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Hippocampal theta activity, learning and behavioral tendencies
Published 2014“…Hippocampal theta activity, an approximately 3.5 - 8.5 Hz oscillatory pattern in rabbits, has been associated with learning-related phenomena: arousal, attentional processes and association forming. In some studies theta-contingent training, given during a brain state rich in hippocampal theta oscillation, has improved the initial learning in trace eyeblink conditioning. …”
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Yhdysvaltain transatlantistien tavoitteet Turkin EU-jäsenyyden ja transatlanttisen liittolaisuuden suhteen : Yhdysvaltain kongressin näkökulmia tilanteeseen 2000-luvun alussa
Published 2014“…Muilta osin näkemykset transatlanttisen liittolaisuuden tavoitteita ja ongelmia koskien olivat moninaiset, ja osassa vastustettiin Yhdysvaltain hallinnon virallista linjaa, mutta etenkin osoitettin huolta ja kritiikkiä Atlantin-takaisten liittolaisten kehityskulusta ja vaikutuksista transatlanttiseen liittolaisuuteen. …”
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Fiktio on jumalallinen uni : unten epäluonnollisuus ja postmodernistiset teemat Pasi Ilmari Jääskeläisen reaalifantasiassa
Published 2016“…Tutkimusaineistona on Kustannusyhtiö Atenan julkaisema Jääskeläisen tuotanto: novellikokoelma Taivaalta pudonnut eläintarha (2008) sekä romaanit Lumikko ja yhdeksän muuta (2006), Harjukaupungin salakäytävät (2010) ja Sielut kulkevat sateessa (2014). …”
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Trust and team identification at multicultural workplaces : perceptions of Finnish HR professionals
Published 2017“…Despite the growing multiculturalism, established diversity management practices are yet to be developed in many Finnish organizations, and the subject has not gained much academic attention either. Still, competent intercultural leaders are often vital for both successful business results and for the well-being of their multicultural teams. …”
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GraphoLearn India : the effectiveness of a computer-assisted reading intervention in supporting English readers in India
Published 2018“…Participants were 7-year-old, grade 3 students (N=30), who were attending an English-medium public school in Ahmedabad, India. …”
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Tracing the traceur : discourses of authenticity and commodification of professional parkouristes
Published 2018“…This MA Thesis investigates the discourses utilized by professional parkouristes to define and signal authenticity of and within parkour culture. Special attention is given to discourses relating to the increaed marketization, commodification and popularity of parkour, which sets challenges for the culture as it becomes more mainstream. …”
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Recognition of prior learning (RPL) among international higher education students in Finland
Published 2019“…This study set out to examine RPL practices in Finnish higher education institutions through the perspectives of international degree students with special attention to the recognition of informally acquired learning. …”
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1:1-opetuksen merkitys 7. luokan oppilaiden tieto- ja viestintäteknologian taitojen kehittymisessä
Published 2023“…Additionally, this study examines the attitudes, ICT skills and pedagogical choices of teachers working with the pilot classes. …”
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CoAP-protokollan tietoturva
Published 2024“…If DTLS protection is not used, the CoAP protocol is vulnerable to several different attacks, such as spoofing, amplification attacks and cross-protocol attacks. …”
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Enterprise architecture management value creation mechanisms
Published 2024“…Enterprise Architecture (EA) product and service quality, culture and attitude towards EA[M], and EA product and service use were all concluded to impact EAM value creation. …”
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10 Finnish business actors' perceptions of their Chinese business partners and key personnel
Published 2012“…The ten interviews’ themes concern (1) sources of misunderstanding which are identified and considered as being caused by intercultural differences ; (2) the ways they assess and solve issues that they believe hinder, challenge or foster business communication, as well as issues that obstruct cooperation and negotiation with their Chinese counterparts; (3) instances of professional communication, cooperation and negotiation and situations that they experienced with their Chinese counterparts, in particular, the kind of attitude, skills or behaviors they might find more appropriate when dealing with Chinese business partners and key personnel. …”
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Literacy skills, mathematical skills and educational expectations among Finnish adolescents
Published 2013“…As unresolved expectations were fairly common, the need of more information about educational and occupational options for adolescents was suggested. Attitudes of girls towards mathematics should also be targeted and encouraged. …”
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The psychosocial impact of career-ending injuries in elite rugby union players : a qualitative study
Published 2014“…This transition can be made all the more difficult since the athlete may be unprepared for it. Research on career-ending injuries among professional athletes, however, is limited. …”
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Laiteverkon keskeisimmät ohjelmistoalustat ja niiden muodostamat ekosysteemit
Published 2014“…By literature review, this study attempts to clarify the nature of Internet of Things and its field of use and also present its business aspects, for example value chains and business ecosystems. …”
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Neural contribution to postactivation potentiation
Published 2015“…Neuromuscular function (i.e. twitches, H-reflexes, motor evoked potentials, and voluntary isometric ballistic contractions) of 8 power-trained (POW) and 8 endurance-trained (END) athletes was recorded before and after a 8-second maximal isometric conditioning contraction (CC) to induce PAP, to elucidate discriminating neural factors in exploiting PAP that might arise from the former training background compared to the latter. …”
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The conjoint conceptualization and negotiation of national cultures : qualitative study of discursive culture-concepts, their function and their relation to stereotypes
Published 2015“…The data consists of three focus groups consisting of Finnish students who talk about their attitudes towards other cultures. While the study is theoretically informed by the different fields interested in the phenomenon, it does not adapt or tend towards any single theoretical position. …”
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The sculpture of tick-borne diseases media coverage in the United States and China
Published 2017“…This study compares media depictions of tick-borne disease in the United States and China, attempting to enhance newspaper influence in health information delivery in both countries. …”
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Consumer acceptance and usage of digital signature technologies
Published 2021“…While this study bases on the technology acceptance studies and especially the UTAUT model, it is important to note that the study does not attempt to be an extension to UTAUT or use UTAUT to predict behaviour. …”
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How is social impact bonds model used by public sectors in impact investing in Finland?
Published 2022“…Furthermore, the Social Impact Bonds model in impact investing has attracted private funds into public projects, which helped ease the public financial budget limitation for impact investing. …”
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Reflecting on educational leadership during COVID-19 : experiences of Finnish higher education leaders and lessons for future crises and emergencies
Published 2023“…The importance of revising governance structures, and careful attention to metrics, is discussed, along with the need to ensure equity and fairness when practicing crisis leadership. …”
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