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Apache Log4j2 exploitation in aeronautical, maritime, and aerospace communication
Published 2022“…The protocols are used as attack vectors for exploitation of Apache Log4j2 Java-library’s vulnerabilities. …”
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Oppimateriaalin laadukkuus ja sen arviointi POPPIQ-arviointityökalulla
Published 2022“…With the POPPIQ tool the evaluation process is supported by guiding teachers to pay attention to important points which are notable when evaluating the quality of learning material. …”
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Oman älypuhelimen läsnäolon vaikutus käytettävissä olevaan työmuistin kapasiteettiin
Published 2022“…In the framework the working memory capacity is defined as one’s own ability to control attention to maintain relevant information. Orienting attention is defined to be driven by selection and reward history, goal-driven attention, and stimulus-driven attention. …”
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Kehittäjäkokemuksen toteutuminen teknisessä dokumentaatiossa
Published 2023“…Therefore, particular attention must be paid to the job satisfaction of programmers, i.e., the developer experience. …”
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”Nää on niin typeriä tämmöset linkkien lähettämiset” : yli 60-vuotiaiden näkemyksiä pankkien nimissä tehtävästä tietojenkalastelusta
Published 2023“…In a situation where a customer had fall-en victim to a phishing attempt, there was a shared responsibility between the bank and the customer. …”
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Tekoälykuvageneraattorien omaksuminen visuaalisten taiteilijoiden keskuudessa
Published 2023“…In this research the attitudes of visual artists towards artificial intelligence image generators were explored. …”
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Raskaussovellukset synnytyspelkoa kokevan tukena
Published 2023“…Respondents wished for pregnancy apps to have more information about childbirth, attention to the psychological side, and support from professionals, so that pregnancy apps would better take into account the experience of fear of childbirth. …”
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IT Army of Ukraine as Complex Adaptive System
Published 2023“…Through supporting questions, we delve into specific attributes such as adaptation, nonlinearity, emergence, self-organization, feedback, diversity, cooperation, communication, co-evolution, and contextuality. …”
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TARA+AD: Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment for Automated Driving : cybersecurity of road vehicles
Published 2023“…The new framework was tested by executing a use case related to vehicular communication which is the easiest interface to be attacked. The results were satisfactory as the new TARA+AD analysis framework solved the issue with performing a cybersecurity engineering standard compliant security risk analysis. …”
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Peliflow ja ei-peliflow videopelaajien visuaalisissa narratiiveissa
Published 2023“…The work recommends that game designers finalise their games before publishing and to pay attention to playability. The study encourages further research on social gaming flow and to develop flow imagery. …”
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Tukipalveluiden organisointi projektitalossa asiakkuudenhallintajärjestelmän avulla : tapaustutkimus
Published 2023“…The end users' experiences and the examination of the operational benefits of the system have received very little attention. This case study examines the utilization of a customer relationship management system in the implementation of customer support services and the effect of the system on the support process. …”
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The cyber world of broken hearts : ghosting and breadcrumbing
Published 2023“…Despite being prevalent in digital dating, these behaviors have received limited research attention, particularly regarding their emotional impact and the experience of rejection they entail. …”
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Challenges and insights in semantic search using language models
Published 2023“…Selecting the proper Language Model corresponding to the desired task is a challenging multi-objectives problem as each model has specific set of attributes which affect the performance. Accuracy, resource and time consumption are the most important objectives considered in assessing the quality of a search system. …”
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Urheiluvalmentajien näkemyksiä tasa-arvon ja turvallisuuden edistämisestä urheiluseuroissa
Published 2019“…To ensure an equal opportunity for everyone to develop as an athlete, mixed-sex sport was seen as a key factor. …”
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Physical performance, heart rate variability and hormone concentrations in cross-country skiers throughout the season
Published 2016“…They were tested at the beginning of the season, during the general preparation season, during the specific preparation season and after the competition season for physical performance, serum hormone concentrations and heart rate variability. In addition athletes kept training diaries during the whole study period. …”
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Meaning of countertransference in a music therapy student's clinical studies - towards a professional perspective
Published 2013“…I have also understood the importance of countertransference experiences in a student's personal growth and in the attainment of the goals set in music therapy training. …”
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Breathing woodwinds : music therapy for asthma and COPD rehabilitation
Published 2014“…PEF measures remained the same, but in diaries patients tell improved skills in asthma attack, mucus severing from lower part of the lungs, relieve from continuing coughing and improved capability to cure from common cold. …”
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"Joku on oikeasti elänyt täällä" : Keski-Suomen museon käsityöläiskodit menneen ajan representaationa
Published 2011“…Lopuksi-osiossa kokoan yhteen ajatuksiani siitä, millainen esitys menneisyydestä käsityöläiskotimuseo kaiken kaikkiaan on. ”Att skapa museer är att skapa betydelser.”, kirjoittaa Solveig Sjöberg-Pietarinen väitöskirjassaan Museer ger mening (2004). …”
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Engaging digital natives
Published 2012“…Through understanding the antecedents of digital natives’ engaged behaviour, organizations can attempt to engage them as consumers. According to the results, the digital native generation is not as eager to engage as the earlier research suggested. …”
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Teachers' perceptions of student engagement and teacher self-efficacy beliefs
Published 2014“…The teacher’s belief in herself and her potential is critical for the students’ overall performance in class. This study attempts to investigate the relationship between these two concepts and hopes to reveal their impact on the teaching quality. …”
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