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Supporting students’ social-emotional learning in Indonesian primary schools
Published 2019“…The findings of this study suggest that teachers and schools have demonstrated efforts to support the SEL competencies through various forms of support in attempt to reinforce students’ social and emotional development. …”
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Finnish guidance counselors’ conceptions of career management skills
Published 2018“…These four hierarchical categories are differentiated into five dimensions of variations: understanding of CMS in curriculum, responsibility, teaching practices, evaluation, and attitude. This study contributes to the field of career guidance by providing a tool for practitioners to map and develop their own conceptions of CMS …”
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Value propositions in augmented reality mobile games : most desirable game features in Pokémon GO
Published 2022“…Perustelujen tuoman syventävän tiedon avulla oli mahdollista suorittaa attribuuttien luokittelu erityyppisiin arvoehdotuskategorioihin. …”
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Anomaly detection in IoT data streams
Published 2024“…Anomalies can be caused by system failure, network issues or malicious attacks and can lead to misinterpreted results if they are not found and handled properly. …”
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Optimal inter-stimulus interval for interpolated twitch technique when using double pulse stimulation
Published 2013“…Although all parameters were slightly different in young adults compared to elder ones, the difference reached significance only in shorter TPT and HRT for the former, a phenomenon attributed to the slowing of muscle contractile me- chanics with ageing. …”
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Kansan sankarit : hävittäjälentäjien sankarimyytti ensimmäisessä maailmansodassa ja sen jälkeen
Published 2015“…Brittilentäjät kunnostautuivat sodan jälkeisissä kilpalennoissa. Ensimmäisinä Atlantin ylittäneet lentäjät olivat todella juhlittuja sankareita rohkeutensa ja sinnikkyytensä ansiosta. …”
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Voluntary agreements for the achievement of sustainable development goals : Dutch Green Deals and WRAP agreements
Published 2016“…Voluntary environmental agreements (VEAs) are attracting considerable attention due to the complexity of the current environmental issues. …”
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Kristillisen Työväen Liiton politiikasta vetäytyminen 1917-1922
Published 2017“…Kristillinen Työväen Liitto sai alkunsa vuonna 1906 sosialidemokraattisessa työväenliikkeessä omaksutun ateismin vastustamisesta ja kirkollisten piirien halusta suitsia radikaaliksi muuttunutta työväenliikettä. …”
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Emotional intelligence in team sports : relationship of role ambiguity and intra-team communication with pre-performance psychobiosocial states
Published 2018“…The aim of the present study was to explore the relationships between athletes’ emotional intelligence (EI), group processes and feeling states in the context of team sports. …”
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Discovering the mind-body connection through music as a tool for chronic pain management : a case study of psychodynamic music therapy
Published 2018“…Using music as an intervention, in collaboration with the client, an attempt was made to build a bridge between her mind and her body and to reconstruct the fragmented links between those two elements. …”
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Development of analysis method for determination of mineral oil contamination in cardboard
Published 2016“…In this study, it was suggested that the amount of solvent used during the SPE process will gain intensive attention since the handling and evaporation of it is time consuming. …”
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Liquid-phase alkali-doping of individual carbon nanotube field-effect transistors
Published 2012“…Varausten siirtyminen taas muuttaa hiilinanoputken Fermi-tasoa ja vaikuttaa putken virrankuljetusominaisuuksiin. Myös atomeja voidaan kiinnittää hiilinanoputken seinämiin esimerkiksi sähköstaattisten vuorovaikutusten avulla, jolloin varausten siirron ja Fermi-tason muutoksen myötä putken virrankuljetusominaisuudet muuttuvat. …”
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Informal learning in youth volunteer work : perspectives from the European Voluntary Service programme
Published 2013“…The results show that volunteers acquire a wide range of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. The learning is significant in relation to one’s self, interpersonal and communications skills, learning about the world and developing instrumental skills. …”
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Cue weighting and task processing in melodic classification
Published 2015“…Many studies have considered the role of diverse musical parameters in the perception and cognition of specific musical contexts, yet few attempts have been made to integrate these findings into a general cognitive overview of everyday music listening. …”
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L2 writing and L2 written feedback in upper secondary schools as experienced by teachers
Published 2015“…In particular, it attempts to describe whether L2 writing is important nowadays and what text types learners produce. …”
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Job satisfaction and organizational trust as antecedents of organizational commitment in Finnish and Estonian SMEs
Published 2015“…The object of the study is to increase knowledge about organizational commitment and job attitudes affecting the formation of commitment. The study is cross-sectional, using previously gathered SME survey data. …”
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Guidance Counselors’ experiences on policy changes, counseling students from immigrant backgrounds and time management
Published 2022“…Communication difficulties attributed to language differences and mismatched expectations between students, their families, and the guidance counselors were also a theme.Previous research supports my findings. …”
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Kyberoperaatioiden käyttö pelotevaikutusten luomiseen
Published 2023“…Toisekseen, kyberpelote on haastavaa rakentaa pelkin kybersuorituskyvyin kybertoimintaympäristössä tapahtuvaksi toiminnaksi muun muassa attribuutiohaasteen ja valtioiden pyrkimyksen salata kybersuorituskykynsä takia. …”
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Korkean pelaajapysyvyyden saavuttaminen videopeleissä
Published 2024“…The objective of this thesis was to find out how game developers can attain high player retention in their games and figure out which strategies to implement in order to stop players from leaving their game. …”
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The feasibility and possible benefits of indoor exergames in primary school
Published 2017“…The study shows that exergames attracted students through intrinsic motivation to engage an enthusiast and regular participation. …”
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