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Antiviral study of synthetic molecules on enteroviruses
Published 2021“…The viruses are also associated with type 1 diabetes, heart attack and acute stroke and have been the cause of hand, foot and mouth epidemics which makes enteroviruses a very just target for antiviral as well as vaccine development. …”
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Facebook-markkinoinnin vaikutus ostokäyttäytymiseen ja tunnevetoisen facebook-mainonnan vaikutus kahdessa casessa
Published 2021“…Descriptive analyzes of the study on Facebook advertising account data and open questionnaire responses, on the other hand, showed that emotional Facebook advertis-ing attracted more consumer attention and interest in the company's products. …”
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Integration av invandrare i idrottsundervisningen : en kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares upplevelser
Published 2016“…Den största utmaningen sitter inte i det praktiska utan i attityden till samarbete. Förutsatt att alla parter (lärare, elev och föräldrar) är positivt inställda till varandra är det möjligt att hitta lösningar. …”
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Samband mellan fysisk aktivitet och konsumtion av kaffe och energidrycker i årskurs 9
Published 2016“…Syftet med avhandlingen är att undersöka kaffe- och energidryckskonsumtion bland elever i årskurs 9. …”
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Sukupuolen diskurssit liikuntapedagogiikan opiskelijoiden kouluttajien puheessa
Published 2017“…The features of gender normativity in the research material represent the separation of feminine and masculine in the students qualities, the students sport preferences and in the gendered teaching practices and The features of gender sensitive discourse were understanding the importance of acknowledging teachers’ and school environment’s views, values, attitudes and practices towards gender and their possible influence for individual’s learning, their potential discriminative effect, acknowledging gender-based classificatory way of thought in sport and developing the professional skills and competence of PE teachers through gender sensitive thinking. …”
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Tietojärjestelmän onnistumisen arviointi loppukäyttäjien näkökulmasta : tapaustutkimus
Published 2018“…The fourth factor is the fact that success is not enough to merely technical success of the system, but attention is also related to organizational factors, such as changes in working habits and processes. …”
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Entisten suomalaisten huippu-urheilijoiden alkoholinkäyttö ja alkoholisairauksien riski
Published 2016“…Team sports athletes consumed significantly more alcohol (p<0.05), especially beer (p<0.01), compared with other athletes and controls. …”
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Structural factors in preschool children's emotional expression in music
Published 2011“…However, to date, research has not paid enough attention to children’s emotional expression in music. …”
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Fenomenografinen tutkimus nuorten kokemuksista lasku- ja osamaksamisesta verkkokaupassa
Published 2022“…The inter-views revealed the young people's experiences of invoice and installment ser-vices and the attitudes of these interviewees towards these services. …”
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SQL error messages that hinder the syntax error correction
Published 2022“…The results revealed that there is a possibility that some error messages might mislead, provide misinformation, or fixate the user’s attention to the wrong parts of the statement. In the future is possible to focus on these problems and improve the quality of the error messages. …”
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Applen tuotteiden markkinointiviestinnän vaikutukset digitaalisesti luotavilla aistillisilla kokemuksilla
Published 2022“…As a digital marketing becomes more widespread marketers have begun to pay attention to the human senses and the marketing content that influences them. …”
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Älykellojen pitkäaikainen hedoninen ja pragmaattinen käyttäjäkokemus
Published 2022“…Kyselyyn sisällytettiin myös validoitu AttrakDiff-mittari. Kysely rakennettiin niin, että se opasti vastaamaan käyttäjäkokemuksen ajallisten vaiheiden mukaan. …”
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Teknostressi digitaalisissa peleissä : case Genshin Impact
Published 2022“…Most used way to mitigate technostress was to consider one’s own attitude and their attitude towards the game, secondly, by modifying the way one uses the game and lastly, by physically stepping away from the game device. …”
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Time tracking in software maintenance service
Published 2022“…This observation reveals practical problems which need attention in further research. …”
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Varauksellisesta yhteistyöstä konfliktiin : metanarratiivinen kirjallisuuskatsaus Venäjän uhkakäsityksistä länsimaisessa tutkimuksessa 1999–2021
Published 2023“…Sociological perspective differs methodologically from these three the most clearly and sees that threat perceptions appears in attitudes, views, norms, and values of the public and the elites. …”
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Tiedon luokittelu tiedon suojaamisen ja liiketoiminnan näkökulmasta
Published 2023“…In the first part previous literature attached to the topic is gone through. The second part comprises the empirical part of the study. …”
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Artificial intelligence – be aware – elevator music does not fit for all : comparison between non-musicians and musicians with AI architectural plan
Published 2023“…Previous literature has been attempting to solve causalities in emotional response regarding certain music qualities. …”
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Metaversumi : näkemykset, käsitykset ja suhtautuminen
Published 2023“…Understanding perceptions and attitudes is seen as important for the acceptability of the metaverse. …”
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Kilpaurheilijoiden kohtaamat teknostressitekijät liikuntateknologian käytössä
Published 2023“…The participants were competitive athletes who had experienced some form of technostress in the use of sport technology. …”
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Kybertoimintaympäristön hierarkkisen rakennemallin hyödyntäminen älypuhelimissa
Published 2023“…The quantity and quality of attack vectors targeting smartphones now correspond to those directed at computers. …”
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