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- englannin kieli 91
- Health Education 88
"Say it in English please" : englanninkielisen suullisen vuorovaikutuksen rooli alakoulun englannin oppitunneilla
Published 2013“…For example through planning, support and creating a good atmosphere in the classroom the teacher could promote English interaction. …”
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Uusia elämyksiä ja kehonhallintaa : toimintatutkimus toiminnallisesta harjoittelusta osana koululiikuntaa
Published 2014“…However, girls took more positive attitude towards functional training than boys. Most of the students were ready to make use of the functional exercises they learnt during the training period. …”
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Yläkoulun liikunnanopettajien käsityksiä tanssista ja tanssinopettamisesta
Published 2015“…In addition, the purpose of the study was to find out physical education teachers` attitudes towards dance and teaching dance in secondary school, and the use of working methods in dance. …”
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Opettajaopiskelijoiden itsearvioitu kompetenssi ja asenteet oppilaiden fyysisen toimintakyvyn mittaamiseen ja tukemiseen
Published 2022“…It was suprising that physical education students` attitudes has not connection with competence and attitudes were neutral. …”
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Sidosryhmien välinen viestintä häiriön- ja muutostenhallinnan prosesseissa : tapaustutkimus
Published 2022“…The flowing communication between stakeholders is not obvious, but special attention must be paid to it. Different stakeholders are involved in service processes depending on organization and service. …”
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Liikunnanopettajaopiskelijoiden koettu valmius käyttää liikuntateknologiaa apuvälineenä opetuksessa
Published 2022“…The results indicated that P.E. teacher students' attitudes varied towards sports technology. When asked about the readiness in using sports technology as a tool in teaching, the students felt that they know how to use it as a tool in general but more specific use was less familiar. …”
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The effects of photosensory module components for phytochrome activity and spectroscopy
Published 2023“…Currently, red light attenuates gene transcription, and the aim was to achieve upregulation of gene transcription in response to far-red light instead. …”
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"Finnish is so out of date" : suomen kieli korkeimman opetuksen kielenä
Published 2016“…My theoretical background is based on sociolinguistics and studies of attitudes. Finnish sociolinguistic research has mainly examined dialects, variation and attitudes towards speakers of dialects. …”
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Palloilulajien entisten huippu-urheilijoiden ravitsemustottumukset vanhemmalla iällä
Published 2015“…The sports career of an athlete is based on optimal practice, nutrition and rest. …”
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Koululiikuntakokemusten yhteys aikuisiän liikuntamotivaatioon
Published 2017“…The interviews were attended by a total of seven adults, who had completed their compulsory education in Finland, of whom three were women and four men. …”
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Terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten ja asiakkaiden näkemyksiä kokemusasiantuntijan vastaanottotoiminnasta
Published 2018“…The clients brought up that they had enough time to discuss with the EbE and the atmosphere at the practice was warm. The EbE’s personal experience was important to the clients. …”
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Urheilun rooli syömishäiriön synnyssä
Published 2020“…The number of athletes suffering from eating disorders has been too long too high. …”
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Liikunnanopettajaopiskelijoiden kokema valmius kulttuurisesti moninaisten ryhmien liikunnanopetukseen ja keholliseen kielenopetukseen
Published 2024“…The purpose of this master’s thesis was to examine the experiences and attitudes of physical education teacher-students on cultural diversity and embodied language teaching as part of physical education at school. …”
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Katsaus puettaviin IoT-laitteisiin, yleisiin protokolliin ja tietoturvatilanteeseen
Published 2018“…The latter part of this work introduces an experimental attack on Bluetooth connectivity, an attack on Wi-Fi network and an attack where NFC data is captured from a NFC card. …”
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Loppukäyttäjien osallistaminen pakettiohjelmistojen valinnassa
Published 2018“…Cloud computing and the increased selection of sophisticated, industry-specific software have made packaged software an attractive alternative to custom development. Packaged software is seen as a way for faster implementation, decreased expenses and fewer risks, but the selection and implementation of packaged software can sometimes be just as complicated as developing the desired software from scratch. …”
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Elements of gambling in video game microtransactions : loot boxes
Published 2019“…Hence, there are many concerns regarding children and other vulnerable populations in being exposed to these forms of gambling. This study attempts to account for this controversy by investigating the connections between loot box systems in various games and elements of gambling. …”
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Variogrammin hyödyntäminen näytteenotto- ja mittausjärjestelmän arvioinnissa
Published 2019“…On the basis of the research results, attention should first be paid to measuring capability. …”
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Actor engagement as a base for value co-creation in service ecosystem : case study of future electricity demand-side response service for households
Published 2019“…The data included the attributes, consequences and values with relationships between them. …”
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Machine learning and intelligence cycle : enhancing the cyber intelligence process
Published 2019“…The information that is produced from the strategic cyber intelligence processes with, large-scale organizations can better prepare for cyber-attacks. The study aims to answer the question: Can Machine Learning (ML) be utilized for strategic open source cyber intelligence. …”
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Äänien luokitteleminen neuroverkoilla
Published 2019“…An automatic classifier makes a decision to attach a class label by using function, that maps input features to a class label. …”
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