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Listening Strategies for Musical Brightness Contour : Continuous Ratings by Using Slider Control
Published 2023“…However, indication that timbre dimension corresponding to attack/onset of tones is dominant over other dimensions was found. …”
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Karttapalvelu persuasiivisena ekoteknologiana : käyttäjien tarpeet ja kokemukset osallistavassa käyttöliittymäsuunnittelussa
Published 2023“…Persuasive eco-technology promotes pro-environmental attitudes and behaviour change by utilizing technological pos-sibilities. …”
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Henkilöstön tunteet ja niiden säätelystrategiat työssä
Published 2023“…Aineiston analyysissä käytettiin sekä aineisto- että teoriaohjaavaa sisällönanalyysiä ja laadullisen analyysin tukena käytettiin Atlas.ti ohjelmistoa. Tutkimuksen tulosten mukaan henkilöstö koki työssään sekä negatiivisia että positiivisia tunteita ja tutkimuksessa korostuivat negatiiviset tunteet, jotka liittyivät esimerkiksi ajan riittämättömyyteen ja työkuormaan. …”
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Predicting PISA reading performance with reading fluency and reading-related motivation and examining how they affect future participation in society
Published 2018“…However, from the different measures of reading-related motivation particularly self-concept of ability in reading and intrinsic value in reading were significant predictors of PISA reading performance whereas attainment value and utility value had no unique effects. …”
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Alaraajalihasten aktivointi ja voimantuottoprofiili eri ikäisillä veteraaniheittäjillä
Published 2004“…Liikenopeuden systemaattinen lasku viittaa ikääntymisen mukanaan tuomaan nopeiden lihassolujen atrofiaan, joka hidastaa lihaksen maksimaalista supistumisnopeutta. …”
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Monitapaustutkimus valikoiduista Kiinaan ja Venäjään liitetyistä kyberhyökkäysryhmistä : kohdennetut haittaohjelmahyökkäykset
Published 2021“…Advanced persistent threat means an attack in which a sophisticated attacker acts in disguise and for a long time on a computer network. …”
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The future potential of gamification in a professional sports marketing context
Published 2022“…Gamification effectively attracts customers to spend time with the brand. The results support theories that proper gamification mechanics and dynamics can create a meaningful customer experience, motivate desired customer behavior, build customer relationships, and encourage customer engagement and loyalty. …”
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Kuluttajan hakukonekäyttäytyminen : miten luottamus hakukoneen tuloksia kohtaan rakentuu?
Published 2022“…The purpose was to find out in detail on what basis trust in search engine results is built, whether paid advertisements are perceived as reliable and in what site-developer should pay attention to maximize experienced trust among users in towards their Google-visibility. …”
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Viljeltyjen ihmislihassolujen proteiinisynteesin stimulointi ja glukoosin käyttö biomolekyylien synteesissä
Published 2024“…Serum stimulation caused an increase in incorporation of 14C glucose carbon atoms into proteins and RNAs. Insulin-like growth factor 1 increased the incorporation of those carbon atoms into RNAs and lipids. …”
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Informaatio- ja kommunikaatioteknologian rooli sosiaalisen stigman käsitteessä
Published 2011“…Sosiaalinen stigma tarkoittaa yksinkertaistetusti merkkiä, josta muodostetun attribuution seurauksena henkilön sosiaalinen hyväksyttävyys ja status laskee. …”
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Subjektin teologia : uskonnollisuuden tarkastelua lacanilaisen psykoanalyysin näkökulmasta
Published 2011“…Neljän diskurssin teorian valossa lähestytään myös mahdollisuutta sellaisen ateistisen horisontin artikuloimiseen, joka ei olisi piilevästi kytköksissä uskonnollisuuteen. …”
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Combinatorial and independent effects of exercise and myostatin/activin blocking on muscle gene expression profiling
Published 2013“…The administration of soluble ligand binding domain of type IIb activin receptor fused to the Fc domain (sActRIIB-Fc) has been recently shown to attenuate dystrophic pathology and to increase muscle mass, but also to supress aerobic metabolism. …”
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What kind of values could be recognised in green messages, with special emphasis on children
Published 2015“…A lot of attention has been put on analysing why people behave in a certain way in many different aspects of life. …”
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Expatriate experience as part of the life and career of the expatriate : a cross-cultural adjustment and learning perspective
Published 2016“…Nevertheless expatriates have traditionally been perceived as a fairly homogenous, broad population in the literature and the alternative forms of expatriation besides company-assigned expatriates have received little attention. The purpose of this study is to explore the changing face of expatriation and understand the phenomena of cross-cultural adjustment and learning and their perceived contribution to the overall experience. …”
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Mindfulness, acceptance and value-based intervention for burnout : mediational roles of learning the elements of the intervention on outcomes
Published 2015“…Results, based on paired samples t-tests, showed that there were significant changes in mindfulness (FFMQ), frequency (ATQ-F) and believability (ATQ-B) of automatic negative thoughts, work ability (WAQ) and illegitimate tasks (BITS). …”
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Pasila satiirin, koomisen ja absurdin rajoilla
Published 2016“…Sarjan nauttimasta innostuksesta kertoo jo se, että ohjaaja-käsikirjoittaja Atte Järvisen lopetuspäätöksestä huolimatta, YLE jatkoi sarjaa uuden tekijätiimin voimalla Pasila 2.5 - The Spin-off -version muodossa. …”
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Published 2018“…Venäjän kielen oppikirjasarjoista tutkimuksessani ovat mukana Davaj, Davaj!, Ponjatno! sekä Atel’je. Ruotsin kielen oppikirjasarjoista mukana ovat Megafon, Hallonbåt ja På gång. …”
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Dynamics of a Higher Education Institutional Partnership in a Finnish Nepalese Capacity Building Project
Published 2019“…The road to an authentic partnership addressing the beneficiaries’ needs requires essential practices of mutuality, respect, trust, and transparency with a necessity of adequate time and effort in planning phase, open dialogue between the two partners, and attempts to prevail over the divergence in working cultures. …”
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Racism in advertising in the beauty industry : emotional responses in social media during racism related crises
Published 2019“…The findings of this study showed that, as predicted by the earlier theories, people expressed different emotions based on the crisis response strategies used by the organization, the origin of the crisis, and the level of responsibility attributed to the organization by the stakeholders. …”
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Cultural sustainability in indigenous people's festivals : cultural impact of Riddu Riddu Festival, Norway
Published 2019“…The most significant changes in attitudes and associated meanings are analysed further in four themes: reinterpreted relations to Sami culture, festival management, intergenerational perspectives and insights on language use. …”
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