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Individual, family and teacher level correlates of behavioral and cognitive school engagement
Published 2012“…Study results indicate that Finnish adolescents have positive attitudes to future education that vary mostly due to parent values. …”
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Mind-Body Problem: Investigating the Gap Between Physiological and Perceived Stress Using Smartwatch Data
Published 2024“…Results indicated no association between physiological and perceived stress nor moderation by attentional styles, personality traits, or metacognitive beliefs. …”
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Kyberturvallisuusstandardit NIS2-direktiivin riskienhallintavelvoitteen tukena
Published 2024“…The construction is published as part of the standard references contained in Traficom's recommendation and the cross-reference table attached to the recommendation. Cybersecurity standards support the organization in preparing for legal obligations. …”
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Käyttäjäkokemuksen muuttuminen puettavan hyvinvointiteknologian pitkäaikaiskäytössä
Published 2024“…Laatutekijöiden onnistumista mitattiin AttrakDiff-mittarilla. Kokonaiskokemusta mitattiin retrospektiivi-sesti kolmen kuukauden käytön jälkeen UX Curve -metodin digitaalisella versiolla iScale. …”
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Selitettävät tekoälymallit (XAI) kyberuhkien havainnoinnissa
Published 2024“…The cyber environment is in a constant state of flux as attacks become more complex and severe. The aim is to detect threat actors as early as possible in order to proactively prevent, for example, the theft of sensitive data, the execution of ransomware or other hostile actions. …”
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Gamification and motivation in education: A systematic literature review
Published 2024“…It analyses these papers to find the status of current research and if gamification can be considered an effective tool to increase student motivation. Also, this study attempts to answer whether there is some consent on how scholars usually define motivation. …”
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Building a Smart Campus Application – Usage, Perceptions and Ideas in the Age of AI and Hybrid Learning
Published 2024“…During the past decade, the concept of a smart campus has gained significant attention in the academic community. Essentially, the concept of a smart campus is about utilization of novel technology to build valuable services, that integrate to all aspects of the life on campus. …”
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"Että välissä tehhään muutaki ko vain perus oppitunnit" : VOIMAA! Pellon perusopetuksen Liikkuva koulu toiminta
Published 2016“…The majority also considered the atmosphere during breaks at least rather good. To make school days physically more active had a positive influence on wellbeing at school. …”
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Suomalaisten naisolympiaurheilijoiden kokemuksia kansainväliseen menestykseen vaikuttaneista tekijöistä
Published 2017“…Based on this information versatile training background has been beneficial for these athletes. …”
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Elämän haasteiden yhteys ikääntyneiden henkilöiden fyysiseen suorituskykyyn
Published 2018“…Studies show that stress and stressful life events can contribute to aging-related changes and affect health, the onset of illness and prem-ature mortality. The way stressful life events and stress affect physical performance have been less studied. …”
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Aineenopettajaopiskelijoiden näkemyksiä koulupäivän ja oppituntien liikunnallistamisesta
Published 2021“…In promoting physical activity among pupils, attention needs to be paid to how to reduce passive time and increase physical activity. …”
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Lapsiperheiden kasvisten kulutus äitien kuvaamana
Published 2011“…Kasvisten käyttö arjessa nähtiin hankalaksi myös muun muassa ajanpuutteen takia. Perheen aterioinnin kuvauksissa korostui perheenjäsenten eriaikainen ateriointi sekä eri ruoan tarjoilu. …”
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Automatic subgenre classification of heavy metal music
Published 2011“…To the best of my knowledge this is the first attempt to study the issue. Besides attempting automatic classification, the thesis investigates sub-genre taxonomy of heavy metal music, highlighting the historical origins and the most prominent musical features of its sub-genres. …”
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Computational studies of torsional properties of single-walled carbon nanotubes
Published 2010“…Calculations of defected structures is computationally expensive as it requires larger simula- tion cell with large number of atoms. To reduce the cost of computations we take the advantage of chiral symmetry of nanotubes instead of translational one, and faster performance of density-functional tight-binding method compared to other computational methods. …”
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Software-defined networking, current state, applicability and security
Published 2024“…Additionally, results show that SDN can be prone to service denial attacks through flooding, injections and communication channel overloading. …”
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Tuntematon yhteys: ”Air-gap”-eristetyn kohteen komentaminen ultraäänellä
Published 2024“…The method increases attacker's ability to affect the target, but still requires access to the target in close proximity. …”
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Outlining the Digital Education Games Ecosystem in Finnish Basic Education
Published 2024“…The findings support previous research emphasizing the importance of pedagogical attitudes in the use of technology in schools and understanding how the ecosystem can be constructed on Digital Education Games. …”
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Varautuminen ja palautuminen kiristyshaittaohjelmahyökkäyksestä organisaation näkökulmasta
Published 2024“…How can organizations effectively prepare for and recover from ransomware attacks, particularly from a business continuity perspective? …”
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Työntekijöiden tietoturvakäyttäytymiseen vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2024“…In the empirical part of the study, the attitudes and perceptions of employees towards information security are examined through a qualitative thematic interview. …”
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Somatosensory change detection in the aging brain
Published 2011“…As hypotesized, the MMR was completely attenuated in the aged group. P50 and N80, instead, had prolonged latency in the aged group compared to young adults. …”
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