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Published 2020“…Tutkielman tärkeänä osana ovat iteroidut funktiojärjestelmät (IFS) sekä niiden attraktorit. IFS on fraktaalien rakentamiseksi luotu järjestelmä, jonka avulla fraktaalien mallintaminen on mahdollista. …”
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Käyttöliittymän regressiotestauksen automatisointi : toimintatutkimus
Published 2019“…The change will take the form of action research and the impact is assessed on the basis of change in organization’s atmosphere and attitudes. The action research provides more information on the effects of introducing test automation in a short space of time and challenges. …”
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Practical implications of ethics in AI development
Published 2020“…The empirical study assesses the skills, practices and attitudes towards ethical dimensions of developers who create artificial intelligence applications. …”
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Integratiivinen improvisatorinen musiikkiterapia ahdistus- ja masennuspotilaiden hoitomuotona
Published 2021“…Tutkimuksen aineisto saatiin (Erkkilä ym, 2019) tutkimusprojektin terapeuttien kyselylomakkeiden vapaista kommenttiosioista, joita analysoitiin käyttämällä apuna ATLAS.ti- ohjelmistoa. Tutkimuksessa saatiin selville, että improvisaatio on sekä terapeuttien että asiakkaiden näkemysten mukaan integratiivisen musiikkiterapian toimivin metodi masennusoireiden vähenemisessä, sekä hyvinvoinnin lisäämisessä. …”
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Seasonal changes and relationships between aerobic capacity, heart rate variability and iron status in junior cross-country skiers
Published 2021“…Over the years, athlete monitoring has become a standard practice in helping athletes reach their peak performance. …”
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Yhdeksäsluokkalaisten fyysinen aktiivisuus, liikkumisen syyt ja esteet sekä vapaa-ajan liikuntaharrastukset
Published 2014“…Physically active boys attended schools sport club more often than their inactive peers. …”
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Lääkevalmisteet ja ravintolisät suomalaisessa kilpaurheilussa
Published 2016“…Usually, male and female athletes use medication from same medication groups but female athletes use them more. …”
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Oikealla vai vasemmalla? : 5-7-vuotiaiden lasten lateraalisuus ja sen yhteys karkeamotoristen taitojen tasoon
Published 2016“…By laterality, we mean that the child uses the same hand or foot between the first and second attempt in gross motor skill tasks. Laterality also means that the child recognizes and is aware of the right and left sides of the body (Sääkslahti 2003). …”
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Voima- ja plyometrisen harjoittelun vaikutukset ponnistusvoimaan, alaraajojen maksimaaliseen voimantuottoon ja pienpelin liikkumismuuttujiin U16 jalkapalloilijoilla
Published 2023“…Modern football requires versatile performance capabilities from athletes. The physical demands of the sport are consistently increasing as players move faster and for longer periods. …”
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The role of top-level sport in Finland : a governmental perspective of the present status and future trends
Published 2011“…Organisations, clubs and athletes in top-level sport are aiming for more professional activity, however the increased commercialisation sets differenent resources for different athletes and events. …”
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Ergonomiainnovaation käyttöönotto ja käyttö ikääntyneen työntekijän kokemuksena : synnytystuki kätilön työssä
Published 2013“…The workplace community and the attitudes of the midwives had a significant effect on the adoption and use of the birthing support device. …”
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Tapaturmien ehkäisyhankkeen haasteet ja saavutukset
Published 2013“…According to the results, some of the challenges of accident prevention are attitudes, motivating the operators, lack of resources and organizing educational work. …”
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Täydennyskoulutus työterveyshoitajan työn tukena : haastattelututkimus vastaaville työterveyshoitajille
Published 2013“…A lot of continuing education is being organized internally and if necessary it is also possible to attend to education given outside the company. Participating in further training takes place independently, as a part of the induction or because of the changes in the company´s practices. …”
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Fitnessurheilijoiden blogit : body fitness kulttuurisena ilmiönä
Published 2014“…The divisions contains both the athlete's thoughts and experiences about body fitness, in addition to the standards adopted for exercising and selfactualizing. …”
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Asiakas arvioijana terveydenhuollossa : potilaiden arvioinnit kirjallisista potilasohjeista
Published 2014“…The patients also commented that the materials did not pay attention to groups with special needs such as memory disease. …”
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Kunnan viranhaltijoiden ja valtuutettujen näkemyksiä hyvinvointikertomuksesta
Published 2014“…They also considered the following themes to be the main issues for development: the improvement of information sharing of the health report among staff and residents, more concrete actions and more thorough monitoring and evaluation of the actions. Additionally, an attitudinal change was hoped in order to develop the course of action instead of repeating old routines. …”
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Kuka pitää koululiikunnasta? : erilaisten oppilastekijöiden yhteyksiä koululiikuntaan suhtautumiseen yhdeksäsluokkalaisilla
Published 2015“…However, there was no difference in BMI or academic achievement in students with different attitudes towards PE. High perceived competence and usefulness of PE as well as positive attitude towards going to school and high grade in PE increased the likelihood of having a positive attitude towards PE. …”
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Sauvakävelijä Iranista : tapaustutkimus iranilaisnaisen elämästä, maahanmuutosta ja liikkumisesta
Published 2015“…Names of the research attendees were changed to retain anonymity. The material indicated that the woman’s life in Iran was built up around work and recreational activities. …”
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The effect of compression socks on balance skills : randomized controlled trial
Published 2015“…The participants were a group of 49 males and females between the ages of 18-75. They were non-athletic adults who were matched by experience with physical activity and sport as well as their age. …”
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Vapaa-ajan fyysisen aktiivisuuden yhteys painoindeksiin ja kehon rasvaprosenttiin : aineistojen yhdistäminen
Published 2016“…Being a competitive level athlete as an adolescent was statistically significantly associated (p=0,009) to fat percentage in FITFATTWIN data. …”
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