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The relationship between behavior problems, gender, special education status and school performance in the early grades of school
Published 2017“…Furthermore this study tested wheth-er behavior problems in the 1st grade predict the school performance in reading, writing and mathematics in the 2nd grade. The data used in the study was collected as a part of the Eastern Finland special education development project (ISKE). …”
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Factors associated with physical activity of children and adolescents : a parental point of view
Published 2020“…The aim of the study was to investigate from parental point of view how different factors and parental correlates are related with physical activity of children and adolescents in Finland. Specifically the aim was to find out how parental socio-demographic factors (gender, income level, residential area, education level), parental role modeling, and parental support (instrumental behavior, encouragement, modeling, support/influence) were related with the number of hobbies of the child, hours spent on organized and recreational physical activities, and whether the child was practicing individual or team sports. …”
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Vanhempien tuki nuorten syömis- ja liikuntakäyttäytymisessä WHO-Koululaistutkimus ja LIITU 2014
Published 2023“…Tämän pro gradu tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittää vanhempien tuen useutta syömiskäyttäytymisen ja liikunnan osalta 7.- ja 9.…”
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Silmänliiketutkimus oppilaiden virhekäsityksistä kinematiikan kuvaajissa
Published 2018“…The assignments were based on TUG-K tests [3] newest version and the measurements were taken using SMI RED250mobile [8] eye movement camera. In total 35 students participated in the measurements which were taken in an average upper secondary school in the middle of Finland. …”
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Koulupihojen tarjoumat fyysiselle aktiivisuudelle välitunneilla
Published 2024“…Forest areas, shelters, swings, and snow piles were most commonly used in the schoolyards by pupils. Boys used swings and areas designated for ball games more often during recess than girls, while girls used climbing walls and balance beams more frequently. …”
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Ulkomaalaisten tutkinto-opiskelijoiden liikkumiskäyttäytyminen
Published 2017“…As a proposal for future studies there could be a research, which could use these findings from this study to execute physical exercise activities that are pleasant for foreign degree-students in Finland. …”
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Viidennen luokan oppilaiden viihtyminen seikkailupäivässä
Published 2016“…The topic of the essay was “My adventure day”. The data was analyzed using qualitative content analysis and thematic analysis. …”
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Lapsuuden ja nuoruuden lihaskunto ja luuterveys : lihaskunto lasten ja nuorten luuterveyden seulonnassa
Published 2024“…In addition, it was investigated if it is possible to define cut-points for muscular fitness tests to identify girls and boys at increased bone health risk. The data used in this study was a part from the study by University of Eastern Finland, Physical Activity and Nutrition in Children. …”
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Yläkouluikäisten nuorten fyysisen aktiivisuuden yhteydet tupakointiin ja alkoholinkäyttöön
Published 2015“…Our results suggest that physical activity and regular sports club involvement is associated with smoking among adolescents, but not necessarily the use of alcohol. …”
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Persoonallisuuden piirteiden yhteys fyysiseen aktiivisuuteen ja koulumenestykseen 8-luokkalaisilla nuorilla
Published 2018“…The data was collected from a medium sized city in Central Finland. The study included 118 pupils, of whom 61 were girls and 56 boys. …”
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Asuinympäristön yhteys koettuihin liikunnan merkityksiin 5.-, 7.- ja 9.-luokkalaisilla lapsilla ja nuorilla : vuoden 2022 LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia
Published 2024“…Additionally, for one research question, we referred to the “Physical activity behavior of children and adolescents in Finland 2014” (LIITU) study (n=2773). …”
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Parkourtekniikoiden harjoitteleminen koulujen liikuntasaleissa
Published 2017“…This type of indoor teaching material has not been gathered before, which is why it should facilitate the teaching of parkour. The school gym equipment around Finland is very similar to the one used in this study, so the material can be applied on the national scale. …”
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Peer effects in classroom : do classmates matter for your future?
Published 2019“…I study the peer effects in schools and classrooms to examine the impact of disruptive peers on education and criminality. I do this by using a rich school choice data set from Finland combined to different register data sets, which provides criminal, educational and other relevant information about peers and their parents. …”
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The effects of intelligent technology assisted exercise intervention on functional capacity in older community-dwelling women and men
Published 2020“…In a two months intervention, volunteer individuals (14 females and 6 males, aged 73±7 years, BMI 29±5 kg/m2) completed strength (nine major muscle groups) and balance training sessions two times weekly by using intelligent gym (HUR Oy, Kokkola, Finland). …”
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Beta-sitosterolin vaikutus järvitaimenen (Salmo trutta lacustris) poikasiin
Published 2021“…There were three replicates of each solution and in one test experiment there were 24 glass bowls and in each of these were 12 larvae. 24 hours samples were analyzed by using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR). …”
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Yläkoululaisten poikien tunteiden säätely liikuntatunneilla
Published 2021“…Tutkimuksessani oli myös piirteitä fenomenologis-hermeneuttisesta tutkimusotteesta. …”
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9. -luokkalaisten turvallisuuden kokemus seka- ja erillisryhmien liikunnanopetuksessa
Published 2022“…Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää 9. -luokkalaisten oppilaiden näkemyksiä turvallisuudesta ja tarkastella, onko liikunnan opetusryhmällä tai sukupuolella yhteyttä oppilaan kokemukseen turvallisuuden osa-alueista. …”
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Elektronisen median käytön yhteys nuorten uneen ja väsymykseen : WHO-Koululaistutkimuksen tuloksia vuodelta 2014
Published 2022“…Data for this study was collected in Finland in 2014. The data consisted of boys and girls in 5th, 7th and 9th grades (n=5925). …”
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7.-luokkalaisten oppilaiden motivaatio, viihtyminen ja ahdistuneisuus oppilaiden ja liikunnanopettajien kokemana
Published 2020“…Enjoyment was examined by using Enjoyment subscale of the Sport Commitment Questionnaire 2 (SCQ2; Scanlan ym. 2016) and anxiety by using Physical Education State Anxiety scale (PESAS; Yli-Piipari ym. 2009). …”
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Circular economy drivers and role of producer responsibility in the Finnish solar panel sector – stakeholder perceptions
Published 2022“…Actions have been implemented in a variety of ways, including long term strategies, policy tools and regulation as well as financial instruments that are further adopted in the Member States, including Finland. In the energy industry, all eyes are on renewable energy. …”
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