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Well-being in a multinational service ecosystem in education at covid-19 crisis
Published 2022“…The service ecosystem attempted to cope with the Covid-19 crisis, which disrupted a shared institution that guided the collaboration and resource (knowledge and expertise) integration among the actors. …”
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Australian Water Equities : The Underlying Factors Driving Returns and Properties as Diversifiers
Published 2023“…The effect of climate change media attention and narratives on returns was investigated using ASVI data from Google search terms as a control variable. …”
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The Authenticity of Micro-influencers Producing Paid Content for Social Media in Viet Nam
Published 2023“…Recently, influencer marketing is not only welcomed by brands, but the topic also attracts scholars’ attention. With the rise of e-commerce, social media and influencer marketing in Viet Nam, many brands can easily reach out to micro-influencer for collaborations to promote products and drive sales on e-commerce and social media platforms. …”
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The concept of growth hacking : case study on Finnish companies
Published 2023“…Despite the prominent attention by practitioners, the academic research of the phenomenon is scant. …”
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Consumers’ perceptions of credibility and authenticity of business-to-consumer (B2C) video testimonials
Published 2019“…The importance of recommendations for organisations has increased in the attention economy. Consumers are also increasingly demanding authenticity from organisations, and real stories about real people have been stated to be especially attractive. …”
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Intercultural competence as a succes factor of virtual multicultural teams : a case study on the team effectiveness of global HR teams
Published 2010“…Intercultural competence is a set of skills, attitudes and knowledge which is developed gradually by experience and will never be complete. …”
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Palvelutalon hoitohenkilökunnan asenteet ikääntyvien ihmisten seksuaalisuutta kohtaan
Published 2012“…Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin The Aging Sexuality Knowledge and Attitudes Scale (ASKAS) – mittarilla. ASKAS-mittari koostuu 26 väittämästä, joihin vastataan 5-portaisella Likert-asteikolla. …”
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A narrative inquiry of Sudanese Muslim women’s perceptions of their integration into the Finnish society in Jyvaskyla City
Published 2019“…The focus of this study is to shed light on the obstacles and aids of integration, and unfold the meanings attached by the study participants to their experiences of integration in Finland. …”
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A thin line between 'us' and 'the other' : multiculturalism and representation of North Korean defectors in South Korean cinema
Published 2020“…With the demographic changes in South Korean society, multiculturalism is getting more and more attention in the society. Cinema, as one of the main media outlets in South Korean society has also been interested in representing multicultural population in numerous films, specifically in independent films. …”
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Prototype surface contamination monitor with positional sensitivity
Published 2022“…Positional sensitivity in the x-direction on the square-shaped detector was achieved by measuring the ratio of pulse heights of attenuated signals, as the pulse height of a scintillation event was a function of position in the plastic scintillator. …”
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Peptide-based transient gels
Published 2023“…The selective deprotection reaction of the Boc group in the attendance of the tert-butyl group was the driving force of the gelation. …”
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9. -luokkalaisten ruokailutottumusten yhteys painoryhmittäin kehonkuvaan ; WHO-Koululaistutkimuksen tuloksia vuodelta 2018
Published 2023“…Ruokailutottumusten osalta tulisi tutkia etenkin eri aterioiden säännöllisen syömisen ja kehonkuvan yhteyttä. …”
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”Ja sitte se musiikki, jotenki siitä tulee semmonen olo että ei oo yksin” : musiikin rooli ja merkitykset 19–24-vuotiaiden nuorten arjessa
Published 2023“…Aineiston analyysin apukeinona on käytetty ATLAS.ti-ohjelmaa. Analyysin pohjalta voitiin luoda kaksi pääteemaa sisältävä temaattinen kartta. …”
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Pre-service teachers’ language mindset and its impact on the engagement and persistence in their language pedagogical studies : a study conducted in EFL teacher education in Finlan...
Published 2024“…A quantitative analysis derived from questionnaire responses of 116 EFL pre-service teachers attending three Finnish universities showed that 6.9% of the participants had FLMs, 19.8% had MLMs and 73.3% had GLMs and the participants with GLMs displayed higher academic engagement and persistence, while those with FLMs exhibited lower academic engagement and persistence. …”
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Kompressiosukkien vaikutus tasapaino- ja ketteryysharjoitteluun
Published 2015“…The result was calculated by the number of attempts the subject had to start over to maintaine the balance in one minute. …”
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Ukrainan sodan vaikutukset äärioikeiston väkivaltakykyyn Suomessa
Published 2023“…Aineiston analyysi tehtiin fenomenografisesti ATLAS-ohjelmistoa hyödyntäen ja tavoitteena oli luoda kollektiivinen kuvaus ilmiöstä. …”
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Nuorten tietokone- ja konsolipelaaminen ja vanhempien rooli : WHO-Koululaistutkimus
Published 2017“…Jos perheessä ei syöty yhteistä ateriaa, tai taloudellinen tilanne koettiin heikoksi, oli koulupäivisin ja viikonloppuisin vähintään kolme tuntia päivässä pelaaminen yleisempää, kuin muissa perheissä. …”
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Kantojen ja hakkuutähteiden vaikutukset kaarnakuoriaisten parveiluun päätehakkuualoilla
Published 2018“…Logging residues did not attract individuals of any bark beetle species. The size of stumps, the number of nearby stumps or the distance of few other stumps didn’t affect the abundance of bark beetles on stumps. …”
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”Se on vähän ittestä kiinni ja työntekijöistä kiinni, että miten niitä käytetään niitä palveluita" : tuotantotyöntekijöiden näkemyksiä liikunnasta ja henkilöstöliikunnasta...
Published 2018“…Participants had some individual needs for exercise. Attitudes towards exercise varied and several life related factors caused challenges for regular exercise. …”
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Sykevälivaihteluun perustuvan hyvinvointivalmennuksen vaikuttavuus fysiologisesti mitattuun hyvinvointiin sekä koetun stressin määrään
Published 2020“…During the last few years heart rate variability-based coaching has been highlighted to be a promising method for enhancing athlete’s physical performance or either individual’s well-being. …”
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