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The relationship between oil industry and sustainable development in Myanmar : a case study of onshore upstream oil sector
Published 2017“…As Myanmar has transitioned from military rule to civilian government, many Western countries have cancelled economic sanctions, which has attracted foreign investment in the country. In late 2015, Myanmar enacted the Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure, which has had a significant impact on the operations of oil companies in the country. …”
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People-oriented leadership in virtual teams: positive and negative impacts on individual and team performance
Published 2018“…In this thesis the goal was to find out, what people-oriented leadership attributes are considered to impact positively or negatively on individual and team performance. …”
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Digitaalinen piratismi teknologian hyväksymisen ja käyttöönoton näkökulmasta
Published 2018“…Based on the literature review, it seems that the practice of digital piracy is influenced by attitudes, social norms, belief in own capabilities, self-control, legal punishment, probability of punishment, price of digital work, gender, and user’s age. …”
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The portrayals of women in advertisements and their brand-related impacts: A study in Vietnam
Published 2020“…Nowadays, as advertising bombards our daily lives from the living rooms to every minute of our online interaction, this topic has also continuously received great attention from different disciplines such as marketing, advertising, media, sociology and women’s studies (Shao et al., 2014). …”
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Pilvipalveluiden tietoturvallisuus ja sen vaikutukset käyttäjien toimintaan
Published 2018“…The advantages of cloud computing are highly identified and now the challenges are getting more and more attention. The aim of this study was to take a closer look of how the commonly known challenges are affecting users behavior with cloud computing. …”
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Palvelunestohyökkäyksen vaikutukset ohjelmisto-ohjatun tietoverkon ohjaimiin
Published 2018“…The attack traffic strains also connections between network users. …”
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Expanding the e-commerce system success theory: The impact of online visibility - Case Google
Published 2018“…There are several e-commerce system theories made which attempt to describe the components of how e-commerce system success is created. …”
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Lasten kasvuympäristön vaikutus heidän tietoteknisten taitojen kehittymiseen
Published 2018“…The research highlights are the positive effect of parent’s attitude on self-image. The negative attitudes of the parents did not directly affect children's self-efficacy because the effect of school and friends compensates for this. …”
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Cloud platform comparison for malware development
Published 2019“…Also, the potential attacker may not want to write his own selfcontained service, since, especially when managing a large number of clients, it might be much cheaper to run the backend serverlessly. …”
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Green IT perspective on sustainable smart tourism development
Published 2019“…The results of the study found that green IT principles appear in Finnish smart tourism development mostly through attitudes, enabling impacts and systemic impacts. In all projects, environmental issues were regarded as an important part of the development of smart tourism and many enabling and systemic impacts were found in the study. …”
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"Mielestäni olin aika onnekas" : nuorten koulutettujen maahanmuuttajanaisten kertomuksia suomalaisilta työmarkkinoilta
Published 2017“…The results show that the biggest challenges of employment for young female immigrants are lack of Finnish language skills, lack of job experience and general attitude. Instead the gender and age didn’t have that significant role. …”
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Tietojärjestelmät ja 2010 -luvun yli 50 -vuotiaat käyttäjät
Published 2017“…Age does not take away the ability to learn though cognitive functions decrease. A positive attitude, enthusiasm and motivation play a large role. …”
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Kohdistettu huijaussähköposti organisaatioiden tietoturvauhkana
Published 2017“…In addition to technical IT security, it is important to put effort on user's general IT and attitudinal education. …”
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Flow'n vaikutus impulssiostamiseen verkkokaupoissa
Published 2017“…In the future, online store designers will have to pay attention to the fact that websites are perceived as clear, reliable, easy to use and that there is enough information available on the products sold and the services provided. …”
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Teknostressi ja tietotyöntekijöiden stressinhallintakeinot
Published 2018“…Recently the phenomenon has gained more attention in the scientific literature. Information technology is used at home and at work and it causes interruptions there. …”
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Pilvipalveluiden kustannusoptimointi pienissä ja keskisuurissa yrityksissä
Published 2018“…Cloud computing is a groundbreaking technology which has attracted considerable attention among academics and enterprises during the recent years. …”
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Havaittua visuaalista käytettävyyttä mittaavan mittariston kehittäminen
Published 2018“…The results showed that previous research articles defined and measured the phenomenon generally, through the concepts of aesthetics, visual beauty and attractiveness. The new tool for measuring perceived visual usability was operationalised to measure three parts, which included visual clarity, composition and colour and contrast. …”
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Opetusmateriaalien tekijänoikeudet digitaalisissa oppimisalustoissa
Published 2018“…With this survey the the knowledge of copyright matters and attitude to the copyright questions is clarified. At the same time the attitude of the organisers of the teaching and of the trade union (Trade Union of Education in Finland, OAJ) to the same questions is clarified. …”
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Engagement through content marketing in corporate blogs
Published 2017“…Companies need to be there for their customers and feel like friends, or atleast more humane. Many organizations today are using content marketing on their blogs, trying to attract and engage customers. …”
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Liikuntateknologian käyttöönoton vaikutukset käyttäjän elämään : kuntoliikkujan näkökulma
Published 2017“…The goal was to find themes how the use of sports technology has affected users behaviour and attitudes towards sports and exercising. Previous literature was the basis for this thesis. …”
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