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Image of "Xinjiang Vocational Education and Training Centers": content analysis of news report on Chinese mass media from 2018 to 2020
Published 2021“…Since 9/11 and following terrorist attacks carried out by extremist groups, Powell (2018) pointed out that media coverage of terrorism in the US added the fear of Muslims. …”
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Perceived teacher self-efficacy relating to student diversity in mainstream classrooms
Published 2022“…Results show that there is a significant negative correlation between the number of students with attention deficiency/behavior problems and teachers’ perceived self-efficacy in behavior management. …”
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The interlacing of many worlds : Bosnian Finnish connection to Bosnia and Herzegovina today
Published 2023“…The results indicate that, first, there is frequent communication with Bosnian communities in Fin- land as well as in Europe and the United States of America. Second, attempts are actively being made to try to maintain links to Bosnian heritage while adapting to Finnish ways of life. …”
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Quantitative analysis of optical parameters using THz-TDS
Published 2023“…In this study, I have also attempted to visualise uncertainties on optical parameters of lactose sample extracted through Lorentz model of electronic dispersion. …”
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Arvonmuodostus yliopiston vertaistukea tarjoavassa yrityksen sosiaalisessa mediassa
Published 2020“…Value was found to be co-created, so enterprise social media can only offer attributes that the user can either accept or abandon. …”
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Salibandyn seuraajat jälkimodernin urheilun kuluttajina : tapaustutkimus salibandyseura Happeen katsojista
Published 2020“…In terms of in-game attendance there were roughly a third of active followers, a half of occasional followers and a fifth of so-called outsiders. …”
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“Mä saan silitellä puoltoist tuntii koiraa. Se riittää.” : yliopisto-opiskelijoiden kokemukset koira-avusteisesta toiminnasta Opiskelijan Kompassin ryhmäohjauksessa
Published 2021“…Knowledge of the fact that dogs were going to be present at the meetings increased both the participants' motivation to attend the meetings and their willingness to sign up for the group. …”
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Moniammatillisuus osana fysioterapian ydinosaamista
Published 2017“…Health sciences, Jyväskylä university, master theses, 63 p., 6 attachments. Introduction: Multiprofessionalism is in important role in nowadays and especially in future dis-cussions considering social and healthcare. …”
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Naisrugbynpelaajien kokemuksia kehollisuudesta
Published 2015“…Observing the body changed from objective to seeing the body as a tool. The atmosphere of the rugby teams towards different kind of bodies seems to be extremely positive and accepting. …”
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Predator-induced plasticity on the life-history and antipredator defenses of the aposematic wood tiger moth larva
Published 2017“…In one, the larvae were exposed to a simulated bird attack, whereas in the other, the larvae were left to develop in normal conditions. …”
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Electrophysiological evidence for change detection in sound frequency and duration in mice
Published 2017“…Lengthening of the ISI resulted in attenuation of the MMR, indicating weakened memory trace formation. …”
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Acute neuromuscular and hormonal responses and recovery from velocity-based strength loading sessions : effects of velocity based training in men
Published 2019“…The emergence of training based on mean propulsive velocity rather than fixed repetition training has gained attention including investigations around the world as a possible alternative to traditional forms of resistance training for athletes. …”
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"Tieto lisää tuskaa" : teknostressi turvallisuusvalvomotyöskentelyssä
Published 2023“…Technostress has been studied more or less since the 1980s, but recently it has gained more attention. Thus, technostress is one type of stress and can be seen to be formed as a result of the interaction between the individual and the environment. …”
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Asenteet 3D tulostettuja elintarvikkeita kohtaan suomessa
Published 2023“…Consumers knowledge and attitudes have not been investigated much in the past because the research has focused on developing the technology. …”
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Kyberrikollisuudessa käytettyjen hyökkäystyyppien kehitys vuosina 2010-2020
Published 2024“…With the widespread adoption of information technology and electron-ic services, cybercriminals have been presented with an ever-expanding attack surface, which has also influenced the attack types used by cybercriminals. …”
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Liikunnanopettajien käsityksiä ja kokemuksia oppilaiden motivoimisesta koululiikunnassa
Published 2018“…Teachers regarded that the best ways to motivate students are paying attention to individuals and establishing a safe atmosphere in physical education classes. …”
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Keihäänheittäjän kovatehoisen heittoharjoituksen akuutit vaikutukset kyynärnivelen toimintakykyyn ja kyynärniveleen
Published 2024“…The goal was to identify tools for athletes to monitor the readiness of forearm muscles to act as dynamic stabilizers of the joint space during training session. …”
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Effects of 24 weeks of single session combined strength and endurance training on body composition and fitness : examination of order effect
Published 2013“…The question of whether the order of exercise yields to different adaptations in body composition, when strength (S) and endurance training (E) are combined into the same training session, has received only limited scientific attention. In addition, neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory adaptations to single session combined training have shown conflicting results, especially when examining the intra-session sequence. …”
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Musiikillinen elämänkaari alakoulusta aikuisuuteen : tapaustutkimus musiikkiluokan merkityksestä ja musiikillisista elämäntarinoista
Published 2014“…Through these cases, I define how and in which way musical self-perception occurs in adults who have attended music class. The approach for the method of qualitative case study was to use narrative inquiry and bi-ography. …”
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Vertaileva tutkimus Ylen ja MTV:n Mestareiden liigan jalkapalloselostuksista keväältä 2013
Published 2015“…Six categories was found, whom were ”creating atmosphere and observation of audience”, ”general observations”, ”single player’s/referee’s decisions”, ”impact of coach”, ”orientation of future”, and ”historical narration”. …”
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