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Yksilön kokemat teknostressitekijät etätyössä
Published 2023“…As both technostress and remote work affect the nature of work, it is worth paying attention of the well-being of employees. The aim of the thesis is to identify situations experienced by an individual in which he has experienced stress caused by technology in remote work. …”
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Fenologian vaikutus aposemaattisen täpläsiilikkään (Arctia plantaginis) värimuotojen saalistuspaineeseen
Published 2023“…After this, the moths were picked up from the transects and checked for possible signs of attack and marked as either attacked or not attacked. …”
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Hydrophobicity of foam-formed cellulose fiber-reinforced thermoplastic composites
Published 2024“…Muita mitattuja ominaisuuksia olivat neliöpaino, paksuus, tiheys, röntgenmikrotomografia, väri, FTIR-ATR ja lujuus. Tulokset osoittivat, että kaikki kemialliset käsittelyt tarjosivat tehokkaan suojan vesiroiskeilta perustuen kontaktikulmamittaukseen vedellä. …”
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Stakeholder relations in macro-regional science cooperation : case study : Stakeholder analysis for BONUS joint research and development programme
Published 2011“…The scientific community should pay more attention also to those spheres of influence, through which the different sectors of the society could be reached in a focused manner and thus reinforce the status of science by making it a collective project. …”
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Neural responses to fatiguing heavy-resistance loading before and after prolonged strength training
Published 2006“…The purpose of this study was to examine neural responses to fatiguing heavy-resistance loading (HRL) and investigate neuromuscular adaptations with strength training. 75 healthy males (age 32 ± 8 years) divided randomly into the control (n=23) and training group (n=52) attained in 20 weeks of strength training. Before and after 20 weeks of strength training subjects carried out HRL comprising of 5 sets of 10 maximal bilateral knee extensions (10 RM). …”
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Perheympäristön yhteys aamiaisen syömiseen 13- ja 15-vuotiailla nuorilla : WHO-Koululaistutkimuksen tuloksia
Published 2019“…Parents should be encouraged to foster an open atmosphere for discussions, to support adolescents and to set boundaries. …”
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Fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja kestävyyskunnon yhteys työntekijöiden presenteismiin
Published 2023“…Presenteeism, also known as attending work with disability is a significant research area when examining employee’s productivity and health. …”
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Tietoturvastrategiat terveydenhuollon organisaatioissa
Published 2018“…Continually evolving technologies and attack methods creates a need to think the information security as a strategic problem, as organizations aims to protect their business within their available resources. …”
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"Mehän ollaan sen robotin tekijöitä" : teknostressin lieventäminen IT-kehittäjien näkökulmasta
Published 2018“…The key words for the results were anticipation and attitude. Many of the interviewed people had an approving attitude towards the technology-based challenges. …”
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Kevyttä keskustelua vai tiivistä tietojen vaihtoa? : tietoverkkorikollisuuden tilannetietoisuuden jakaminen luottamusverkostossa
Published 2018“…The cooperation would suffer if members attempt to free ride in the forum, do not trust each other or lack shared mental models to interpret the results of the shared situational awareness. …”
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Työasemien lukitsemiseen vaikuttaminen : pitkittäinen interventiotutkimus
Published 2018“…Studies observing actual behavior in a real organizational context have received significantly less attention. In this experiment an email message was sent to the staff of an organization in attempt to increase the locking of workstations. …”
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Kriittinen katsaus aikuisopiskelijoiden verkko-opiskelun oppimistuloksia selittäviin tekijöihin
Published 2018“…According to the learning outcomes set out in the presented operating models, teachers can pay more attention to the quality factors. The study outlines the structure of e-learning and the factors influencing learning outcomes, helping to design e-learning modules. …”
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Kalasteluviestintä ilmiönä ja kiireellisyyden kokemuksen vaikutus huijauksen onnistumiseen
Published 2019“…The material differs from previous research in that the results are based on real life actions in an organization when it is under attack. The phishing email recipients did not know that the organization had bought a cyber attack simulation nor that the organization was under an attack. …”
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Critical success factors in multinational ERP projects : preparing and executing the implementation across borders
Published 2019“…Still, ERP projects that are conducted across the borders of country where the project is initiated have not received the attention they deserve in academic literature, especially when it comes to the studies that combine CSFs and multinational ERP projects. …”
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Big data ja yksityisyys teleoperaattiorialalla
Published 2019“…The telecom industry is finding new ways of keeping the business of upgrading the network appropriately attractive. The issue is not limited to the technical side of handling the growing traffic in the network, but the business side on how to transform that traffic profitable for the companies who roll out the net-work. …”
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Bottijohtajuus : palvelurobottien soveltamismahdollisuudet johdon tehtävissä johtajuusteorioiden valossa
Published 2019“…The focus is on the research section, which, through a thematic interview, explored the roles and attitudes of IT leaders in technology companies. A total of 9 interviews were conducted during spring 2018. …”
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Anomalioiden havaitseminen langattomissa sensoriverkoissa syväoppimisen avulla
Published 2019“…The results demonstrated the superiority of the recurrent LSTM-autoencoder model by detecting over 3.6 million attacks while leaving only 101 attacks undetected. …”
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DevSecOps : building security into the core of DevOps
Published 2019“…How can security prevent vulnerabilities, detect attacks in real time and respond to security incidents effectively? …”
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Venäjän lähialueillaan toteuttamien kyberoperaatioiden analysointi
Published 2020“…A modified unified kill chain attacking modelling technique was chosen as the analysis tool. …”
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E-commerce product information supporting user experience
Published 2020“…Along to product evaluation aspect, adequate, complete, and high-quality product information, which is presented using well-suited presentation formats, is seen to support website’s attractiveness and pragmatic quality. As a conclusion, the findings implied that product information plays an important role in the formation of user experience of an e-commerce website. …”
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