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How and why? : explaining the factors that influence ERP system usage from the end-users perspective : a literature review
Published 2020“…Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) implementation projects and success factors in those projects have been studied in details in the past decades. However, less attention has been given to the factos that influence ERP system usage from the end-users perspective throughout the full ERP implementation lifecycle. …”
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Palvelimen suojaaminen DDoS-hyökkäyksiltä
Published 2020“…This study reviewed the protocols related to denial of service attacks as well as some known attack methods. The theoretical part also examined the research already done on ithe topic. …”
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Combining Vehicle Routing Optimization and Container Loading Optimization
Published 2020“…The container loading problem attempts to obtain the best possible utilization of space, while the vehicle routing problem is concerned with finding the minimum-cost or minimum-distance route in transportation. …”
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Ryhmätyö tietotekniikan projektiopetuksessa : systemaattinen kirjallisuuskartoitus
Published 2020“…Among the domains of group work, research on trust and justice have received almost no attention at all. Also, for a considerable number of studies, the nature of the research can be considered as not that serious or theoretically grounded. …”
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Kliinisen big datan laatuongelmat ja niiden syyt tietoallasympäristössä
Published 2020“…The data sources are very diverse, and of low quality, creating challenges for their use. Relatively little attention has been paid to quality problems in the big data literature. …”
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Videopeliaddiktio : toipumisen prosessi ja edistäminen
Published 2020“…Only recently has more attention been paid to the dark sides of technology use, such as IT addiction. …”
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Hyvinvointiteknologian aiheuttaman IT-addiktion syntyminen ja ilmeneminen käyttäjällä
Published 2021“…The emergence of IT addic-tion was affected by, for example, different characteristics of technology and individual and the attractiveness of data. IT addiction caused by welfare tech-nology manifested itself in the user that the smart or sports watch played a very central role for the user, whether it was a question of users’ actions or ideas. …”
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Tietoturvariskien hallinta organisaatioissa
Published 2021“…The study has been carried out as a theoretical study, in which, based on the previous literature, an attempt has been made to find common factors related to the topic, which can be considered a key part in the planning and implementation of a company's information security and security risk management. …”
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Utilising internet of things in demand planning process : case Kalmar
Published 2021“…This master’s thesis includes IoT conceptions from various publications and attempts to build a clear picture for the reader in order to internalise the study. …”
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The unspoken pressure of tradition : East Asian classical musicians in western classical music
Published 2013“…This is achieved through first analysing the themes, attitudes and actors of the articles by using quantitative content analysis. …”
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The communication of social and environmental performance to discharge stakeholder accountability : a case study of Talvivaara Mining Company Limited
Published 2014“…Meanwhile, Talvivaara did not express responsibility for the accident itself but rather implied by the six discerned legitimation strategies used by the company; corrective action, organizational restructuring, normalizing accounts, attention deflection, image enhancement and redefinement of means and ends. …”
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CLIL teachers as materials designers
Published 2014“…CLIL materials is an important topic that merits more research attention in the future. …”
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SME`s growth and open innovation : tackling SME`s family business growth challenges with open innovation
Published 2014“…The present economic downturn in Europe has shifted the attention of many scholars to study alternative innovation strategy which may boost innovation for SMEs and lead to growth. …”
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Perceptions of convenience, risk and enjoyment in online shopping
Published 2015“…As online shopping is getting more common all the time and competition over customers increases, companies should draw attention to the customer perception of online shopping. …”
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Kestääkö verkko? : sairaan tai vammaisen lapsen perheen tukiverkoston muodostuminen
Published 2015“…Däremot önskade sig familjerna att det skulle vara lättare att få fram information kring de olika stöd alternativen som finns att tillgå för familjer med sjukt eller funktionshindrat barn. …”
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Impact of organisational practices and language on an international business cooperation : the case of a German-Slovakian corporation
Published 2015“…Summing up, organisational culture was strongly affected by organisational structure and practice, which reflected in working atmosphere, employee retention and motivation. Language and constructed cultures only reinforced already existing structural weaknesses caused by organisational culture and structure. …”
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"Lapsella on pelisilmää" : sosiaaliset taidot ja niiden arviointi alkuopetuksessa
Published 2015“…The purpose of this study was to gain an understanding of children’s social skills and to investigate how teachers assess those skills. We attempt to shed light on the importance of social skills in education. …”
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"In short: all people are different" : teachers' and teacher students' views and conceptions of cultural diversity
Published 2016“…Although the participants’ answers highlighted a positive attitude towards diversity, some could still be identified as having a narrower view of the topic. …”
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Diverging meanings of CSR and corporate responsibility for human rights : comparative study on Finnish firms and civil society organizations
Published 2016“…The role and responsibility of business enterprises and their potential impacts to wider society has attracted attention both in public debate and academia. …”
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Transition economy institutions and international investments : case Kazakhstan
Published 2018“…Over last two decades, drastic changes in institutional environment of transition economies and its impact on attracting inward foreign direct investments (FDI) received close attention from the academic scholars in the field of international business. …”
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