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Influencing policy change through advocacy communication : sexual and reproductive health and rights in East and Southern Africa
Published 2020“…Altogether, effective SRHR policy influencing needs communication to succeed but little attention has been given to research the phenomena from communication perspective. …”
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An Weihnachten, zu Weihnachten oder Ø Weihnachten? : eine kritische Korpusanalyse zur Wahl dreier Ausdrucksvarianten für das Wann
Published 2023“…Lisäksi varianttijakauma muuttuu selvästi lauseenjäsenittäin tarkasteltuna, sillä attribuuttina variantti an on yleisin, kun taas adverbiaalina nollavariantti hallitsee. …”
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Construction of Baloch Ethnic Identity In Music on Social Media Platform YouTube
Published 2024“…Music is playing a peaceful way and catalyst to convey the grievances of the Baloch people and remind their people about the atrocities and courage. Moreover, cultural identity components like the Baloch code of conduct are emphasized in the songs. …”
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State of the art thermal energy storage solutions for high performance buildings
Published 2010“…The much enhanced energy storage and release effects by attachment of PCM layer during phase change processes resulted in a less fluctuated interior environment and much significant energy saving effect. …”
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The effects of combining kangaroo care and parental singing on premature infants' and parents' wellbeing and development of parent-infant relationship
Published 2014“…I was also interested in examining the nursing staff’s attitudes, observations and thoughts about using music on the ward. …”
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Smart semantic multi-channel communication
Published 2015“…Then specif- ically, this thesis attempts to review and introduce these semantic technologies from a deep and understandable perspective to readers. …”
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Learning to read with Graphogame, an ethnography in a Peruvian rural school
Published 2015“…The purpose of the present ethnographic case study is to examine what happens when the literacy learning software Graphogame, designed in Finland, is introduced in a new and radically different context, that of a poor rural school in the Peruvian Andes. The research attempts to complement the quantitative approach which has dominated the research on Graphogame. …”
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Customer brand engagement : affection to brand usage intent and moderating effect of brand experience
Published 2015“…From managerial perspective this study gained more information of customer –brand relationship and therefore gives tools to firm’s to attain and consolidate their competitive advantage. …”
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Music therapy for improving premature infants' well-being and communication skills and enhancing mother-infant bonding : a case study
Published 2016“…Over the last few decades, mother-child attachment has received increasing attention in early intervention with prematurely born infants. …”
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2490 käytettävyystestaus kognitiivista läpikäyntiä ja ääneen ajattelua hyödyntäen
Published 2016“…Moreover, presenting the information for parents, who have children with difficulties in reading fluency needs par-ticular attention because the difficulties are inheritable. …”
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Conflict management in the international context : analyzing the role of the United Nations in the Western Sahara conflict
Published 2017“…The results of this research illustrate that UN mediation, in attempting to resolve the conflict in Western Sahara, helped establish a cease-fire between Morocco and Frente Polisario and the implementation of the Settlement Plan. …”
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Social exclusion from peer interaction and relationships in a daycare center a micro-ethnography
Published 2017“…I analyzed the data by revealing how the context partly created the social exclusions occurring there. I paid special attention on free play times. Children encountered social exclusion from peer interaction and relationships differently: Most children appeared to only encounter it momentarily and not very intensively, whereas some children appeared to encounter it persistently and more intensively than the other children. …”
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Second order nonlinear optical activity of amino acids, guanidines and pyridinium salts of inorganic anions
Published 2019“…Second order nonlinear optical phenomena for instance SHG, optical mixing and optical parametric oscillation are considered. Attention is paid to amino acid based compounds and quanidine compounds as organic NLO materials. …”
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Herding behaviour in Bangladesh stock market : a case of Dhaka stock exchange
Published 2019“…The paper attempts to investigate the presence of herding behaviour in Dhaka stock exchange (DSE), the prime bourse of Bangladesh stock market. …”
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Two sides of the same coin : Nihonjinron and native-speakerism in a Japanese lower secondary school English language textbook
Published 2018“…However, in the Japanese school context there are ideological impediments to this approach: nihonjinron and native-speakerism. Nihonjinron is an attempt to construct a cultural and national identity of the Japanese; native-speakerism is linguistic stereotyping, which gives privileges to certain speakers of a particular language over other speakers. …”
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Going rogue : alt-accounts as a way to express organizational dissent
Published 2018“…However, in the case examined, a clear story was discovered, where the tweets of the account got more and more tonally charged as time passed, and the accounts attempts to cause change within the organization were ineffective. …”
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Just breathe : comparing visual and musical breathing cues in resonance frequency breathing
Published 2019“…HRV data, as well as Likert scales pertaining to perceived relaxation and attentiveness, were collected in both conditions. Additionally, participants were able to comment in open feedback about their experiences. …”
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Growth marketing concept : case study on Finnish companies
Published 2019“…The concept of growth marketing, has received practical attention, but academic definition is missing. For that reason, this study attempts to find out, what does growth marketing mean and how it is implemented. …”
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Ainutkertaisuuden politiikka : ainutkertaisuuksien yhteisö Hannah Arendtin ja Jean-Luc Nancyn filosofiassa.
Published 2020“…Tämä näkyy esimerkiksi Arendtin analyysissä modernista (massa)yhteiskunnasta ja Nancyn ajatuksessa, että liberaali individualismi päätyy lopulta atomisoituun yksilöön, joka on läsnä myös totalitarismissa. …”
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Graphene plasmonics for surface-enhanced infrared spectroscopy
Published 2020“…Among many outstanding characteristics of graphene, it also exhibits attractive plasmonic properties. Tunability of the resonance within THz to Mid-IR range and high field confinement factor makes it a great candidate for the surface enhanced infrared spectroscopy application. …”
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