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The Construction of sexuality on social media in China : a semiotic analysis of Durex condom advertisements
Published 2019“…Durex builds rapport through creating a celebrative or humorous atmosphere, wordplay, word replacement, and ambiguity connoted by references to traditional culture. …”
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Chelsea sink beneath rising Mersey tide : metaphor use in football match reports of The Guardian in 1987 and 2018
Published 2019“…Osasyynä tälle on monien sotametaforien, kuten hyökkäys (attack) ja puolustus (defence) vakiintunut rooli jalkapallokielessä. …”
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Optical response of graphene under strain
Published 2022“…This phenomenon has attracted interest to modifying graphene properties using specific forms of strains (known as strain-engineering), and measuring strain in graphene. …”
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Modeling self-sovereign identity governance framework
Published 2022“…Digital identity has become a topic that attracts the attention of researchers due to the enormous number of digital services that have been provided online recently. …”
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The electric brain : new intelligent agents in esports
Published 2022“…The result found the boundaries of the agent's ability and the training procedure, summarized people's attitude, and proposed ways of cooperation and discussion about achieving higher generality. …”
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Huoltajien näkemyksiä heidän lastensa arvioinnista peruskoulussa
Published 2020“…Analysoimme aineiston laadullisen sisällönanalyysin periaatteiden mukaisesti sekä käytimme analyysin tukena ATLAS.TI-analyysiohjelmaa. Tutkimuksen tuloksista kävi ilmi, että lähes puolet huoltajista (45,7%) kritisoi arviointia tai siihen liittyviä osa-alueita. …”
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Viisivuotiaiden lasten vanhempien kokemukset hyvinvoinnistaan varhaiskasvatuksen sulkutoimenpiteiden aikana 2020
Published 2022“…Tutkielmassa käytetty osa-aineisto vanhempien kirjallisista vastauksista analysoitiin hyvinvoinninnäkökulmasta aineistolähtöisellä teema-analyysillä ATLAS.ti -ohjelmalla. Analyysi osoitti, että sulkutoimenpiteistä ja kotihoitosuosituksesta seurasi muutoksia ja haasteita monien perheiden arkeen sekä hyvinvointiin liittyen. …”
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Enhancing detection & identification of hybrid warfare from cyber security perspective
Published 2022“…Hybrid warfare and its operations are by nature constantly evolving and changing while attempting to cause the wished effect on the victim. …”
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Okkluusiopohjaisen tarkkaamattomuuden mittausmenetelmän validiteetin arviointi
Published 2017“…The causal assumption behind the test is that driver will be distracted from controlling one’s visual attention by tasks that are too difficult or distractive. …”
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Virtuaaliseen yhteisöllisyyteen vaikuttavat tekijät
Published 2017“…It consisted of microsystem, user experience, and users attributes. After that the model was operatioalised and tested with a survey. …”
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The customer complaining behavior : why customers do not complain
Published 2017“…The field of the marketing has been under change since services gained attention under 1970s. The customer behavior and the relationship marketing gained it focus in the 1990s. …”
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Lääkintälaitteiden kyberturvallisuuden standardit ja testaaminen
Published 2017“…For example, smart defibrillators enable a nonprofessional to give effective first aid in case of a heart attack. Using information technology in medical devices bring possibilities but also threats. …”
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Motivations behind employee information security behavior
Published 2017“…Based on earlier liter-ature, the objective was to bring up themes about security behavior, and to find how both good and bad information security can be explained. …”
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Suomalaiset nuoret verkkolehtien kuluttajina
Published 2017“…The objective of the empirical research was to study the attitudes of the digital native generation towards the business models of the online press. …”
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Aistikanavapohjaisesti eriytetyn verkko-oppimisympäristön analyysi
Published 2017“…There was no significant evidence for better learning outcomes by differentiating learning material with VARK sensory modalities. Instead, positive attitude towards learning channels and tools they offered were emphasized in the feedback. …”
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Paperinen vastaan elektroninen : tutkimus e-kirjojen omaksumiseen vaikuttavista tekijöistä
Published 2017“…The results are giving proofs, that not only personal attributes and utilitarian values, but also hedonistic values are important what comes to the adoption and especially rejection of the e-books. …”
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Projektinhallinnan tukeminen ja kehittäminen asiantuntijaorganisaatiossa
Published 2017“…As critical success factors in projects were seen open communication culture, support of the management and steering group, successful project management, the competence of a project team, pro- cesses, tools, and factors that affect atmosphere. Secondly the challenges were commitment of a project team, scattered information systems, the competence of a project team and unclear processes. …”
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Työnantajabrändäys : rekrytointimarkkinoinnin puuttuva palanen?
Published 2018“…Employer branding consists of two fundamental purposes which are managing current employee’s retention and attracting potential candidates. The purpose of this study is to increase understanding of how the employer's attractiveness is built from the perspective of the job seeker. …”
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Tekoäly työkaveriksi : tulevaisuuden ammattilaisten näkemyksiä älyteknologiasta ja työn muutoksesta
Published 2018“…Essential thing in this study was also to compare the students´ subjective expectations, attitudes and fears to the more objective visions based on current science literature presented in the theoretical framework. …”
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Reteenin ja pyreenin vaikutus fluoranteenin metaboliaan kirjolohen (Oncorhynchus mykiss) poikasissa
Published 2020“…Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) occur in crude oil and following incomplete combustion of organic matter, they find their way to the water bodies through oil spills and atmospheric fallout. Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) is known to metabolize PAHs through CYP1A enzymes that catalyze redox reactions. …”
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