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Figure skating coaching in the contemporary sport culture : Finnish figure skating coaches' perceptions about their work
Published 2016“…Coaches are perceived as co-parents in the lives of the athletes, and thus get to experience the highs and lows of their athletes. …”
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Liikunta- ja hyvinvointiblogien merkitys lukijoidensa arjessa
Published 2017“…Also interesting topics and good atmosphere led readers to read sport and wellness blogs. …”
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"Mussa on se aggressio" : asiakkaiden parisuhdeväkivallalle antamat selitykset ja terapeuttien vastaukset pariterapiaistunnoilla
Published 2017“…Out of all these liability attributions, attributing of liability to the aggressor was by far the least common. …”
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Fear of failing in a competitive achievement setting : the relations between fear of failure, achievement goals and achievement behaviours among adolescent male football players in...
Published 2017“…The achievement goals represent the individual’s attitude towards developing his or her competence: the person either wants to achieve task mastery or being better than the rest, and this is achieved by either approaching competence or avoiding showing incompetence. …”
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Tapaustutkimus dialogin sekä asento- ja liikesynkronian yhteyksistä kahdessa monitoimijaisessa terapiaistunnossa
Published 2017“…The significant moments seem to affect positively the emotional atmosphere of the conversation and the amount of bodily synchrony. …”
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Arkaluonteisuus pariterapian hiljaisissa hetkissä, sen muutos terapiaprosessissa, sekä ihon sähkönjohtavuus
Published 2020“…Based on our findings, delicacy in the silent moments of couple therapy seems to be an important element in a therapy process, to which therapists in particular should pay special attention. …”
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Kehotarkkaavaisuuden yhteys masennusoireiluun sekä painoindeksin ja masennusoireilun väliseen yhteyteen
Published 2020“…The more subjects reported paying attention to bodily reactions, the greater their depression symptoms were. …”
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Children ́s agency in the virtual reality
Published 2022“…The participants, altogether, eight children from four to six years old, attended a virtual game playing session in two separate groups. …”
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Vastasyntyneiden lukumääräisyyden havaitseminen ja sen yhteys vanhempien matemaattisiin taitoihin
Published 2024“…However, our research highlights the need for more studies focusing on multiple or the whole topography of the EEG channels and paying more attention to parents’ mathematical learning disabilities. …”
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Sense of belonging in Finnish foreign-born population and its relation to psychological distress
Published 2024“…This approach, and a general lack of conceptual congruence, have drawn attention to the need for a more diverse and unified approach to belonging. …”
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Koulumatkaliikunnan yhteys 7. ja 8. luokkalaisten nukkumistottumuksiin ja aamupalan syömiseen
Published 2014“…Commuting and the time students went to sleep or if they ate breakfast weren’t statistically significantly in relation. …”
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Lukiolaisten itsearvioidut temperamenttipiirteet, liikunnan arvosanat ja niiden väliset yhteydet
Published 2015“…As a meter in our study we used the Finnish version of the Adult Temperament Questionnaire short form (ATQ) (Derryberry & Rothbart 1988) (appendix 3). …”
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Toimintatutkimus street workout –oppaan laatimisesta lajin harrastajille ja ohjaajille
Published 2018“…The most important physical attribute in the sport is strength, as the duration of the exercises is usually short. …”
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Opettajien ja äitien arvioiman sosioemotionaalisen oireilun yhdenmukaisuus lapsilla, joilla on oppimisen vaikeuksia
Published 2019“…Subscales of socioemotional problems, affective disorders, anxiety disorders, somatic disorders, attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder, oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder, were formed based on DSM criteria. …”
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Case Forssan Suvi-ilta : cohesion as a key element in building a voluntary sport event organization
Published 2016“…The results of this study may provide insights to the event organizer for improving the Forssan Suvi-ilta in the future as well as tools for attracting volunteers in the following years. …”
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Riitelyn ja eri mieltä olemisen hetket pariterapiaistunnoissa sekä niiden aikana ilmenevät muutokset sympaattisen hermoston aktivaatiossa
Published 2020“…It was registered with two electrodes attached to the participants’ non-dominant palm. Two couples were chosen as subjects for this study. …”
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Nominalfraser och processbarhetsteorins inlärningsgångar i Nyckel 7–8
Published 2018“…Ainoa poikkeus järjestyksessä oli toisen ja kolmannen vaiheen yhtaikaisuus, eli attributiivinen ja predikaativinen kongruenssi käsitellään samalla kertaa. …”
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Long short-term memory ja pelit tekoälytutkimuksessa
Published 2020“…AI-research using games has garnered a lot of attention with many different implementations achieving super-human or human-like skill level. …”
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Toistuvien neuroverkkojen vertailu osakehintojen ennustamisessa
Published 2024“…Tarkastelluissa tutkimuksissa, jossa tutkijat esittivät oman mallinsa, kuten WLSTM+attention malli, pärjäsi tutkijoiden malli molempia GRU- ja LSTM mallia paremmin. …”
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Mobiilikäyttöliittymien käyttökokemus sovelluskehitysnäkökulmasta
Published 2017“…This is also why the application market has been filled with high-quality apps com-peting for attention and popularity. My bachelor’s thesis covers the different elements of these high-quality apps from the viewpoint of software develop-ment and tries to find out the methods applications can still use to stand out. …”
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