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Yläkoululaisten näkemyksiä liikunnanopetuksen opetusryhmistä
Published 2016“…The study was conducted in three different secondary school in Finland, Turku, Jyväskylä and Sievi. There were 177 students in the target group, 89 girls and 88 boys from 7th to 9th grade. …”
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Liikuntaharrastusten yhteydet 3-7-vuotiaiden motorisiin taitoihin
Published 2021“…The participants were 3-7-year-old kindergarteners (N=1001; 494 girls, 507 boys) from all around Finland.Motor skills were examined by Test of Gross Motor Development Third Edition (TGMD–3) and Körperkoordinationstest für Kinder, Kiphard & Schilling 2007 (KTK-test). …”
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Integration av invandrare i idrottsundervisningen : en kvalitativ studie om idrottslärares upplevelser
Published 2016“…De uppgav att invandrarelevers avvikande religion och kultur kan orsaka utmaningar i vissa idrottsgrenar, men att det för det mesta är relativt lättlöst om alla parter är villiga att samarbeta. …”
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Sosioekonomiset erot nuorten vähenevässä alkoholin käytön trendissä : WHO-Koululaistutkimuksen tuloksia
Published 2019“…The health and life expectancy of Finnish people are improving, however the health inequalities are a nation-wide problem. One of the public health goals in Finland has been to reduce alcohol use. …”
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Fyysisen aktiivisuuden, fyysisen kunnon ja motoristen taitojen yhteys koulumenestykseen 9.-luokkalaisilla
Published 2016“…In addition, the correlation between these factors and school grades are examined using linear regression analysis. The sample consists of 1272 (653 boys and 619 girls) students throughout Finland. …”
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Psyykkistä hyvinvointia luonnossa liikkumalla? : lukiolaisten luontoliikunta-aktiivisuus, psyykkinen hyvinvointi ja kokemukset opintojen kuormittavuudesta
Published 2019“…Tavoitteena oli myös saada selville, millaista luontoliikuntaa ja kuinka paljon lukiolaiset harrastavat sekä miten lukiolaiset kokevat luontoliikunnan hyödyt psyykkiselle hyvinvoinnille. …”
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Vanhempien, kavereiden ja liikunnanopettajan liikunnallisen tuen yhteys 6-11-vuotiaiden lasten fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen
Published 2021“…Final sample consisted of 294 girls and 260 boys. To analyze the study data IBM SPSS Statistics 26 –program was used. …”
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Oppilaiden temperamentin yhteys opettaja-oppilassuhteen lämpimyyteen ja ristiriitoihin
Published 2019“…The study consisted of 34 students (19 girls, 14 boys and one transgender), and all of them were given an individual temperament profile based on the answers of a questionnaire. …”
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Kameravalvonnassa käytettävän tekoälyn hyödyntäminen Suomessa
Published 2020“…Video surveillance equipped with Artificial Intelligence can be utilized in different kinds of use cases in different businesses. Video surveillance is utilized in private, public and authority sectors in Finland. …”
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Nuorten psykologinen oireilu, itsemyötätunto ja psykologinen joustavuus : sukupuolten väliset erot ja verkkopohjaisen HOT-intervention vaikuttavuus
Published 2024“…The thesis was executed as a part of project called Hyvä arki (Feeling good everyday) which aimed to support the well-being of adolescents in secondary school in a town in western Finland through a five-week ACT-intervention. The sample of the thesis was 120 and the study was conducted by using controlled design. …”
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Temperamentin ja ohjatun liikunnan harrastamisen yhteys päiväkotilapsilla
Published 2020“…The participants in this study were 3-7-year-old kindergarteners (N=1238; 572 girls, 564 boys), from 37 different kindergartens and 24 different cities around Finland. …”
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Instagram and Facebook brand community benefits consumers receive and value before and during the COVID-19 pandemic : case CrossFit
Published 2021“…The interviews were conducted for nine participants who were active adult CrossFit gym members from four different gyms in Finland. …”
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Acute and chronic effects of cold treatment on physiological variables and neuromuscular function during a short training period in men
Published 2015“…Moreover, a recently developed cooling technique called cold mist shower (Amandan®, Amandan Healthcare Oy Ltd.,, Finland, 2015) was tested. …”
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Viides- ja kuudesluokkalaisten oppilaiden ja heidän liikunnanopettajiensa kokemuksia koulukiusaamisesta liikuntatunneilla
Published 2020“…Four physical education teachers and 74 pupils from two primary schools from central Finland participated in the study. Three of the PE teachers were teachers for boys and one for girls. 39 pupils were girls and 35 were boys. …”
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Kotiympäristön, perhetekijöiden ja ajankäyttötapojen yhteydet 3-7-vuotiaiden lasten ulkona liikkumiseen ja leikkimiseen
Published 2017“…The participants of this study were 3–7-year-old daycare children from all over Finland. Altogether 1238 children took part in the study, of which 626 were girls and 612 boys. …”
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Itsearvioidun fyysisen aktiivisuuden yhteys liikemittarilla mitattuun fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja paikallaanoloon
Published 2021“…In the study, UKK AM30 accelerometer (UKK Institute, Tampere, Finland) was used to measure physical activity. Two questionnaires were used for self-assessment of physical activity. …”
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Vertikaalihypyn korkeuden arviointi 3D-kiihtyvyysanturilla ja lajinomaisen kuormituksen vaikutukset hyppyyn
Published 2016“…Jump heights were assessed with a Stride Sensor Bluetooth® Smart (Polar Electro Oy, Kempele, Finland) attached on a shoe when jumping on a force plate (FP). …”
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Heart rate variability-based recovery in hormonal contraceptive users and naturally menstruating females during an endurance training intervention
Published 2024“…Kubios software (Kubios Oy, Kuopio, Finland) was used for the analysis of the 4-hour interval of HR data. …”
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Koulukiusaamisen yhteys fyysisen aktiivisuuden määrään sekä vapaa-ajan liikuntamotiiveihin 8.- ja 9.luokkalaisilla
Published 2015“…To describe our data we used means, standard de-viations and frequencies. …”
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Ylävartalon lihasvoiman mittaaminen koulun kuntotesteissä yläkoulun pojilla
Published 2014“…On the basis of this study and mainly for reliability purposes, the test of lifting dumbbells in supine position can be recommended as the most suitable one for use in measuring muscular strength at the comprehensive school upper level. …”
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