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Informaatiovaikuttaminen sosiaalisen median alustoissa
Published 2020“…The results of the study showed that there are several different ways in which an individual is attempted to be influenced by in social media platforms. …”
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Kyberuhkat ja niiden huomioiminen kansallisissa kyberturvallisuusstrategioissa
Published 2016“…Findings in the thesis point out that the most important cyber threats on na-tional level are cyber espionage, disinformation, physical attacks through cyber space and denial of services. …”
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Esineiden internetin tietoturvaongelmat
Published 2017“…After privacy and security issues, the most common possible security attacks against the Internet of Things is opened up as well. …”
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Laadukasta ravintoa varhaiskasvatuksessa? : kasvattajien näkemyksiä päiväkotiruokailusta ja sen merkityksestä lapsen hyvinvoinnille
Published 2017“…Perhepäivähoitajat söivät päiväkodeissa ja muualla työskenteleviä useammin yksiköissä tarjottavia aterioita. Noin 60 % vastaajista hyödynsi tarjottavan lounaan yksiköstä ja alueesta huolimatta. …”
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Myn kere sötha moder : om användning av adjektiv vid kvinnliga huvudord i Erikskrönikan
Published 2019“…Eerikinkronikassa käytetty runomitta knitteli vaikutti tietyissä tapauksissa sanajärjestykseen, jolloin attribuutti oli siirretty pääsanansa jälkeen riimiparin luomiseksi. …”
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Luokanopettajien tieto- ja viestintäteknologian opettamiseen vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2024“…According to this study, the amount of teaching experience, personal competence, and sense of self-efficacy significantly influence teachers’ attitudes towards using ICT in teaching. …”
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Analytiikka- ja mainoskirjastot mobiilisovelluksissa : näkökulmana käyttäjän yksityisyys
Published 2018“…This data can be used to create personal profiles of the users and identify the connections between the users. The user attitudes towards the collected data and its usage was also taken into account based on previous studies. …”
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Published 2015“…Kerberos-käyttäjätunnistusjärjestelmä on Massachusetts Institute of Technologyssä kehitetty hajautettu käyttäjän identiteetin tunnistamiseen kehitetty järjestelmä, joka on nk. Project Athenan yksi tuotos. Nykyään mm. Microsoft Windows verkot on rakennettu käyttämään Kerberosta käyttäjätunnistusjärjestelmänä. …”
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User requirements elicitation method comparison for a system upgrade
Published 2021“…This thesis describes and evaluates methods for user requirements elicitation, paying particular attention to how they would fit to a case of upgrading an existing information management system and its processes. …”
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Oppiva tekoäly ja takaovihyökkäykset
Published 2022“…The main focus is on backdoor attacks that are involved with data poisoning. There are both unintentional and intentional risks associated with teaching AI. …”
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VoIP ja tietoturva
Published 2022“…An examination into the methods of attack reveals that familiar attacks from other Internet applications can be imported to VoIP. …”
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Satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmien haavoittuvuudet
Published 2023“…Based on the results of this study, signal interference can be seen as a serious threat to functions that rely on GNSS, and attention should be paid to preparing for disruptions and integrating backup systems. …”
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Koneoppimiseen perustuva proseduraalinen generaatio peliympäristöjen tuotannossa
Published 2024“…Literature review is used as the main research method to survey recent academic research related to PCGML. This research attempts to find out how PCGML has been applied to generation of game environments, what benefits PCGML has been found to have and how researchers have addressed the challenges related to PCGML. …”
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Kuluttajan vaihtokäyttäytymistä estävät tekijät teknologiatuotteiden ja –palveluiden kontekstissa
Published 2017“…Technology adoption is one of the most widely researched topics in information systems research, whereas switching behavior has received less attention. Prior studies have focused mainly on the positive enabling factors that promote adoption and usage. …”
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Käyttäjäkokemus virtuaalitodellisuus videopeleissä
Published 2018“…A good understanding user experience on the other hand can lead to reduced cost in the development phase and the production of games that players enjoy playing. This thesis attempts to answer what user experience is in the context of video games, and also how the user experience of virtual reality video games differs from traditional video games. …”
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Mobiilien liikuntateknologiasovellusten vaikutus käyttäjien liikuntamotivaatioon
Published 2016“…Technologies that previously were avail-able only for top notch athletes are now used by regular people. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis was to find out how motivation towards exercising is created, do different fitness-applications increase that motivation, and how do they aim to do that. …”
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Käyttäjän iän merkitys verkkopalvelun hyväksynnässä ja käytössä
Published 2017“…The results revealed that technology acceptance is deter-mined by the user’s attitude, which is determined by perceived usefulness and ease of use. …”
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Pelillistämisen vaikutus käyttäjän sitoutumiseen digitaalisissa palveluissa
Published 2017“…Despite its young age, gamification has gathered considerable attention within the academics and also in many other sectors. …”
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Vesikaasureaktion mallintaminen laskennallisin menetelmin kupari- ja nikkelipinnoilla
Published 2020“…Hiilimonoksidipeiton kasvattaminen heikentää kaikkien tutkittujen molekyylien ja atomien adsorptiota pintaan. …”
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Koulukulttuurin muutos
Published 2019“…It examines what kind of expertise teachers are supposed to have in a digitalizing world and teachers' attitudes toward information technology. Lastly it investigates the resources of schools, differences between schools and consequences caused by them. …”
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