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Resilienssin käsite suomalaisessa turvallisuuskeskustelussa
Published 2023“…Internationally, resilience has become a part of the security debate, especially in the aftermath of 9/11 terrorist attacks. Recently, with the Covid-19 pandemic, the concept has also become part of the security discussion in Finland. …”
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Puettavan liikuntateknologian suuret odotukset
Published 2023“…The results of the study indicate that users' pre-attitudes and state of mind significantly influence the formation of expectations towards wearable fitness technology. …”
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Tietojenkalastelu ja siitä ilmoittaminen suomalaisessa it-alan organisaatiossa
Published 2023“…The study also found that the sophistication of phishing emails had an impact on whether phishing attempts were successful. Based on the results of this study, the sophistication of phishing did not affect whether a report was generated. …”
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Kyberterrorismi - todellinen ilmiö vai tulevaisuuden uhka?
Published 2023“…Suggested further research topics include expanding the concept of cyber terrorism to include attacks with a possible state background or motive, and waiving the requirement that in order to be defined as cyberterrorism, a cyber event must lead to kinetic, i.e. physical, consequences. …”
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Hyvinvointisovellusten pelillistämisen negatiiviset vaikutukset
Published 2023“…Gamification is one way to increase the attractiveness of the application or the motivation of the user. …”
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Uhkatietojen mahdollisuudet korkeakoulujen tietoturvassa
Published 2023“…When the stakeholders receive timely information about a cyber-attack that is about to start, they can take the necessary precautions before the attack begins. …”
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What makes people trust new technologies? : the influence of trust in intention to use digital services
Published 2023“…The purpose of the study was to clarify whether companies offering digital services should pay attention to the factors of generalized social trust in a certain customer segment or rely on the factors of digital trust. …”
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Strategies for network segmentation : a systematic literature review
Published 2024“…Therefore, organizations should pay equal attention to the design and security of their networks in addition to other security arrangements. …”
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Visuaalisen tarkkaavaisuuden jakaminen salibandyssa
Published 2024“…In the future more study is required to examine the effects of sports vision training, quiet eye -measurements and video feedback in order to develop the time-shared visual attention of athletes. This suggestion enables two things: updated training methods and the creation of a test system for measuring visual attention of an athlete. …”
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Uhka-alttiuden ja hyökkäyspinnan hallinta osana yritysten tietoturvaa
Published 2024“…Attack surface management software isn’t much used in the surveyed Finnish IT-companies. …”
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Syrjäseutukoulujen digitalisoituminen : opettajien kokemuksia muutoksen eturintamalta
Published 2024“…The results strongly indicate that with teachers' positive attitudes and support, the integration of technology into the teaching of rural schools can be significantly promoted. …”
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JavaScript-sovelluskehyksillä toteutettujen asiakassovellusten ylläpidettävyyden vertailu
Published 2018“…Results also indicate that the use of observer pattern might decrease maintainability whereas dependency injection or the use of static typing did not have a significant impact on the maintainability attributes measured in this study. …”
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When Something Goes Right; Human as Recovery Barrier in Aviation
Published 2018“…As such, the inverse angle used for this investigation was discovered having great potential. Sheer attitude effect, especially when coming from the investigative authority, is expected to open new routes. …”
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User interface design for children and youth : websites and applications to promote mental health and wellbeing
Published 2018“…The providers of child and youth mental health and wellbeing websites and applications should pay more attention to adequately narrowing down their intended target group, while providing wider possibilities for social interaction. …”
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Ketterän ohjelmistokehityksen menestystekijät
Published 2018“…and “How can an organization attain agility?”. The latter two were answered through literature review and the empirical data to answer to the main research question was gathered through qualitative interviews. …”
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Requirements risk management in agile software development projects
Published 2018“…By combining knowledge from IS development risk management, requirement risk management, and agile development it was possible to summarize some key attributes of requirement risk management in agile projects. …”
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Yläkouluikäisten kokema teknostressi, sen erityispiirteet ja lieventämiskeinot
Published 2018“…The previous studies have focused on older technology users, and younger users have received little attention. This qualitative research focuses on this research gap by finding out the feelings of high school students. …”
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Organisaatiomuutokseen suhtautumisen vaikutus uuden toiminnanohjausjärjestelmän käytettävyyteen ja käyttäjäkokemukseen : tapaustutkimus
Published 2018“…The object of this research was to study how employees’ attitudes towards a new ERP system affected on their experiences of the usability and user experience of the new system. …”
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APT-operaation inhimilliset tekijät : operaation tarkastelu päätöksenteon näkökulmasta
Published 2019“…Furthermore, it is suggested that identifying an attacker's decision-making process enables the development of defences and protective measures. …”
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Ravirata palvelualustana : case Vermo
Published 2019“…The goal of this research is to identify ways to resolve the problems within harness racing, those are high age structure and low attendances, and the low level of usage in harness racing tracks. …”
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