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Monikielinen maahanmuuttajataustainen oppija englanninopetuksessa : kokemuksia opettajanpöydän molemmin puolin
Published 2012“…The study mainly examined affective factors such as motivation, attitudes, second language self and language anxiety as well as the realization of multilingualism in the learners’ experiences. …”
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Stakeholder's involvement in municipal solid waste management : a case study of Nairobi city county- Kenya
Published 2014“…The situation has led cities to increasingly invest in research, technology, infrastructures improvement and formation of a strong legislation in attempting to refurbish the failing SWM systems. But with the current conventional system of SW approach might not allow these attempts to gain stability. …”
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Case study research : a theoretical overview, systematic review & analytical examination regarding Rosenzweig's delusions
Published 2015“…Afterwards 75 of the 120 studies, which show clear attributes of real case stud- ies, are analysed thematically. …”
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Crisis preparedness through co-operation between municipalities and non-governmental organizations
Published 2016“…When reflecting on the results and the theory brought together, several enablers for co-operation can be noted, especially a non-bureaucratic way of the municipality to operate in crisis situations, management’s attitude to crises, autonomy of the communication professional, and social capital created by good relationships. …”
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Pricing of electricity futures based on locational price differences : empirical evidence from Finland
Published 2016“…First, I compute the monthly ex-post bias of Finnish monthly EPADs from January 2006 to January 2016. Second, I attempt to resolve whether the bias can be attributed to a risk premium or market inefficiency. …”
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Credibility of online comments in the HPV vaccination discussion in Finnish online forums
Published 2016“…This research shows that objective and research-based comments with reliable sources are highly appreciated among attendants. People criticize each other’s comments and seek “the truth”. …”
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Drivers towards circular economy in the Finnish machinery and equipment industry
Published 2018“…Though the idea of circular economy is not new, it has now gotten more attention and in different countries goals, guidelines and policies towards the implementation of the models of circular economy have been proposed. …”
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B2B organizations cultivating relationships in social media
Published 2019“…Ki & Hon 2006; Bortree & Seltzer 2009; Waters et al. 2009; McCorkindale 2010; Rybalko & Seltzer 2010; Men & Tsai 2012; O’Neil 2014; Shin et al. 2015), whereas far too little attention is paid to business-to-business organizations (Siamagka et al. 2015, 89; Järvinen et al. 2012, 102). …”
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Distrust towards social media influencers : causes and contribution of user’s age, gender and social media use
Published 2019“…In addition, distrust turned out to be a very subjective opinion based on one’s experiences and attitude. As men are less active in social media than women and as older people are less active in social media than younger people, men’s and older people’s disposition to distrust social media influencers and disposition to have distrusting feelings in social media turned out to be stronger. …”
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Finnish technology-intensive growth firms : individual capabilities during high-growth and internationalization
Published 2019“…Internationalization and even more naturally global operational environment enables companies to grow faster than previously and this has attracted new start-up companies into the markets. …”
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Recovery of rescuers from a 24-hour shift and its association with physical fitness
Published 2013“…Cortisol awakening response was attenuated right after the work shift. In conclusion, some parameters reflecting autonomic control were enhanced after work shift and aerobic fitness was associated with increased recovery, but some of the results were inconsistent. …”
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Innovaation omaksuminen sähköisessä näköislehdessä : haastattelututkimus paikallislehtiympäristössä
Published 2014“…The study sought to find connections between the attributes of the digital newspaper and the elements of adoption. …”
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Measurement of pyrophosphate concentration in cells by simple terpyridine-Zn(II) probe
Published 2015“…Water media based, ultra sensitive detection attribute of fluorescent chemosensor ZnCl2L probe was implemented to investigate pyrophosphate concentrations. …”
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The connection between interoceptive sensitivity and anxiety : the study of temperament’s role in explaining the connection
Published 2018“…Instead of negative emotionality, temperamental inhibition and low attentional control seems to explain both interoceptive sensitivity and anxiety. …”
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Contextualising Health Agency : Exploration of Narratives from Marginalised Women in Varanasi, India
Published 2024“…A key facet of these attempts is understanding and expanding women’s agency, particularly to advance their health. …”
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Simulations of CERN to Pyhäsalmi neutrino experiments with GLoBES
Published 2014“…Years of studying data collected from reactor, atmospheric, solar, supernova and even some long baseline accelerator experiments have provided lots of new understanding and insight on neutrino oscillation mechanisms that follow from the standard three neutrino model. …”
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An exploration of socio-cultural and organizational factors affecting women's access to educational leadership
Published 2014“…Prominent among these factors include: obnoxious cultural beliefs and practices, low educational attainment, gender role socialization, some inherent characteristics of women, inflexible organizational rules and regulations, and a lack of stronger ethical leadership at the top leadership of Ghana Education Service. …”
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Nuoren ja vanhemman temperamenttiyhdistelmät ja niiden yhteys nuoren sosioemotionaaliseen kehitykseen
Published 2015“…Temperamenttia tarkasteltiin nuorille ja vanhemmille suunnattujen temperamentin itsearviointikyselyiden (EATQ-R ja ATQ) avulla. Tavoitteena oli etsiä temperamentin superfaktoreiden tahdonalainen itsesäätely, negatiivinen emotionaalisuus ja ulospäinsuuntautuneisuus pohjalta temperamenttityypit joustava, ylikontrolloiva ja alikontrolloiva – niin nuorten kuin vanhempienkin keskuudesta. …”
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Pyrolysis-gas chromatography : mass spectrometry analysis of di- and triterpenoids
Published 2017“…In addition to that, studies on the thermochemical behavior of lignocellulosic materials have a key role in evaluating the feasibility of producing certain fuels and chemicals from this renewable and abundant resource. This can offer an attractive opportunity for industry in the manufacture of various wood-based chemicals, fuels, and similar products, as an alternative to those derived from fossil resources. …”
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Liikuntapalvelut aluellisen kilpailukyvyn edistäjänä
Published 2017“…Open environment, in turn, is built from the overall atmosphere and from the environment were cooperation is done. …”
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