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Macrocyclic thiourea and thioamide receptor synthesis and utilization
Published 2020“…Some endeavors also included 1H and 13C NMR binding studies. Successful attempts for halogen bond formation were achieved between tripodal thiourea receptors and perfluorinated iodobenzene guests. …”
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VAL_AI: an integrated debugger tool for post-silicon validation
Published 2023“…Post-silicon validation debugging is the last line of defense for all possible attacks and bugs. The process involves rigorous amount of iterative and repeated process of opening several files and comparing data from previous tests. …”
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Liikunnan- ja terveystiedonopettajat 2010-luvulla : työkykyyn vaikuttavat tekijät opettajien kokemina sekä vuosina 2012-2017 valmistuneiden opettajien kokemuksia työelämään siirtym...
Published 2018“…The weakest abilities obtained were for classroom attendance, student care and administrative duties. …”
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Häiriintyneen syömiskäyttäytymisen esiintyvyys suomalaisilla nais- ja miesurheilijoilla painosensitiivisissä lajeissa
Published 2025“…Tutkimus toteutettiin osana The Athletic Performance and Nutrition (NoREDS) -tutkimusta. …”
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"That is why I gave in to age my competitive ability but not my soul!" : a spiritual journey in endurance running
Published 2011“…I suggest that finding the existential spirituality of running can be a protective element in athletic retirement, enabling the runner to sustain their athletic identity as a central life-narrative even after the transition. …”
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HIV/AIDS education in regular and special (deaf) secondary schools in Ghana
Published 2011“…It was also realised that students from the two schools involved in the surveys attitude toward people infected and affected by the disease were positive. …”
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Kirjoituksia epäoikeudenmukaisuudesta : työtön sosiaalisen median keskustelupalstalla
Published 2013“…Eroa oli siinä, miten nämä attribuutit otettiin osaksi omaa identiteettiä. Työttömien voi tulkita saaneen sosiaalisen median ja keskustelupalstan kautta vahvistusta identiteetilleen ja asemoinnilleen, sekä sosiaalisesti että yhteiskunnallisesti. …”
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Removal of alkylthiols from gold surface : molecular dynamics simulations in density functional theory
Published 2015“…According to our results, acquired using the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) method and the PBE functional, about half of the top layer of gold is removed from the surface by the thiols. …”
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Study of Zumba game playing experience, related to previous knowledge of Zumba
Published 2014“…The researcher intends to show that exergames are ideal replacements for fitness activities for individuals unable to attend fitness facilities and they might increase the interest and self-assurance of the players in taking part of the real life activity. …”
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CVG-ICP-OES -menetelmän käyttö elohopean analysointiin eläinkudoksesta
Published 2015“…Myös yleisesti käytetty atomiabsorptiospektrometria –laitteisto (AAS) esitellään, koska sitä voidaan käyttää myös elohopean määritykseen kylmähöyrynä CV-AAS –menetelmän avulla. …”
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Social contagion of autonomous motivation among professional educators : as a resource of leadership in schools
Published 2016“…The current study concludes that educational leaders should pay attention to how their teachers are autonomously motivated and make the most of it. …”
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"Todellista vapautta" : käsitykset vapaudesta ja valtion tehtävistä Britannian parlamentin alahuoneen keskusteluissa 1945-50
Published 2016“…Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan Britannian parlamentin alahuoneessa käytyä keskustelua vapaudesta ja valtion tehtävistä Clement Attleen johtaman Labour-hallituksen noustua valtaan vuoden 1945 vaaleissa. …”
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Cognition of Korean-English secondary school teachers about intercultural dimension in EFL teaching
Published 2016“…Some suggestions were also made for better future of our English education; regarding culture teaching in English classroom, teacher education and training, the need for teachers’ active attitude in teaching, and the assessment system. …”
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Improving environmental performance and related costs in a public organization through initial environmental review : case study - Helsinki Police Department
Published 2017“…Secondary data was collected from multi-sources and then analyzed collectively to form a big picture of the organization, which allowed the researcher to decide which areas should be primarily paid attention to in conjunction with overall improvement. …”
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Competitive balance in Veikkausliiga and Liiga
Published 2020“…The theory states that in order for a sport league to thrive, to attract spectators and thus be more profitable, the teams must be of approximately similar strength. …”
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"Oon niin huono multitaskaan" : monisuorittamismieltymysten suhde suoriutumiseen
Published 2023“…Existing research has quite consistently indicated that humans are unable to focus on more than one attention demanding task at once, performing better when completing the tasks one at a time. …”
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Choosing to teach : motivating factors in Finnish students' decisions to teach
Published 2023“…Some observed motivations, including prior teaching experiences and a belief that one possesses a natural talent for teaching, could also be leveraged in the development of teacher recruitment programs in countries struggling to attract teachers to the profession. …”
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Optimization of cell unroofing and in vitro reconstitution of reticular adhesion
Published 2024“…It also attempted to reconstitute RAs on these membrane sheets and visualize them using TIRF microscopy. …”
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Charles de Gaulle & the French resistance : a case study on the legitimacy and contention of a resistance and its leader
Published 2014“…This master’s thesis looks into the foundation of de Gaulle’s legitimacy, and attempts to explain why and how he became a legitimate leader. …”
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Sustainability initiatives and the stakeholders involved : a case study of the GOLDEN Project and the electric utility industry
Published 2017“…This piece of research focuses primarily on which are the main types of sustainability initiatives within the electric utility sector with direct attention on five companies being Eletrobras, Rheinisch-Westfälisches Elektrizitätswerk AG, Fortum, Copel and Edison. …”
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