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Palvelunestohyökkäykset sovelluskerroksella
Published 2024“…Defending against denial of service attacks and researching them is important, as they have great social consequences, in addition, the constant develop ment of attacks constantly brings new challenges. …”
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Ohjelmisto-ohjatut tietoverkot ja palvelunestohyökkäysten torjuntamenetelmät
Published 2017“…As denial-of-service attacks increase in size and the utilized attack methods evolve research in mitigation methods is needed. …”
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Kone- ja syväoppiminen IoT-laitteiden DDoS-hyökkäyksissä
Published 2024“…The security of IoT devices is inadequate, so attackers exploit them to carry out DDoS attacks. The thesis examines the use of machine- and deep learning in detecting and mitigating DDoS attacks in an IoT environment. …”
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Palvelunestohyökkäyksestä palautuminen organisaatiossa : maineenhallinnan näkökulmasta
Published 2017“…In the future, the amount and intensity of attacks are predicted to notably increase. The threat of denial of service attack impinge on every organization whose activity is in some way dependent on a functioning network service, because of the attackers’ motive diversity and because the attack can also be met by an accident. …”
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Vertaisverkkojen edut ja ongelmat käyttäjän näkökulmasta
Published 2020“…This thesis also highlights some of the most used applications for peer-to-peer systems, and the attempt to find the benefits and issues from user perspective is based on these examples. …”
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Skriftliga språkkunskaper i svenska hos finska universitetsstudenter enligt processbarhetsteorin
Published 2019“…Tutkittavat kielioppirakenteet ovat kieltosanan paikka, adjektiivi attributiivisena ja predikatiivisena lauseenjäsenenä sekä verbimorfologia. …”
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Laadunhallintajärjestelmän käyttöönoton perusteet ohjelmistoalan yrityksessä
Published 2020“…Failed SAP systems, data leaks, cyber-attacks, and other failed system entities have caused major losses to society. …”
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Kryptovaluuttojen tietoturvauhat
Published 2022“…Blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies have gathered attention lately. The amount of different cryptocurrencies and their market cap has increased significantly ever since the first cryptocurrency Bitcoin was developed. …”
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Puettavat teknologiat kestävyysurheilussa
Published 2022“…The topic is also of interest among athletes, since new sports technologies are developed constantly. …”
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Tarkkaavaisuusmekanismien kehittyminen neuroverkkokääntämisessä
Published 2023“…This bachelor's thesis is carried out as a literature review and it researches attention mechanisms in neural machine translation. …”
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Ohjelmistoturvallisuuden parantaminen staattisella analyysillä
Published 2018“…This bachelors thesis is a small-scale literature review that attempts by examining and analysing research literature to explore how static analysis can be used to the improve the security of modern web-applications. …”
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Matematiikan kirjoittaminen verkko-oppimisympäristöissä : erilaisia menetelmiä
Published 2018“…Symbolic and linear notations can be used, but alternatively one can attempt to avoid writing mathematics altogether. Digitalising mathematical argumentation is possible with formal argumentation languages, such as structured calculational proofs. …”
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Valtiolliset kybervaikuttamisen keinot ja vaikutukset : case Kiina
Published 2021“…This thesis discusses the cyber actions of states and their global effects. The most used attack methods and different ways to effect are described concentrating on attackers motivations behind them as well as links to government. …”
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Henkilöautojen kyberturvallisuus
Published 2021“…It is noted that cyberattacks on passenger cars are not yet a major problem, but if better attention is not paid to cybersecurity, problems may be expected in the future. …”
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Digitalisaation vaikutukset kuluttajan ostoprosessiin
Published 2017“…As consumer behavior changes, corporate marketing strategies have to change in attempt to stay in competition with customers. The purpose of this thesis is to study how digitalization and digital channels have influenced consumer behavior, how they have changed the consumer’s buying process and how digitalization has shaped traditional marketing methods. …”
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Vektorigrafiikat ja niiden käyttö videopeleissä
Published 2018“…Vector graphics are constantly developed in attempt to overcome these problems by increasing the performance and offering tools for more accessible use. …”
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Tekoälyn vaarat : koneoppimismalleihin perustuvien järjestelmien haavoittuvuudet ja niiltä puolustautuminen
Published 2023“…Nowadays artificial intelligence is widely used for improving efficiency in our society, but it also poses new risks and vulnerabilities that can be exploited through various attacks. This thesis aims to analyze the most prevalent cybersecurity vulnerabilities related to AI and concludes that the learning process of an AI model is its primary vulnerability, which can be safeguarded through the use of external AI systems. …”
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Syslog-protokollan viestien analysointi järjestelmän vianetsinnän apuna
Published 2017“…This bachelor's thesis attempts to introduce these techniques and tools, as well as consider their effectiveness in system troubleshooting from a system administrator's viewpoint. …”
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Netflixin videon suoratoiston mahdollistava infrastruktuuri ja sen toiminta
Published 2022“…The service is extremely popular and so has attracted the attention of old media giants, some of which have launched their own competing platforms. …”
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Log4Shell-haavoittuvuuden toiminta ja seurausten ehkäiseminen
Published 2022“…This thesis examines the structure of the attack vector enabled by the vulnerability and presents ways to prevent unpredictable attacks that exploit zero-day vulnerabilities. …”
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