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Vanhemmuustyylien ja lasten koulunkäyntiin liittyvien vanhemmuuskäytäntöjen yhteydet lasten kouluun kiinnittymiseen
Published 2014“…Higher school engagement promotes positive attitudes towards studies and may prevent children’s exclusion. …”
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Software developers’ secure coding needs in the financial sector : a case study
Published 2023“…Software developers have a positive attitude towards developing their own professional expertise, and all the participants have a high intrinsic motivation that guides them in learning new. …”
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Psyykkisen stressin välittävä rooli psykososiaalisen työkuormituksen ja eläkeikätoiveen välillä
Published 2019“…Psychosocial job strain means the factors that are related to e.g. organization of work and the social atmosphere work environment. Job strain has been associated with the health and work ability of employees. …”
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Enhancing Cybersecurity Through Adaptive Anomaly Detection Using Modern AI Techniques
Published 2024“…To collect datasets for analyzing the behavior of cyberthreats, a number of cyber-attack simulations, including threats such as - malware, data breaches, and SQL injections, were created. …”
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Understanding Employee Hopes about Working with Physical Robots
Published 2024“…Additionally, the study analyzes the meanings employees attach to the hopes and draws conclusions about employee attitudes towards robots based on them. …”
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Kybersuojajoukkojen puolustukselliset kyberoperaatiot
Published 2024“…NATO allies and partners have responded to the increased threat level and the cyber attacks that have occurred by conducting Defensive Cyber Operations by national or multinational Cyber Protection Teams on state networks in order to protect and secure the critical networks and to analyse cyber attacks that have already occurred. …”
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Venäläisten sotilasyritysten rooli Saharan eteläpuolisessa Afrikassa 2000-luvulla
Published 2024“…The purpose of the thesis is to increase understanding of Russian PMC’s, such as the Wagner Group, which have received significant media attention but remain partly poorly understood. In Finland, there is little research data available on Russian PMC activities, especially regarding the Sub-Saharan Africa. …”
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Metaforien rooli suunnittelijoiden ajattelussa: Narratiivinen analyysi
Published 2024“…The use of metaphors in technology design enhances understanding and reduces cognitive load, but designers must pay attention to cultural and contextual differences in their effective application. …”
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Virtuaalisten tiimien tietokonevälitteisen viestinnän haasteet ja niistä selviytyminen : systemaattinen kirjallisuustutkimus lumipallottamalla
Published 2024“…Snowballing was determined to be suitable research method for this master's thesis, but more accurate comparative study to other literature study methods employed by master's theses was not attempted. …”
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Urheiluakatemiaurheilijoiden mielenterveys : häiriintyneen syömiskäyttäytymisen ja psykologisen rasituksen välinen yhteys ja vaikutus kilpailuissa suoriutumiseen
Published 2023“…Urheilijoiden häiriintynyttä syömiskäyttäytymistä mitattiin BEDA-Q (Brief Eating Disorder in Athletes Questionnaire) ja EDE-QS (Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire Short) kyselyillä, psykologista rasitusta APSQ (Athlete Psychological Strain Questionnaire) kyselyllä ja urheilijan suoriutumista omalla tasollaan kilpailuissa kartoitettiin MAPS-Q tutkimuksen taustatietolomakkeessa olevan kysymyksen avulla. …”
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Joensuun taidemuseon antiikin kokoelman seitsemän kreikkalaisen keramiikkavaasin ihmisaiheiset vaasimaalaukset
Published 2024“…Vaasit ajoittuvat noin vuosien 490–300 eaa. välille ja neljä niistä edustaa attikalaista ja kolme eteläitalialaista vaasimaalausta. …”
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Onnistunut suoritus jääkiekossa : tapaustutkimus TPS:n A-nuorten SM-sarjapelaajien kokemuksista kaudella 2013-2014
Published 2014“…Players appreciated and found the following coach’s factors important: fair feedback, interaction skills and how they create a positive atmosphere. The most important task of the organization was to create sufficient conditions which allow the players to concentrate fully when preparing for a game. …”
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"Odotitko sinä minua?" : ekaluokkalaisten motoristen perustaitojen kehittäminen ja sosiaalisten taitojen tukeminen liikuntaintervention keinoin
Published 2016“…In the implementation of such a club, a safe learning environment and a positive atmosphere have a great significance. When children realised that they will be heard and understood and someone is there with them, they had the courage to express themselves without fear. …”
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Biologian alan uusien opiskelijoiden lajintuntemustaidot sekä motivaatio opiskelualaansa kohtaan
Published 2016“…General poor species knowledge will reflect on the attitude, understanding and interest toward nature and biodiversity of the students. …”
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Yksilöllisen oppimisen mallin soveltuvuus yläkoulun 7. luokan lajintuntemuksen opetukseen
Published 2017“…In addition, species identification skills of the 7th grade pupils, their nature hobbyism, and attitudes and experiences of biology teaching and species knowledge were studied. …”
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Iän vaikutus maksimi- ja nopeusvoimaan eri lajitaustan omaavilla miehillä
Published 2020“…Speed athletes (1303 N) were stronger than endurance group or controls (p<0.001). …”
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"Jos joku on harvinaista, niin se ei tarkoita sitä etteikö se kuitenki jolleki ois todellisuutta" : Usher-lasten äitien Usherin syndroomaan liittyvät kuormitustekijät sekä arjessa...
Published 2020“…Great amount of stress factors and also their longevity significantly increases the risk of maternal exhaustion that would further affect the well-being of the whole family. In the future more attention needs to be paid to reducing the number of these stress factors. …”
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Digiloikka yhdessä yössä : digitaitojen kehittyminen, asennemuutos ja teknostressi
Published 2022“…2) Were the perceived changes in digital skills linked to a change in attitudes towards digital work? 3) Are the digital skills or attitude towards digital or remote work related to experiencing technostress? …”
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Core muscle activity in OLKI Control exercise system and in three conventional abdominal exercises : a pilot study
Published 2015“…Three national level competitive male athletes (age 26 ± 0.5 yrs.) volunteered to participate in the study. …”
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Antecedents of work engagement
Published 2020“…As a result, three categories of job resources were identified affecting participants’ work engagement: structural factors in the organization, managerial characteristics and employees’ personal attributes. Categories consist in total of 20 job resources. …”
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