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Purposeful action taker : how managers enable strategic agency in practice
Published 2021“…As studies have shown a large portion of change initiatives to be failing (Higgs & Rowland 2005), both scholars and practitioners have turned their attention to strategy implementation. Strategy as Practice (SAP) is a relatively new research approach, bringing concepts from social sciences into the field of strategy and leadership. …”
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Navigating a communication paradox : how an Italian tourism organisation managed communication via Facebook during Covid-19
Published 2021“…Destination marketing helps places nowadays to attract tourists and to form a positive image of the destination. …”
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Displacement effects of active labour market policies
Published 2021“…Kiinteiden vaikutusten mallin perusteella tukityöllistäminen ja koulutusohjelmat ovat negatiivisesti yhteydessä vakinaiseen työllisyyteen. Työllisyden ja ATP:n volyymien yhteys on kuitenkin simultaaninen eli työllisyyden taso voi vaikuttaa ATP:n volyymeihin ja päinvastoin. …”
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The impact of influencer credibility on purchase intention in the endorsement of sustainable products
Published 2021“…Hence, scholars have studied the topic focusing on the effects of influencer credibility on brand awareness, attitude towards the brand and the advertisement, and purchase intention. …”
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Suuhygienistin ja koululaisen vuorovaikutus ravitsemuskeskustelussa
Published 2012“…Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata suuhygienistin ja koululaisten välistä vuorovaikutusta ohjauskeskusteluissa, joissa kartoitettiin koululaisten herkkujen käyttö ja päivän ateriat. Tavoitteena oli tutkia koululaisten puhetta herkkujen käytöstä, suuhygienistin keinoja edistää koululaisten osallistumista ravitsemuskeskusteluun sekä kuinka koululaisten osallistuminen mahdollistui suun terveyden ravitsemuskeskusteluissa. …”
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Molecular dynamics simulations of Echovirus1
Published 2014“…In addition atomic scale structural information on virus-nanocluster complexes and their dynamics are needed. …”
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Intercultural communication difficulties and their effects on flight safety
Published 2015“…The objective of this study is to identify perspectives for calling the attention to the significance of communication challenges encountered by international captains and explore effective strategies to minimize insecure cultural factors due to intercultural communication barriers. …”
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Virikkeitä antiikin Kreikan vaasimaalauksesta modernistien ilmaisuun : tapaustutkimuksina Gustav Klimt ja Pablo Picasso
Published 2014“…Olen rajannut tarkasteltavan kuvaston antiikin Kreikasta alueellisesti Attikan niemimaahan keskittyen Ateenaan, mikä antaa luontevasti aikarajaukseksi geometrisen, arkaaisen ja klassisen kauden. …”
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Yrityspalveluiden ja alueellisen houkuttelevuuden rooli yritysten sijoittumispäätöksissä
Published 2019“…Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys pohjautuu yrityshautomoista tehtyihin aiempiin tutkimuksiin ja Servillon, Russon ja Atkinsonin (2012) sekä Snieskan ja Zykienen (2015) tutkimuksiin alueellisesta houkuttelevuudesta. …”
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God’s daughters in conflict : an exploration of the use of religious texts in Christian discourse on gender roles
Published 2023“…Feminist scholars and theologians have examined the effects of the dominantly male language in the Bible on the sociopolitical beliefs and attitudes of evangelical Christians on gender roles. …”
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"Mä en oikein tiedä mitä multa odotetaan" : nuoren urheiluharrastus vanhempien tulkitsemana
Published 2015“…Parents wished for the support especially to questions “what is my role as a parent of a young athlete and what I can expect from the athlete and from the sport itself”? …”
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Vuorovaikutus e-urheilujoukkueissa
Published 2022“…The desire to win was perceived as one of the biggest factors that unites players to accomplish things as a team. A positive atmosphere helps the team perform better. The team's common operating culture helps to create a positive atmosphere. …”
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Biologian opettajaopiskelijoiden asenteet verkko-opetusta kohtaan ja verkkokeskustelun soveltuvuus biologian opetukseen
Published 2014“…The results of this thesis showed that the attitudes towards e-learning were good. There were many positive sides in e-learning and flexibility was the most important of them. …”
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Kilpaurheilusta eväitä elämään
Published 2014“…All former competitive athletes' have learned different life skills from competitive sports. …”
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Läsnäolon tärkeys : opiskelijoiden läsnäolo, siihen vaikuttavat tekijät ja läsnäolon vaikutus oppimistuloksiin
Published 2015“…It is likely possible to improve student’s attendance by changing implementation of lectures and changing the student’s attitude towards the attendance on lectures. …”
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Yhteisopettajuus liikunnan opetuksessa. 7-luokkalaisten ja heidän opettajiensa kokemuksia yhteisopettajuudesta
Published 2025“…Students who did not regularly engage in physical activities reported that co-teaching positively influenced their attitude toward physical education. The findings suggest that co-teaching can support student participation and attitudes in physical education, although experiences may vary depending on gender and prior engagement in physical activity. …”
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Reconciliation in Rwanda : perspectives from the parliament
Published 2010“…It also finds that this is attempting to be done through the creation of a shared national experience, which the gacaca process highlights. …”
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Aikuisyleisurheilijoiden urheilumotiivit
Published 2014“…In conclusion, both men and the oldest athletes found health and fitness motives more meaningful than women or younger athletes. …”
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Ethical issues in topical computer vision applications
Published 2017“…Six categories of different ethical issues were recognized, which are espionage, identity theft, malicious attacks, copyright infringement, discrimination and misinformation. …”
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Effect of temperature change on bacterial virulence
Published 2018“…The pathogen Serratia marcescens, which had evolved under three different temperature treatments for 1 month, and ancestor (ATCC 13880) of the evolved strains, were tested for their virulence in Galleria mellonella- wax moth. …”
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