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Opettajan asiantuntijuuden ulottuvuudet : suomalaisten ulkomaankoulujen luokanopettajien kokemuksia
Published 2010“…Finnish education and teaching have attracted worldwide interest after Pisa research. Finnish expertise in education is seen as an export product. …”
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Distributed leadership and teacher’ self-efficacy : the case studies of three Chinese schools in Shanghai
Published 2011“…On average, the respondents from all the three research schools show a high level of self-efficacy in decision making, interpersonal relationships & cooperation, teaching & research, and teachers’ influence on school culture. Teachers attribute their high level self-efficacy to principal’s empowerment, peer recognition, a democratic culture, and a strong moral basis of the school. …”
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Oskarinkokoinen ovimikko : etunimien appellatiivistuminen suomalaisissa ja unkarilaisissa slangiyhdyssanoissa
Published 2012“…Suurin osa aineistoni yhdyssanoista kuuluu näihin attraktiokeskuksiin. Suomenkielisessä aineistossani merkittävin attraktiokeskus on ammatin tai tehtävän nimike, kun taas unkarinkielisessä aineistossa se on ihmisen ominaisuus. …”
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Kulttuurin opetus kansalaisopistojen suomalaisen viittomakielen ja englannin kielen alkeiskursseilla
Published 2013“…The four most important cultural topics when teaching FinSL are 1) using the terms of deaf people correctly, 2) knowledge of FinSL, 3) the meaning and use of eye contact, and 4) attention getting techniques. The topics for teaching English were divided into three different sections: 1) linguistic-cultural topics, 2) English-speaking countries, and 3) country-related topics. …”
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The relationship between brand love and positive word of mouth
Published 2014“…As in interpersonal relationships also in product and brand context love is presented to be the strongest stage of emotional attachment a consumer may have. Brand love is previously discovered to have several desirable outcomes from marketing perspective but the understanding of this phenomenon still remains in its infancy. …”
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"Joo kotona tee opiskele relevant vocab" : monikielisyys amerikkalaisilla suomen tunneilla
Published 2014“…Language alternation is used to create humor in the class and the L1 has an important function in creating a comfortable classroom atmosphere. The participants communicate using multilingual resources. …”
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Perceptions of content marketing : case study on Finnish companies
Published 2015“…Content marketing is and has been a very hot topic in recent years, yet it has achieved relatively little academic attention. Therefore, this study attempts to find out, what does content marketing mean and how it is actually done. …”
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Codes of ethics in the age of sponsored content
Published 2015“…Especially the issue of transparency demands attention. The goal of this thesis was to study the applicability of codes of ethics made for communication and media professionals in today’s advertising environment. …”
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Tracking the Finnish social and health care reform : issue arena analysis in a major online news medium
Published 2015“…The findings indicate that the debate is for the most part concerning the political level, and the opinions of service-users do not get proportionate attention in the debate in For stakeholders aiming to participate into debate in the most beneficial way for them, monitoring of issue arenas via this method can provide important information on topicality of different themes and frames in the media debate as well as their popularity and relevance among the readers. …”
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Y-sukupolven ikäisten motivaatiotekijät ryhtyä yrittäjäksi
Published 2016“…Adducing one’s personality and highlighting one’s values and attitudes in life, which are characteristic for the Y generation, shows also in the motivational factors when becoming an entrepreneur. …”
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Romanttisten vihjeiden vaikutus miesmuusikoiden improvisaatioiden luovuuteen
Published 2016“…Sen sijaan muiden attribuuttien osalta merkitsevyyttä ei löytynyt, joskin expressive-attribuutin ja avaruuskuvaparin osalta tulos oli lähes merkitsevä (F = 3,720, p = 0,06). …”
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A strategic framework for the optimization of customer relationship management in SMEs
Published 2016“…By conducting a single-case study, significant attributes of SME‘s context were analysed and important insights were presented. …”
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The influence of priming on perceived authenticity, credibility and emotions in sponsored content
Published 2018“…The conceptualization of source authenticity formed in this study gives insight on what viewers pay attention to when evaluating the authenticity of a source. …”
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The green profiles : using social media for communicating corporate environmental issues to external stakeholders
Published 2018“…Facebook and Twitter are evidently the most promising options, while video turns out to be a very effective tool for attracting more audience engagement. Besides, there is no need to create a lot of posts in order to gain high interaction rates, but adequate communicating frequency and content are advisable to maximise the outcomes. …”
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Organizational culture in Finnish startups and growth companies : a leadership perspective
Published 2019“…The organizational culture of startups and growth companies has been gaining more and more attention during past years as they seem to pay particular attention to their work cultures and show cultures which highly differ from the cultures of large corporations. …”
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Gamification in action : how to increase employee motivation and engagement by deploying a gamified CRM solution : case: Finnish environmental management company
Published 2019“…Gamification has been recently enjoying wide attention of researchers and practitioners in various domains. …”
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Why do consumers buy organic coffee? : environmental, health and price considerations
Published 2020“…According to the theory attitudes, subjective norms and perceived behavioral control affect any given behavior. …”
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The rise of residential carsharing in Finland : a case study of drivers and constrains
Published 2020“…This study also reveals that service procurers are expecting that offering a shared vehicle to residents increases the attractiveness of housing. …”
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Who holds the real influence? : generation z’s perceptions on influencers and social influence
Published 2021“…Organizations aim to gain the attention of especially younger audiences by creating approachable content with these influencers. …”
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Central Bank Digital Currency : Cases of Sweden and Great Britain
Published 2021“…Es-pecially in terms of the efficiency of the monetary transmission process. Risks associ-ated with the introduction of CBDC are somewhat notable but would be overcome de-pending on the adoption type of CBDC. …”
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