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Exploring Finnish upper secondary English teachers’ cognition and practice of teaching intercultural competence
Published 2018“…Moreover, teachers’ practices which incorporate intercultural competence were selected and analyzed based on Byram’s model of intercultural competence consisting of knowledge, skills, attitudes and critical cultural awareness(Byram, 1997). …”
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Lastensuojelun ja nuorisopsykiatrian yhteisasiakkuudet : auttamisvastuun jakaminen ja siirtäminen
Published 2018“…Analyysin apuvälineenä käytettiin Atlas.tiohjelmaa. Tutkielman tulokset osoittavat, että lastensuojelun ja nuorisopsykiatrian yhteisasiakkuus on nuorisopsykiatrisessa osastohoidossa olleilla nuorilla yleistä. …”
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Unelma kaupungista : Alvar Aallon Helsingin keskustasuunnitelma kaupunkisuunnittelun modernistisessa traditiossa
Published 2019“…Modernistista traditiota tutkin perehtymällä tärkeimmät modernistiset arkkitehdit yhdistäneen Congrès Internationaux d'Architecture Moderne (CIAM) -järjestöön, ja sen vuoden 1933 kokouksessa laadittuun La Charte d’Athenes (Ateenan julistus) julkilausumaan. Ateenan julistus oli voimallisesti muokkaamassa modernistista kaupunkisuunnitteluparadigmaa ja sitä kautta vaikutti suuresti erityisesti sotien jälkeiseen kaupunkisuunnitteluun ja kaupunkitilan syntyyn. …”
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Korean teachers' and learners' perceptions of world Englishes
Published 2019“…The questions asked participants’ understanding of WEs, English varieties they had learned, taught, and been exposed to, and their attitudes towards including diverse WEs in English education. …”
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Synthesis of an antiaromatic circulenophane
Published 2020“…The linker is covalently bonded through the pyrrole nitrogen atoms of the circulene system. Creating this system enables us to study further the antiaromaticity of the circulenophane compound synthesized in this project. …”
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Opinion leadership in an organization change context
Published 2021“…The opinion leaders defined situations where the influence attempts might happen, such as meetings and gatherings involving several people, but also one-to-one discussions between the employees and supervisors were mentioned. …”
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Satskonnektion i finska gymnasisters uppsatser i L2-svenska : analys av en berättande och en instruerande text
Published 2021“…Yksittäisistä konnektoreista varsinkin för det första, till exempel, för att ja sedan ilmaistiin usein kohdekielestä poikkeavasti. …”
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Perspectives on Translanguaging and Schoolscape : A Case Study of Romani-Speaking Children in a Hungarian School
Published 2022“…Translanguaging in the classroom is engaging educators’ attention as a practical pedagogical choice to integrate learners’ full linguistic repertoire. …”
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International competence in Finnish vocational education and training : an analysis of the qualification requirements
Published 2019“…This study examines if students can attain international skills through the qualification requirements, in addition to the state of internationality of the qualification requirements. …”
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Preparing orphaned/unaccompanied children for sustainable livelihood through "home"-based entrepreneurial education : implications from a care service provider in northern Thailand
Published 2019“…The findings inform us several feasible ways to implement entrepreneurship education on orphaned/unaccompanied children: 1) opting for an (emulated) “family” business approach, 2) constructing a safety net for risk taking, 3) prioritizing local leadership, 4) adopting short supply chain businesses, 5) holding a flexible, responsive, lenient attitude. In terms of challenges in practice, the director reported fixed mind-set of the local people and their apprehensive attitudes towards innovation and risk-taking were the main challenges. …”
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Teacher perspectives on collaboration between English foreign language and special education teachers in Finnish primary schools
Published 2019“…The aim of this study was to share individual teachers’ experiences of the collaboration between SPED and EFL teachers and to possibly evoke discussion on the current state and possible areas for development in the collaboration and EFL support in Finnish primary school education. The teachers’ attitudes towards teacher collaboration appeared positive, yet there was infrequency in their practical implementations of collaboration. …”
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Education of refugee students in Greece : teachers’ experiences
Published 2019“…The fourth school was an Intercultural primary school, located in a big urban centre; the two refugee students attending were integrated into mainstream classrooms. …”
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Fabrication of microfluidic devices through deep wet etching
Published 2019“…In this paper, multiple fabrication methods was attempted to create a microfluidic device that can be utilized in cell sorting purposes. …”
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Investigation of agency and mental wellbeing : the case of international students in the context of Finnish higher education
Published 2020“…In conclusion, more attention, acknowledgement and consideration are required to handle mental wellbeing and agency of international students. …”
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The anti-cyberbullying programs in Finnish lower secondary schools : teacher perspectives
Published 2021“…Furthermore, the results showed that more attention should be paid to bystanders of bullying. …”
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Armeijan vihreissä : Pohjois-Karjalan prikaatin varusmiesten luontoliikuntakokemuksia ennen palvelusta ja alokasajalta
Published 2014“…Key words: outdoor activities, conscripts, relationship with nature, military, attitude, motive, outdoor education, surroundings of activities …”
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Käyttäjien asenteet ja odotukset tekoälyyn urheilussa ja terveydenseurannassa : case IBM Watson
Published 2018“…In addition, some studies of attitudes and expectations about technology were reviewed. …”
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Ruumiillinen synkronia pariterapian hiljaisissa hetkissä
Published 2021“…The material consisted of twelve couple therapy sessions of the Relational Mind research project at University of Jyväskylä, each of which was attended by two clients and two therapists. This study focused on the detected silent moments with particularly low sound energy. …”
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Exercise Motivation and Affective Experiences of Recreational Runners in Central Finland
Published 2024“…There has been little attention in literature on the psychology of recreational runners. …”
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Sepelvaltimotautia sairastavien naisten ohjaus : tavoitteenasettelu laitoskuntoutuksessa
Published 2011“…Analyysimenetelmänä käytettiin sisällönanalyysia ja tilastollisia menetelmiä. Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)-lomakkeen täyttäminen koettiin myönteisenä. …”
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