvun kanssa ja vain yksi muuttujista (muutosvalmius) korreloi yrityksen kannattavuusprosentin kanssa heikosti. This thesis attempts to portray agility in software development as a whole in-cluding its definition, scope and practice. …”
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Kontekstiin perustuvan älypuhelinviestinnän käyttäjäkokemus
Published 2016“…Application's perceived usefulness and ease of use affect the attitude towards technology, which together with the trust continues to affect the probability of using the application. …”
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Henkilökohtaista brändäystä vai yrityksen "työlähettiläisyyttä" : asiantuntijan verkkoyhteisöpalvelu LinkedInin käyttö
Published 2016“…They have indeed created a personal brand, and consistently attempt to maintain it. LinkedIn is mainly used to search for professional information and track their friends. …”
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Movesta virtaa! -oppaan käyttäjäkokemukset
Published 2018“…If a parent had a positive attitude towards physical activity, it was more likely that he or she was more active in using the guide with the child. …”
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Sosioekonomisten tekijöiden yhteydet työkykyyn ja työuupumukseen : Matka hyvään kuntoon -rekkakiertueen tuloksia
Published 2018“…According to this study special attention must be paid to the work ability reducing by age. …”
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"Doping-pelleily" urheilun hyvän kertomuksen tiellä
Published 2019“…Data of the study itself consists of the interviews of Finnish young athletics athletes. Data is analysed with qualitative methods. …”
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Hyvän liikunnanopettajan ominaisuuksia 2000 -luvulla
Published 2019“…In this research a phenomenological approach means attitude rather than a strictly limited and dominant procedure. …”
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Liikunnanopettajien näkemyksiä seka- ja erillisryhmien opettamisesta sekä kaksijakoisesta sukupuolikäsityksestä
Published 2019“…Most of the teachers preferred single-gender groups for girls since they seem to get more repetitions and teachers attention in that group type. Most of the teachers suggested that the biggest differences among pupils can be found between individuals rather than genders. …”
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Teknologia liikunnanopetuksen apuvälineenä
Published 2019“…In the gender study, the boys experienced a statistically significant increase in the group's improved atmosphere (p = 0.017) and group collaboration (p = 0.04). …”
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Vuorovaikutuksen merkitys kuntoutujalle hevosavusteisessa kuntoutuksessa : fenomenologinen tutkimus
Published 2019“…Self-reported reasons for equine-assisted rehabilitation were among others central nervous system disorders, depression, attention deficit disorders or challenging family situations. …”
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Lasta odottavien ja pienten lasten vanhempien ruokailutottumukset : Hyvän kasvun avaimet –seurantatutkimuksen tuloksia
Published 2019“…This information can be useful when supporting parents’ healthy dietary habits during pregnancy and after having a child. Special attention should be paid to mothers with lower education and support them in continuing healthy dietary habits after having a child, as they are in greater risk to have poor diet quality after pregnancy. …”
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Ponnistuksen kontaktiajan merkitys hyppykorkeuteen ja alaraajojen nivelkulman laajuuteen joukkuevoimistelun lajihypyssä
Published 2019“…Aesthetic group gymnastics is the most popular form of gymnastics in Finland. Athletes are required to obtain comprehensive and diverse physical skills to succeed in aesthetic group gymnastics. …”
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