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Photoresponsive low molecular weight gels
Published 2024“…As a result of several attempts, one possible product was obtained. However, based on the NMR spectroscopy and HR-MS measurements, the formation of the desired compound could not be fully proven. …”
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Current state and future perspectives of biochar applications in Finland
Published 2018“…Biochar applications are attracting considerable attention as they offer economically feasible and environmentally sustainable solutions. …”
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Sedentary time and the associations with 10-year cardiovascular disease risk and type 2 diabetes in midlife : FIN-D2D study
Published 2013“…However, with overall daily sedentary time the trend was negative for both genders, and did not attenuate significance in adjusted models. The findings suggest that sedentary time may have a significant role in CVD and type 2 diabetes prevention in Finnish population. …”
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Toward cyber situational awareness with open source software
Published 2017“…Cyber situational awareness plays a crucial role in defending against today’s sophisticated attacks and increasingly more resourceful adversaries. …”
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APT28 : tapaustutkimus Venäjään yhdistettyjen kyberoperaatioiden kehittymisestä vuosina 2007 - 2016
Published 2020“…Cyber events associated with Russian state and non-state actors have changed the international atmosphere and challenged experts’ understanding about cyber domain and its importance as a part of international politics. …”
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"Arvon Nyymit..." : tutkimus syvän ja pimeän verkon keskusteluista ja keskustelijoista
Published 2022“…Therefore, the majority of the conversations could be attributed to male authors based on their writing style. …”
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Frameworks for software threats and security in secure DevOps
Published 2022“…However, it was also notified that more attention should be paid on collaboration between DevOps and security specialists. …”
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"Liikunnanopettajan tärkein tehtävä on sytyttää oppilaissa liikunnan riemu" : näkemyksiä koulun mahdollisuuksista ja esteistä edistää oppilaiden fyysistä aktiivisuutta
Published 2016“…By getting the whole school community involved and having a positive attitude can replace insufficient resources and the damage it brings, from the promoting physical activity perspective. …”
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Pelastaako pelaaminen matematiikan? : pelillisyys osana kuudennen luokan matematiikan opetusta
Published 2015“…According to our results, gamification alone is not enough to save the teaching of mathematics and change the pupils’ attitudes toward mathematics. …”
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Kinematic and kinetic differences between shod and barefoot running
Published 2016“…The alleged benefits of barefoot running, such as the potential for reduced risk of injury and a more economical approach, has resulted in the scien-tific community and media paying significant attention to barefoot running. Despite multiple differ-ences found in kinematic and kinetic variables, there is no conclusive evidence proving or refuting the proposed advantages of barefoot running. …”
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Syväjohtaminen ja musiikkikasvatus : palaute ja arviointi osana oppimisprosessia
Published 2024“…Enabling factors included the active support of the instructor and students' open attitude towards new methods, while significant obstacles were the lack of time resources and challenges in applying the model. …”
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Effects of change in muscle temperature on pre and post vascular responses
Published 2025“…Understanding how muscle temperature impacts post-exercise vascular responses can provide insights into optimizing recovery strategies for athletes and individuals with vascular impairments. …”
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Tietoturvaohjeiden ja työympäristön ristiriita
Published 2016“…The main aim of this field study is to find out if the information security policy of the healthcare organization is suit-able for all the daily working tasks of the organization. The study attempts to find out any potential conflict situations between the information security policy and the work environment. …”
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Somatosensory evoked fields and cognitive functioning in healthy aging
Published 2017“…The participants were presented with rapid changes in stimulus location to which they were instructed to either attend or not attend to. They subsequently completed a series of cognitive tests. …”
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Kuntoliikkujien liikuntateknologian pysyvän omaksumisen haasteet
Published 2018“…Another issue is that there have been no clear results that sports technology can influence on user’s attitude toward exercising. Therefore, if individual has doubts about exercising, sports technology will not be able to change that. …”
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The link between ABC genes and insecticide resistance in Leptinotarsa decemlineata
Published 2020“…Torjunta-ainevastustuskykyyn on yhdistetty mm. ATP:tä sitovat kasettikuljettimet (ABC), jotka esimerkiksi poistavat myrkyllisiä yhdisteitä solusta. …”
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IT-asiantuntijoiden kokemuksia työnsä kuormittavuudesta ja voimavaroista
Published 2021“…Well-being at work is created and improved by a good working atmosphere and support from colleagues. The results of the study also reinforce the perception of the protective effect of work suction against stress and stress experiences. …”
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Lapsuuden olosuhteiden yhteys elämänasenteisiin ja -odotuksiin myöhemmässä iässä
Published 2021“…The current study indicates the long-lasting associations between childhood circumstances and attitudes towards life and future. Harmful outcomes of adverse childhood experiences should be considered more broadly in a person’s later life and find ways to promote and support a more favorable home atmosphere. …”
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Taistelualuksen ja siihen kohdistuvien kyberuhkien mallintaminen
Published 2023“…In addition, attack vectors from within the combat system cannot be excluded. …”
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Organisaation nimissä tehtyjen tietojenkalasteluiden merkitys kohdeorganisaation brändille
Published 2023“…To protect their brand, organizations should include phishing attacks as part of issues management, whose communications should focus on spreading awareness of phishing attacks and provide guidance on how to protect against them. …”
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