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Ilmanpuhdistimet radioaktiivisia aineita sisältävien aerosolihiukkasten kerääjinä säteilyvaaratilanteissa
Published 2023“…The air purifiers collected effectively attached radon progeny as their activity concentration was found to decrease by an order of magnitude in 100 minutes with the Electrolux EAP300 and in 160 minutes with the Elixair E400. …”
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Oktupolideformaation vaikutus sähköisiin ja magneettisiin dipolisiirtymävoimakkuuksiin sekä fotoabsorbtiovaikutusalaan
Published 2024“…Reflection-symmetry breaking octupole-deformed pear-like nuclear shape is an extraordinary collective property of the atomic nucleus, realized in rather limited areas of the nuclear chart. …”
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Optomechanical Simulations for Optimizing Spin-Phonon-Photon Coupling in a Silicon Nanobeam
Published 2024“…The photonic crystal nanobeam combines an optical cavity with a mechanical oscillator, so that their resonance frequencies can be coupled via strain to a spin state of a donor atom in a magnetic field. The nanobeam was optimized with simulations using electromagnetic and mechanical FEM eigenfrequency solvers in COMSOL Multiphysics software. …”
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Fluorescent SMILES nanoparticles
Published 2024“…The main focus of the thesis concerns the attractive fluorescent properties and effective energy transfer processes of SMILES nanoparticles, contributing to their promising bioimaging applications. …”
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Delay line design for high-resolution time-to-digital converters
Published 2024“…That is why more and more attention is paid to the processing of the analog signal in the time domain, where zero crossings of a signal represent analog information. …”
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Yläkoululaisten kokemuksia fysiikan opetusmenetelmistä
Published 2025“…Boys had a more positive attitude towards most teaching methods than girls. …”
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Industrial branding using digital media : case: The Switch
Published 2012“…The Switch is also a great example for other young Finnish companies who need to be encouraged to think big and pay attention to marketing and communication as a strategic asset. …”
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Legitimizing sex and empowerment : an interpretation of narratives on sex trade in Thailand
Published 2015“…Organizations have a nurturant and allegedly empowering attitude, and take care of both their bodies and their minds. …”
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DGA detection using machine learning methods
Published 2016“…Botnets are used by cyber criminals for various malicious activities such as stealing sensitive data, sending spam, launching Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, etc. A Command and Control (C&C) server sends commands to the compromised hosts for executing those malicious activities. …”
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Leadership for social justice? : exploring training and support needs of Indian school principals
Published 2017“…This purpose is met by attaining a holistic understanding of a school leader’s perceptions about his/her role and responsibilities, challenges, underlying mindsets and opportunities. …”
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A psychotherapeutically oriented approach to vibroacoustic therapy : therapy process with a client diagnosed with functional neurological disorder experiencing dissociative symptom...
Published 2018“…In addition to the experience of occasional paralysis attacks, the client experienced regular dissociative symptoms. …”
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The Voice of the Invisible Minority : An Intersectional Analysis of the Integration of Immigrants with Disabilities in Finland
Published 2021“…As a result, the voices of immigrants with disabilities remain unheard. This research is an attempt to contribute to filling in this knowledge and information gap. …”
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Early-Stage Business Failures of Opportunity-Driven Immigrant Entrepreneurs in Finland: The Role of Liability of Foreignness
Published 2022“…While Finnish government is seen to be supportive to all innovative, early-stage companies, aiming to attract international talent, immigrant entrepreneurs in Finland still face serious barriers when launching and growing their businesses with many of them failing before reaching substantial growth. …”
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Social media usage among generation Z in a sport event
Published 2022“…The interviewees had attended the event as athletes, volunteers or had been the organizer, allowing the study to have multiple perspectives. …”
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Monitoring Practices in Supply Chain Sustainability Management : A Case Study
Published 2022“…Results suggested that suppliers have a positive attitude towards monitoring practices. However, lack of transparency and limited resources were seen as limitations to supply chain monitoring. …”
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Vastuullisen designbrändin rakentaminen
Published 2023“…However, a “green gap” phenomenon has been observed in consumers’ attitudes in relation to behavior, which is influenced by consumers’ trust in the brand’s responsibility. …”
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Changing or upholding the system? : Finnish university students' perceptions on novel wood-based textiles
Published 2023“…These novel textiles have shown great promise in their environmental attributes in increasing the positive climate impact of both the clothing industry and the forest-based industry as well. …”
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Exploring gender dynamics in ski jumping : women’s perspectives on gender roles and (in)equality
Published 2024“…Gender stereotyping contributes to unequal resource allocation and task distribution, affecting women’s career development as athletes, coaches, experts, officials, and leaders. …”
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“It’s not what you say, but how you say it” : frames in UN Women Finland Orange days campaign on Instagram
Published 2024“…As framing theory suggests the narratives used by the organization can have a major impact on the public opinion, attitudes and behavior. Thus, by examining the frames and the framing effects this thesis aimed to understand what narratives the organization uses to achieve its goal and what are the responses to those narratives. …”
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Corporate identity and internal implementation of a corporate brand
Published 2011“…The primary feelings about working for the company and its’ meaning for oneself were pride, seeing the company as a good employer and the atmosphere of change. …”
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