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Masennuksen yhteys sydämen sykkeen tunnistamiseen ja sen vaikutus aivojen herätevasteisiin
Published 2019“…Depressed participants had, however, directionally lower brain responses than controls in all the brain areas regardless of the attentional focus. This could possibly refer to the generally lower level of sensory responses in depressed individuals. …”
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Kerromme kuulevien koulusta : viittomakielisenä oppilaana yleisopetuksessa
Published 2007“…The task of this case study was to explore and describe how it is like to attend public school as a native signer with sign language interpreters. …”
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Siitä selvittiin : vanhempien osallistuminen ja jaksaminen alkuopetusikäisten lasten etäopetuksen aikana koronakeväänä 2020
Published 2022“…Factors supporting coping included one's own attitude, the surrounding conditions, the support received and the experience of one's own competence. …”
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Depression-related alterations in deviance detection ERPs in the auditory and somatosensory modality
Published 2022“…However, they have received scarce research attention to date. In this study, we used an oddball stimulus condition, in which a rare ‘deviant stimulus’ was interspersed with a frequent ‘standard stimulus’, to measure mismatch responses (MMN/MMR) and P3a component of event-related potentials (ERPs) to auditory intensity- and somatosensory location changes. …”
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Self-compassion in learning : primary school teachers’ perspectives
Published 2023“…The results are promising in terms of positive attitudes towards self-compassion and its recognised potential in learning. …”
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Koiranomistajan temperamentin ja tunnesiteen yhteys läheisyyshakuisuuteen koiran ja omistajan vuorovaikutuksessa
Published 2023“…Omistajan temperamenttia mitattiin Adult Temperament Questionnaire (ATQ-R) -mittarilla ja tunnesidettä Monash Dog Owner Relationship Scale (MDORS) -kyselyllä. …”
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Suomalaisvanhempien vanhemmuustyyliprofiilit ja niiden yhteydet lasten kaltoinkohteluun COVID-19-poikkeusaikana
Published 2024“…Moreover, parents with higher educational attainment tended to use authoritative and permissive parenting style more often than parents with lower educational attainment, who in turn tended to use controlling and authoritarian parenting style more often than higher educated parents. …”
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Tää on aika virikkeellinen juttu : asumisyhteisö ikääntyvien asukkaiden voimaantumisen vahvistajana
Published 2013“…According to the study, empowerment reinforced: meaningful activities, safe community, encouraging and approachable atmosphere, influencing one’s future and maintaining personal privacy. …”
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Työ elämäntapana : perhehoitajan henkinen jaksaminen
Published 2013“…On the other hand, the demand factors were: staying awake in the night, lack of free time, the binding nature of the work, the mental problems of a person in care, and the negative attitudes of outsiders. According to the persons interviewed, the strengthening of the resources and decreasing of the demand factors were affected by how the carer was able to manage everyday life, whether he or she was able to separate some free time from the working time and whether the carer was able to shape the work to suit his or her own personality and needs. …”
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Hyvä valmentaja 10-15-vuotiaiden telinevoimistelussa kilpailevien tyttöjen silmin
Published 2014“…The girls dreamed of sporty, powerful and nice coach, who cares for her athletes and for their well-being and supports and encourages them at all times. …”
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Laihduttamisen merkityksiä nuorelle aikuiselle : "ei oo ikinä tarkootus olla enää sen kokoonen"
Published 2014“…Vähäkalorinen ja -rasvainen, kasvisvoittoinen ruokavalio, josta on jätetty pois huonot hiilihydraatit, säännöllinen ateriarytmi sekä monipuolinen säännöllinen liikunta tukevat painonhallintaa. …”
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Sosioekonomisen aseman yhteys nuorten itsetuntoon : WHO-Koululaistutkimus
Published 2014“…Schools and teachers should promote adolescents positive attitude for education and support them to take care of own health. …”
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The story of Pitkis-Sport in Satakunnan kansa : content analysis of newspaper articles on a children and youth sports camp
Published 2014“…Although the quantitative part of the study was originally meant to play a supporting role, the negative correlation between the amount of published articles/photos and the number of children and youth attending the camp turned out to be one of the key findings. …”
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Patruunat liikunnan asialla : liikunta osana teollisuuden sosiaalitoimintaa Suomessa ja Jämsänkoskella 1920-1970-luvuilla
Published 2014“…Industrial employers provided work-related social benefits and services in order to promote their workers´ well-being, loyalty and working atmosphere but also to ensure the productivity and success of their enterprises. …”
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Increasing non-exercise physical activity : extended theory of planned behaviour model testing and the role of stress within sedentary parents
Published 2015“…Variables of the TPB model (intention, attitude strength, perceived behaviour control , self-identity and perceived knowledge) were assessed by questionnaires. …”
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Oppilaiden kokema kehollisuus koulun liikuntatunneilla : liikunta avain oppilaiden itsetunnon vahvistamiseen?
Published 2015“…Pupils have good opportunities to get positive experiences on both their own bodies and their own self by a way of practicing motor skills in a safe and supportive atmosphere. Respectively an atmosphere that supports comparison and competition can prove to be a real test for the students’ self-esteem. …”
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Nuorten osallisuus ja ravitsemuskäyttäytyminen koulussa : miten osallistamisen kokemus, vaikutusmahdollisuuksien kokeminen ja osallisuuden aste ovat yhteydessä koululounaan syömise...
Published 2016“…Ruokavaliolla ja ravitsemuksella on tärkeä merkitys elintapasairauksien ennaltaehkäisyssä ja terveyden ylläpitämisessä läpi elämän. Säännöllinen ateriarytmi ja ravitsevat välipalat toimivat terveellisen ruokavalion perustana. …”
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Finnish female coaches' career development and perceptions : a case study of six Finnish female coaches
Published 2016“…This was followed by the analysis of the date by both reading the transcripts and using ATLAS.ti software to find reoccurring themes. Based on the analysis of the data, Finnish female coaches’ careers are very versatile and individual, and are characterised by a vast number of features. …”
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Fyysisen aktiivisuuden, masennusoireiden ja tyypin 2 diabeteksen välinen yhteys
Published 2016“…Out of 4500, 2 745 participants aged 45-74 from three hospital districts of central Finland, Pirkanmaa and southern Ostrobothnia attended in this cross-sectional study. All participants went through a health examination and sociodemographic variables were assessed with a questionnaire. …”
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Liikunnanopettajien käsityksiä perusopetuksen liikunnan opetussuunnitelman uudistuksesta ja käytännöllisyydestä
Published 2017“…The findings suggest that most dominant ideas about curriculum were the broadness of it, the curriculum gives room for creativity but lacks concrete, understandable in structure, diverse segmentation in physical, mental and social ability to function, movement skills instead of specific sports, athletic lifestyle, pupils’ involvement to learning and diverse outlook about children´s education. …”
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