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Päikky-tietojärjestelmän vaikutus päiväkodin johtamiseen
Published 2017“…Finnish early childhood education culture has experienced a certain kind of change because of Päikky and similar information systems because they offer new solutions for real-time attendance control and communication. These information systems are quite new in context of early childhood education and that is the reason why they are not much examined. …”
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Towards an optimal self-assessment tool for information security investment decision-making
Published 2017“…Information security field lacks research on information security self-assessment tools in information security investment decision-making. This research attempted to fill this gap by studying the existing literature and creating a concep-tual information security tool model through design science research process. …”
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I recommend what you recommend : impact of social influence and brand perceptions on consumer recommendations
Published 2017“…Brand perceptions examined in this study were familiarity, preference, purchase intent and brand attitude. Behavioral conformity measurement was used in order to avoid issues with scales. …”
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Vulnerabilities in the wild : detecting vulnerable web applications at scale
Published 2018“…Web applications are a popular target for malicious attacks. Common web applications can have multiple different security flaws discovered within a timespan of a year. …”
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Kyberterrorismin uhka Euroopassa
Published 2018“…Cyberterrorism has been named one of the world's most serious security threats in the future. Terrorist attacks in Europe and the struggle against the terrorist organization ISIS have increased the attention of cyber terrorism in Europe and as a result of increased attention the concept of cyber terrorism has become more difficult to understand. …”
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Pelillistämisen hyödyntäminen Ilmavoimien lentokoulutusvaiheen 4 taktisessa koulutuksessa
Published 2021“…Based on the information gathered in the dissertation, gamification can be seen as a method of designing information systems, which aims to harness the attraction of games for utilitarian purposes. With the support of the information collected during the study, a gamified training environment was developed for the Finnish Air Force Fighter Squadron 41. …”
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Eating behavior and cardiometabolic health : associations of eating habits with glucose and lipid metabolism in menopausal women
Published 2021“…However, their role in attenuating the risk for CVD in menopausal women is not clear. …”
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Työhön kiinnittyneisyyden ja elämänalueiden tasapainon profiilien yhteys elämän hyvinvointiin suomalaisen työväestön keskuudessa
Published 2023“…Using the K-means cluster analysis we discovered five different profiles of work attachment and work-life balance in this data: variably work attached (21%), mutually trusting in their work (21%), work unattached (18%), work attached and work-life balanced (20%) and work-life unbalanced (20%). …”
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An investigation into voluntary employee turnover and retention factors in sport organizations
Published 2017“…Despite this pressure, human resource managers should give more attention to the retention function in human resource management systems. …”
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Online materials in language teaching
Published 2017“…Finally, the framework highlights the benefits of online materials and creates a positive atmosphere of defeating potential challenges related to utilizing online materials in language teaching with practical solutions. …”
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The impact of financial crises on co-movements between commodity futures and equity prices : evidence from crude oil and gold markets
Published 2017“…Moreover, this thesis examines, whether gold and crude oil futures are attractive instruments for risk minimizing cross-market hedging for equity investments. …”
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What's it all worth? : a qualitative study on what motivates women in low-paying jobs in Finland
Published 2017“…The concept of work motivation has received increased attention in the management literature during the past decades, and the interest continues well into today’s management practices and related research. …”
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Crisis management in social media : maintaining the organizational image
Published 2017“…The research questions were formed according to these theories and considered aspects such as how these organizations utilized these platforms, what crisis management strategies they executed, how the public received these attempts, and if these organizations changed their strategies due to public demand. …”
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Technology acceptance of voice assistants : anthropomorphism as factor
Published 2017“…These studies have resulted in different models, that explain the process from technical, and motivational point of view. This study attempts to build a model that explains technology acceptance, with the addition of anthropomorphism as a measured factor. …”
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"En mä halua et mun pomo seuraa mua" : mitkä tekijät estävät työntekijää omaksumasta organisaation sisäistä sosiaalista viestintävälinettä?
Published 2017“…Information systems research on technology acceptance has focused extensively on enablers of technology adoption and usage. Much less attention has been given to the inhibitors of technology acceptance due to the assumption that the inhibitors are merely the opposite of the enablers. …”
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Multitasking oppimistilanteessa : empiirinen tutkimus digitaalisten laitteiden käytön vaikutuksista opiskeluun yliopistoluennoilla
Published 2017“…Data was collected by query (N = 347), where opinions, experiences and attitudes about using digital devices during lectures were asked. …”
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"Like ambrosia of ancient Greece" : categorization of pulled oats in the marketplace
Published 2018“…Firstly, the leading Finnish newspaper was studied to both understand the Pulled Oats phenomenon, its background and development, and make a collage of attributes used to describe Pulled Oats in media. Secondly, 12 interviews with retail personnel were conducted to gain insight about how the product is perceived in the retail sector. …”
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Immateriaalioikeuksien esiintyminen SIGCSE-konferenssien julkaisuissa
Published 2017“…The topic is current and receives less attention in the practice than is advised in the curriculum. …”
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Muutosta tukevan organisaation vaikutus digitaalisten innovaatioiden diffuusioon mikroyrityksissä
Published 2018“…Companies took the most actions in the context of social media and this could be attributed to the characteristics of innovation. On the other hand, the introduction of more difficult digital innovations can promote the spread of innovations, as the first step in the innovation diffusion process is awareness. …”
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Forms of determination in natural and artificial systems
Published 2018“…It is thus an analysis of some of the presuppositions that underlie AI and an attempt at turning attention towards questions that need to be addressed if proper autonomy and intelligence are to be achieved in artefacts. …”
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