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Evaluating the sensitivity of lightweight object detection models against adversarial perturbations
Published 2022“…This thesis focuses to evaluate the sensitivity of lightweight object detection models against adversarial perturbation and studies what kind of adversarial attacks currently exist against object detection models. …”
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Puettavien liikuntateknologioiden käyttö suomalaisessa uintivalmennuksessa
Published 2023“…According to the literature and the researcher's observations, the use of wearable sports technologies has been linked to the monitoring of either the athlete's training load or their swimming technique. …”
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Scaling agile to deliver customer value : mapping challenges and role of customer value in the development model of a telco company
Published 2023“…Customer value has long attracted widespread interest particularly in marketing research but there is no unanimous definition of it nor standard methods for quantifying it, apart from customer experience measures such as NPS. …”
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"Just let me buy my thing!" : A survey study on consumers' perceptions of social influence in E-Commerce
Published 2023“…Influencing consumer behavior online is nowadays commonplace, but re- search on when a persuasion attempt becomes an attempt at manipulation has been scarce. …”
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Tietojohtamisen kyvykkyys suomalaisten pörssiyhtiöiden vuosikertomuksissa
Published 2023“…Furthermore, a mismatch between the knowledge process capability and knowledge infrastructure capability was observed, where the processes of acquiring, managing, protecting, and providing knowledge to users were seen as significant in the companies, but the infrastructures that support and strengthen the processes received less attention. …”
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Pelote Venäjän strategisissa asiakirjoissa
Published 2023“…Additionally, the documents reveal that Russia seeks to create more immediate deterrence also, by directly naming enemies and attempting to influence the current tense situation. …”
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"Tätä osa-aluetta ja sen merkitystä usein vähätellään" : luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden ja luokanopettajien käsityksiä TVT:n opettamisesta alakoulussa
Published 2023“…The challenges category emerged when the intermediate-level categories of devices, learning environments, attitudes, teachers, and students were combined. The perceptions of primary school teacher students and practicing primary school teachers were quite similar, although the working teachers had broader perceptions. …”
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Arki haastaa digistrategian : tapaustutkimus eräästä tiedekunnasta
Published 2023“…The impact of technology on learning itself has received less attention. Technologies should be used in a pedagogically meaningful way. …”
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Windows 10 käyttöjärjestelmän koventaminen ryhmäpolitiikalla
Published 2023“…The theoretical background of this study consists of known vulnerabilities, attack models, the security of Windows 10, hardening with group policy, and inspection of vulnerability scanners. …”
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Etäopetus ja digitaalinen tasa-arvo : verkko-oppimisen vaikutukset oppimisen esteitä kohtaavien korkeakouluopiskelijoiden oppimiseen
Published 2024“…Based on the results, the disadvantages related to e-learning, such as the increase in the number of distractions, had a stronger negative effect on the learning of younger students and those diagnosed with ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). From digital equality’s point of view, it is worrying that the individualization predicted as a benefit of online learning, does not seem to materialize in practice. …”
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Nationilism - belonging to the spaces between : conceptualizing nation-less identity and belonging
Published 2010“…The findings show that ATCKs identify with the concept of nation-less-ness to varying degrees and yet a there are ATCK individuals who feel a strong sense of belonging to NatioNILism and are both proud and empowered by it. …”
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Evidence of conservative treatment for overuse injuries analysis of systematic reviews
Published 2011“…Overuse injuries are common among top athletes and people who exercise regularly. Conservative, non-pharmacological methods are used widely to treat overuse injuries and there is a large body of literature, including multiple systematic reviews, evaluating different terms of treatment. …”
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Biogas measurement techniques and the associated errors
Published 2011“…Firstly, inaccuracy mainly due to biogas carbon dioxide (CO₂) dilution in displaceable liquids and losses to atmosphere of dissolved CO₂ was evaluated by testing solubility of CO₂ in different barrier solutions. …”
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Teacher education and inclusion in Ghana : pre-service teachers' preparedness for creating an inclusive classroom
Published 2011“…Therefore, the study concluded that full course on inclusive education should be made compulsory for final pre-service teachers couple with a well-planned teaching practice in an inclusive setting to enhance their practical knowledge, skills and attitudes. …”
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Viestintä ohjelmistoprojektissa : viestintävälineiden käyttö eri tehtävätyypeissä
Published 2019“…This study shows that there are differences between which communication tools were considered best for different task types as well as which attributes of a communication tool best support communication between different tasks. …”
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Taking the web beyond the web : building cross-platform services using web CMS as a backend
Published 2019“…This paper proposed a UI-framework, which can be used to create cross-platform service from existing web service. Special attention was paid to the user experience in the context of whole cross-platform service. …”
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Digitaalisen turvallisuuden harjoitustoiminnan tila julkisessa hallinnossa
Published 2020“…Organizations must pay attention and prepare to ensure continuity of services. …”
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ISO 27001 information security management standard’s implementation in software development environment : a case study
Published 2020“…The results of the study propose that ISO 27001 can influence employees’ attitudes and compliance towards information security policies. …”
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Future competence expectations of an information systems project manager
Published 2020“…These results indicate also that customer business understanding, and industry knowledge is required so that project manager can succeed to cre-ate real value for the customer business. …”
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Lambda-lausekkeet tietorakenteiden käsittelyssä C#-kielessä : satunnaistettu vertailukoe
Published 2021“…The participants' given assessments of task times and difficulty as well as their points and task attempts had no statistically significant differences, aside from the final task, which took more attempts to complete for students in the lambda group. …”
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