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Ammatillisen identiteetin yhteys työhyvinvointiin ja eläköitymiseen
Published 2021“…Job satisfaction and work engagement vary between occupational identity statuses. Attention should be paid to strengthening the occupational identity of employees. …”
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Transfer in the use of prepositions in Finnish first language writers’ English texts
Published 2023“…From a data collected for previous research projects (Cefling and Topling of the University of Jyväskylä) that had been sorted into CEFR proficiency levels A1, A2, B1 and B2, this study attempted to find regularities, differences and similarities as well as rising and falling trends from the quantitative information collected from the use of prepositional phrases that could be translated to Finnish locative cases and reflect how these features relate to previous research in order to find evidence of L1 transfer. …”
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Tiedolla johtaminen liikkumisen yhdenvertaisuuden edistämistyössä : haastattelututkimus Huhtasuon alueen työntekijöille
Published 2023“…However, physical activity policy in Finland has long been mostly implemented on the terms of already active groups, leaving the least active to less attention. One way to improve the equality of physical activity is to increase knowledge in decision-making, public administration, and practical work. …”
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Perceived barriers inhibiting Finnish consumers from engaging in sustainable food purchasing
Published 2023“…However, statistics show values and attitudes play an even more critical part than any reported barrier, and the result suggests that consumers do not recognise their importance for food consumption. …”
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Nike says, “Just do it”, so I do. : perceived brand anthropomorphism and its effects on consumers’ well-being
Published 2023“…Brand anthropomorphism could be one of a brand’s means to respond to consumers’ urgent need to attend more to their well-being since uncertainties increase consumers' likelihood to anthropomorphize brands more and perceived brand anthropomorphism has beneficial consequences for consumers and their well-being. …”
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Sport sponsorship value co-creation
Published 2023“…Half of the informants were professional athletes from different individual sports and half were company representatives that have exquisite experience of sponsorships. …”
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Unravelling the legitimation strategies in Fortum Uniper acquisition : insights into the roles of Fortum, Uniper, and the Finnish government
Published 2023“…Globalized world has caused organizations to pay evermore attention on how the observers and shareholders perceive them. …”
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Corporate activism among impact startups is in good health
Published 2023“…In short: an inauthentic attempt at corporate activism will not pass muster in the public court of opinion. …”
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Boorin määritysmenetelmiä vesistä, kasveista, maaperästä, tuhkista ja lannoitteista
Published 2012“…Lisäksi on tarkasteltu lyhyesti induktiivisen plasman massaspektrometrista määritystä (ICP-MS). Atomiabsorptiossa on tarkasteltu elektrotermistä atomiabsorptiota (ET-AAS) ja liekkiatomiabsorptiota (FAAS). …”
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Individuella och lagidrottande idrottsgymnasie-elevers skolframgång
Published 2013“…Mitt pro -gradu arbetets uppgift var att undersöka bland idrottsgymnasieelever ifall individuella och lagidrottare skiljer sig från varandra vad gäller skolframgång. …”
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The strategic role of external sustainability assessment in the food value chain
Published 2014“…Originality/value: This research makes an ambitious attempt to view sustainability assessment as a modern form of performance measurement and management. …”
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The significance of environmental responsibility on airline customers' intention to purchase
Published 2015“…The theoretical framework was built on a modified Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB), which assessed the airline passengers intended purchase behavior by their attitudes towards pro-environmental behavior (PEB), past purchase behavior related to PEB, perceived behavioral control and self-identity with regard to PEB. …”
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Tiedonlouhinnan ja koneoppimisen menetelmät verkkohyökkäysten havaitsemisessa
Published 2016“…An intrusion detection system (IDS) can be used to detect these attacks. In addition to commonly used signature-based detection it is also possible to implement anomaly-based methods of data mining and machine learning to detect the attacks. …”
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Kiinteistöautomaatiojärjestelmän tietoturvakatsaus
Published 2016“…The findings of this study give rise to further studies e.g. in managing a complex distributed network with multiple parties and their responsibilities as well as verifying the attack and defense concepts. …”
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Dielectrophoresis as an assembly method for carbon nanotube memory elements
Published 2010“…Because surfactants weren't used, the widespread attachment of the CNTs to each other also posed a problem. …”
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Marketing automation supporting sales
Published 2016“…Although marketing automation is already used among companies it has not yet achieved wide academic attention. Thus, the research is attempting to find out how marketing automation works and what are the key elements and benefits when marketing automation is used to support sales. …”
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Matka puutarhaan : suomalaisen puutarhamatkailun jäljillä
Published 2016“…What kind of gardens attract us? What kind of qualifications gar-dens need when they serve as visiting destinations? …”
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Working in higher education international affairs : understanding perceptions of organizational structure and experiences with change
Published 2018“…As research to date has paid little attention to this topic, this study investigates the organizational structure as to international affairs staff in a university in Scandinavia to understand and initiate a discussion on the topic. …”
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A research on Finnish-Chinese children’s bilingual identity through multiliteracies : a case study of Chinese heritage learners in Central Finland
Published 2019“…These results are to some extent similar to the expertise, inheritance and affiliation meanings of language identity articulated in previous research, but also bring about some new meanings that are attached by heritage learners to the Chinese and Finnish language. …”
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Language shaming practices on Youtube : ideologies of English in Vietnam
Published 2019“…As English has gradually become the global language, users of this lingua franca find themselves constantly challenged and intimidated by a new wave of linguistic attack online known as “language shaming practices on YouTube.” …”
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