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Short films : dispersive effects of clip thinking
Published 2013“…The present thesis discusses the clip thinking in terms of New Media theory of Lev Manovich and as an attribute of a post-human being. Finally, the research investigates how the clip thinking patterns are expressed in short films by means of cinematic montage. …”
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Undergraduate business and environmental science students' recycling behavior at an Appalachian University
Published 2014“…Adequate information and positive attitude were somewhat helpful in motivating the participants to recycle on campus. …”
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Muutos tilassa : taideteoksen autenttisuuden ja auran merkitykset installaatiotaiteen esittämisen ja tallentamisen prosesseissa
Published 2015“…Tutkielmassa esitetään ajatus installaatioteoksen autenttisuudesta eri tavoin tuotettuna ja rakennettuna kokonaisuutena, joka muodostetaan erilaisin teoksen aitoutta määrittävin attribuutein. Myös instituutiokonteksti vahvistaa käsitystä teosten autenttisuudesta. …”
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Consumer selection of vegetarian food in restaurants
Published 2015“…The findings of this study indicate that Finnish consumers have a positive attitude towards vegetarian food. The most important factors that motivate consumers to eat more vegetarian food are the good taste, selection, and the health benefits of vegetarian food. …”
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"Phonebloks, or a phone developed by its future users" : user experiences of a forum for a modular phone concept
Published 2016“…In late 2013, a project caught my attention as being interesting to me and potentially a lot of others, innovative, and environmentally friendly: a smartphone project called Phonebloks. …”
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Managing the repatriation of professionals following overseas assignment
Published 2017“…Despite decades of research about culture shock, and latterly but not to the same extent, reverse culture shock, it seems that little is understood about how to manage the process of repatriation after an overseas assignment in the commercial world. Attrition rates of repatriates leaving their employers within the first year following their return continue to rise as those individuals consistently report feeling undervalued by their employers. …”
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"Work is different than school" : pre-service teachers' beliefs, preconceptions and concerns about teachers' work
Published 2017“…While working in an elementary school in Tallinn, I witnessed new teachers entering the teaching profession right after graduation. At first, their attitude was positive and they were full of motivation, but somehow, by the end of their first year, their attitude had changed. …”
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Aattele vua muailman kantilta, mut toemiha kuitennii ku omalla pihalla : tapaustutkimus malminetsintäprojektin sosiaalisen toimiluvan menettämisestä
Published 2024“…Analyysimetodiksi valikoitui teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysi, jonka tueksi hyödynnettiin ATLAS.ti -ohjelmaa. Aineistosta etsittiin skalaarimallin negaatiotasoja ilmentävää sisältöä, jonka avulla työssä arvioitiin sosiaalisen toimiluvan menettämiseen johtavia syitä ja prosesseja. …”
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Kognitiivisen tason yhteys alaraajojen toimintakykyyn iäkkäillä henkilöillä
Published 2013“…For older people executive function and attention are important factors in motoric movements which require the use of the lower extremities. …”
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Piirtämisen mahdollisuudet kasvien lajintuntemuksen opetuksessa
Published 2015“…The main question of this study was: Does drawing the plant help to find its distinctive characteristics and thereby make it easier to learn? Attitudes towards and about drawing were also studied. …”
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Rakkaudesta lajiin ja paskaan läppään : Icehearts-urheilujoukkue ja poikien sosiaalinen pääoma
Published 2016“…These are portrayed as attachment in relation to the educator, the peer-group and the team sports hobby. …”
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Crowdfunding in the banking industry : adjusting to a digital era
Published 2017“…Additionally, banks’ motivations and attitudes towards novel financial technologies and the development of the industry are scrutinized. …”
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Facilitators and impediments in the adoption and implementation of the HubSpot marketing automation system
Published 2017“…The goal of this research is to increase the understanding of successful adoption and implementation of a marketing automation system. This attempt is attained by identifying what kinds of impediments and facilitators can occur in the adoption and implementation process of a marketing automation system. …”
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NIS-direktiivin kahdet kasvot : riskit ja riskienhallinta
Published 2017“…Although the Directive was adopted around the same time, and it will step into force around the same time with EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), it has received far less attention than GDPR. This thesis examines the impact of the NIS Directive on companies. …”
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Sienipilven varjossa : ydinsodan pelko amerikkalaisessa kulttuurissa vuosina 1950-1963
Published 2014“…Toinen maailmansota päättyi kahteen Japaniin pudotettuun atomipommiin. Pian amerikkalaisten mielet valtasi huoli siitä, mitä atomipommi voisi tehdä, jos sellainen räjähtäisi Yhdysvaltain maaperällä. …”
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Liikunta-aktiivisuuden yhteys työikäisten koettuun hyvinvointiin kaupunki- ja maaseutuympäristöissä
Published 2014“…Tutkimuksen aineisto saatiin Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitoksen tekemän laajan kyselytutkimuksen (ATH) vuoden 2012 aineistosta. Kaupunkiympäristönä oli Vaasa, josta mukana oli 837 henkilöä. …”
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Thin film conductivity measurements of carbon nanotube hemicellulose complex
Published 2014“…Kalvoa kuvattiin optisella-, atomivoima- ja elektronitransmissio mikroskoopeilla. …”
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Images of the other in Finnish primary school geography books
Published 2016“…In addition to obviously stereotypical images, attention is also paid to more subtle, hidden stereotypes. …”
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Loppukäyttäjien asennoituminen ohjelmiston vaatimusmäärittelytyöhön
Published 2017“…The purpose of this thesis was to examine end users’ attitude towards the software requirements engineering process. …”
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Tuotantoeläinten hyvinvoinnin rakentuminen lihanjalostajien vastuullisuusviestinnässä
Published 2017“…Aineistona on eläinten hyvinvointia käsittelevät kirjoitetut tekstit, jotka on poimittu Atrian Kotikokkaajat-sivustolta ja HKScan Finland Oy:n tuotemerkkien HK ja Kariniemen verkkosivuilta. …”
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